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local phone 终于有竞争了!欢迎讨论!

few days ago, i saw a AD of the sprint canada in Metro&Today.

1.19.95/month for 3 month (include one service out of five,
you can choose any one of them. 优惠前的price 是 29.95/m)

2. keep the originally phone number (don't need change the number)

but i have some question of it:

1.我如果从bell 转到sprint, bell要不要收什模额外的费用?
(这方面要小心, 以前吃过类似的亏!)

2.sprint 的质量(服务)如何? 开户是否免费, 有无其他隐含费用?

3.我搬一次家,是否要像 bell 那样收 CAD$ XX !!!

总之, bell 太黑, 希望sprint 不要向他!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / local phone 终于有竞争了!欢迎讨论!
    few days ago, i saw a AD of the sprint canada in Metro&Today.

    1.19.95/month for 3 month (include one service out of five,
    you can choose any one of them. 优惠前的price 是 29.95/m)

    2. keep the originally phone number (don't need change the number)

    but i have some question of it:

    1.我如果从bell 转到sprint, bell要不要收什模额外的费用?
    (这方面要小心, 以前吃过类似的亏!)

    2.sprint 的质量(服务)如何? 开户是否免费, 有无其他隐含费用?

    3.我搬一次家,是否要像 bell 那样收 CAD$ XX !!!

    总之, bell 太黑, 希望sprint 不要向他!


    • 据我以前的了解: 1. 不收费 2. 服务跟BELL差不多,只是收费略低一点,但有些功能不行,如DSL,900服务;只在有限的地区提供服务 3. 要收搬家费的,跟新开户一样。总之,竞争不够多,便宜不了多少。详情请查其网站
    • Recommended staying with Bell. 1. $19.95 is only promotion price. Bell's basic price is around $23/mon. Also get free *67, free opreator and call some 1010XXX numbers, etc.
      2. If switch from Bell to sprint, no charge, however, when you switch back, there is $55. charge. Also have to wait at least 1month.
      3. Same, if you open a new account, sprint will charge you $55. Installation fee. When you are moving, as same as Bell, a $55 charge.
      BTW, Sprint is renting local line from Bell, their local deal would not be so competitive. Better stay with Bell for Local.
    • 买个手机便宜的很,何必?