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Network Charge $1.25/mon is for the Bell's customers who has any Long Distance Saving plans on the line. If you cancel the saving plans on

your line,still can make Long distance calls, but your rate will be the highest rate from Bell (to China, about $3.00/min). Recommend if don't use Bell's long Distance, cancel the saving plan, Save $1.25/mon and when you need make LD calls for emergency, use 1010xxx (Such as 1015945 then LD Number) to make LD call which is cheaper.
The network charge is because the government has just canceled some money supply to all telecommunicating companies on rural communication, including the Cell phone companies. This is why all the cell phone compies increased access fee from about $4/mon to $7/mon. Also Sprint and Primus has the network charge too. However Bell has options, can cancel any Long distance Saving plan. Don't block Long Distance access, cuz when reactivate it, there is $10 charge.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / Bell的电话帐单中有一项“Miscellaneous charges or credits”是什么费用呀?该项的明细中写的是“Network Charge”,共$1.25。请问这是什么费用呢?有人能回答我么?谢谢!
    • Take it easy. That's one of the basic fee. I asked BELL when the first time I got the bill.
      • I canceled its long distance discount service, so they won't charge that from me again. It is said by Bell's representative.
        • 那个网络费用是从2001.12开始的,贝尔说只要你打长途就必须交这笔费用,是政府收的。不知道他这个说法对还是不对?另外如果你取消了那么你在家里如何打长途?
          • I use calling card from other companies.
            • 那就是说,取消了贝尔的网络费,我们照样可以用别的公司的长途电话服务,是不是这个意思?如果是这样的话,贝尔就是在骗我了,贝尔的服务人员告诉我,取消了网络服务费就不能打长途了
          • 我们根本没开长途电话,怎么也有这笔费用?
            • 这个长途服务,贝尔说是只要开通电话就自动加上。原来不收费,现在是政府收费,谁知道他说的队还是不对?最好有人去查一查。或者有在贝尔工作的哥们姐妹们提供这个方面的准确信息
      • 你说的可能不对了,我们是可以取消的。我们可以用其他的公司的长途服务
        • 对,不过,政府会通过其它公司收这笔钱。
    • 刚取消了这费."这笔费用是政府刚开始收的,取消了就不能用BELL公司长途了","从开始就不要你们的长途","但一直给你开着的,取消这个费,BELL长途就要锁掉","请锁掉吧","给你取消了.唉,政府穷啊,服务下降,所以要从各种管道收钱;
      • 如果再次开通贝尔的长途还有收手续费10元钱,所以正在考虑是不是取消那,你取消了?
        • 取消了,贝尔长途较贵,参#340101,我绝对不会用,要用也用其它公司的;还一个办法,也是先要用其它公司的,参#340557,#340110。
          • 听你的了,取消贝尔。。
    • 乱收费的意思!!
    • Network Charge $1.25/mon is for the Bell's customers who has any Long Distance Saving plans on the line. If you cancel the saving plans on
      your line,still can make Long distance calls, but your rate will be the highest rate from Bell (to China, about $3.00/min). Recommend if don't use Bell's long Distance, cancel the saving plan, Save $1.25/mon and when you need make LD calls for emergency, use 1010xxx (Such as 1015945 then LD Number) to make LD call which is cheaper.
      The network charge is because the government has just canceled some money supply to all telecommunicating companies on rural communication, including the Cell phone companies. This is why all the cell phone compies increased access fee from about $4/mon to $7/mon. Also Sprint and Primus has the network charge too. However Bell has options, can cancel any Long distance Saving plan. Don't block Long Distance access, cuz when reactivate it, there is $10 charge.
      • 根据你的说法,不是政府要求贝尔公司收的这个钱,而是贝尔公司打着政府的名义收的这个钱,是不是这个意思?对于政府取消对所有公司的资金支持不是我们所管的事情,那是它们之间的问题,
        • 111111, you are right. It is company's policy in response to the government action. If you were told it is the government charge, this is a lie. .
          There are a couple of ways you can do, you can switch to another long distance company which does not charge this fee, or you can cancel your saving plan with Bell, use prepaid phone card or 1010XXX. But don't recommend block your LD access, because therefore even you switch to another LD company, you will not be able to make LD calls. You can use Phone card only. It's sort of troublesome, personally I think.
          • 你的见解不错,太谢谢你了,还是中国人向着中国人阿,我也不想自己去找麻烦,不过在用贝尔之前,现试试别家的长途公司,品品味道也不错。
      • 看来这里最明白的人就是你了.我就在刚来时由于不清楚其它长话公司与bell的运作关系而白白浪费了10块钱.今天看了你的贴子是撤底明白了.等下次搬家开通新电话时一定注意这个问题. 顺便再请问一下,
        • $10 for what? Bell gave me $40 credit to go back to their long distance service.
          • 建议先用其他的便宜的长途电话公司的服务,贝尔的长途实在是太贵了,而且不讲道理的收取你的网络费1.25元,还说是政府收的,就我了解的情况是贝尔自己收的。
          • 当时就是担心BELL乱收费,便在开通电话时申明不要他们的长途,哪知道他们会把长话功能完全锁死,以至于我申请的其它公司的长话也没法打通,当我大概弄清是怎么回事后,便要求BELL开通,
            于是对方要求charge $10.今天看了Jello的贴子就更清楚明白了.垄断猛于虎哇.目前BELL最便宜的长话计划是$0.20/M无月费,而Startec是$0.14/M无月费,$40的rebate只销三四个月就回来了.
            • 打死也不用贝尔的长途了。。
        • 1015945 is Yak Company. When you dial long distance, Dial 1015945 then 01186XXX, it will be billed on your next bell phone bill. The rate is
          around $.29/min to China, $.07/min in North America, no monthly or network charge, u can go to www.yak.ca for detailed info. U R very welcome.
    • I use primus' long distance and pay the same fee. I asked the company that they said it charged by government.
    • 我的账单也涨了$1.25, 从来都跟bell 说不用它的长途,如果让他们锁掉并拒付这次的$1.25怎么样?
      • 不要锁掉,如果在开通贝尔的长途,要收你10元开通费,所以最好还是采取使用别的公司的长途,这样自动转出去,贝尔就没有理由收你的这个费用了,将来就是在转回贝尔,不用再交开通费了。
        • 如果不开通任何公司的长途功能,也仍可以用电话卡打长途,那我真的不需要这项服务,也就不存在重新开通的问题了吧?还是必须有长话功能才能向外拨号?
          • If you block your Long Distance access on your local line, you can't dial 1+XXX or 011+XXX or use 1010XXX numbers. So you can still use phone cards.
            But there is no charge for keeping this access, also in case you run out the phone cards, or you can't get a clear connection during holiday season, you will still be able to make long distance calls. The only thing you need do is to cancel any saving plans with Bell. Then you won't be charged for $1.25/mon.
            • Thanks JELLO, your explanation is quite clear.
    • Come on . Do not save money on this $1.25 -" A federally-regulated plan ensure affordable basic service in remote areas." Bell use these money to help others.
      • 如果用了 bell长途,这$1.25没话说;但如果用其它公司的长途,这$1.25就会有其它公司收,也合理。但现在bell不管你用哪家长途,甚至不用长途,都收你这笔钱,很无理。bell是个上市公司,不是慈善机构。
    • 我申请电话时,特意没有要长途功能,结果帐单上也收这个钱。打电话问,回答是给你开着呢,BELL真是无耻。现在已取消,谁知还会不会再在帐单上出现。