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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 我在EBAY上买了一个照相机,我把钱已经付了,但从头到尾都没有人提关于税的问题,如果过两天东西寄到手,是不是就意味着没有税了。要是交的话又交给谁呢?东西从美国过来。
    • 放心把加拿大海关会寄通知给你的! 他们不会忘记你的.P:
    • Depends.
      On ebay, it has two type of sellers, personal and business. If it's personal sales, most likely the seller won't declare custom and just mail it like a normal package. Then you don't need to pay tariff tax.

      If it's a business that sells you the product, they may likely (but not always) delare custom, then you need to pay tariff tax.
      • 我比较喜欢这种回答,至少省钱的希望还没有破灭。
        • 付不付海关税与是向个人买还是公司买无关,海关也不可能为此调查。跟入境时所携物品报税类似,只要符合其规定,都要纳税。一般是邮局先行支付,你领取包裹时再向你收,再加上其代交关税的手续费。个别漏网之鱼,另当别论。
          • You are so wrong. It totally depends on the mailer. If the mailer declare custom, then you need to pay, if they don't, you don't need to pay.
            • 照你这么说,如果我让朋友从国内寄东西来,不管什么(禁品除外),只要那边不申报,我就可以免税收下了?哪有这么便宜的事啊!
          • Anothing you are so wrong about is Canada Post DOES NOT pay for you in advance! They act as an intermediate agency that collect the custom tax for Gov't of Canada.
            • 如果邮局或速递公司不预付关税,海关怎么可能让提货呢?
              • Have you ever done international purchasing before? Have you ever seen the custom form before?
                If no, then stop arguing. I have the custom form on hand. And I'm paying to Custom and Revenue Agency, not the Canada Post.

                Geez, don't try to be smart and argue with people actually have experience of buying online based on your theory.
                • 我们已经偏离了最初的争论焦点
                  • This tells me you never seen one before.. geez....... Theory VS. Practical
                    • 手上有报关的税表,就能说明收不收关税由mailer决定吗?
                      • At least I have proof and evidence, do you? If not, stop arguing..... For online purchasing, YES, the sellers decide how to mail the product and thus decide whether you need to pay tax or not.
    • 能否告诉我怎样在EBAY上购物,谢谢,都有什么费用,包括运费和税。感谢
      • 很简单。免费在上面注册,然后就找你想买的东西,然后投标竞价,到拍卖结束是你的价最高你就可以买了。
        • 我在EBAY上看到的内存才10美圆(128M),就是加上别的费用不知道合适否?这边卖50加元+税
          • 加拿大有二手电脑配件交易的网站么?
        • 200多美圆一定要上税的,我上次买的笔记本新网卡,bid 45美圆,卖主寄东西时写价值100美圆,我只好按100美圆在邮局上了十几加圆的税。
        • 请问在ebay上买东西保险么?
    • 我的经验


      • Obviously your second deal was a personal sell.
        • Maybe, I am not sure. :)
    • ebay上写的很清楚。如果你买的东西海关认为应该上税,则当你在当地邮局取从美国买的东西时付税款。
      • 如果是从个人寄过来的,邮局怎么搞得清是你买来的还是那个人送你的礼物呢?我收到从美国寄来的包裹(是礼物),就没税啊。
        • 你让朋友寄台电脑试试
          • 如果朋友开车过来给我带个笔记本,要不要上税呢?
            • 当然要。否则大家都开车去美国买东西,加拿大怎么受得了
          • Again, as I said before, if the mailer declares custom, then you have to pay. If the mailer does not declare custom, then you don't need to pay. It's so simple. Why can't you get it?
            • 那个买家DECLARE CUSTOMS对他有什么影响?还是根本就没影响,反而自己麻烦。在国内如果买东西跟老板说不开票,老板会很高兴的。
              • In China, it doesn' t matter because there are no laws to regulate this stuff. In North America, there are laws we have to follow. That's why I love here so much. So you think there is no effect on the seller?
                I don't think so, dude.
              • I bought 50 blank minidiscs from Briton, around 90 pounds. But the seller did not declare custom, so I didn't need to pay for any tax. I bought a camera from US, around 120US, there's a custom form on the package
                clearly filled out by the seller, and Custom office charged me 15% tax + $5 admin fee.
                • 看来,你不大了解《北美自由贸易协定》
                  • Oh I think I know a lot since I took an econ course about international trade in the University of Waterloo.
    • 其实很简单,海关查到就要你叫税,没查到就不用交。我从美国英国,还有其他国家买过东西,从同一个国家买的同样的东西有的时候在邮局要交税,有的就不用。