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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

你看一下 closed caption 是怎样工作的就知道了

Closed captioning for a live broadcast is very similar to court reporting -- stenocaptioners use a special keyboard to write what they hear as they hear it. Stenocaptioners are often capable of writing at speeds of up to 250 words a minute -- much faster than even the fastest typists.

The typed words then go into a computer system, where they are translated into text and commands. Captioning software then converts the text into the captions which are then sent to a caption encoder. The results are what you see on the television screen, typos and all.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 想买台电视,在walmart的网站上看见一台电视,盒子上面写closed caption decoder. 什么意思?下面还有人说喜欢这个功能.到底是意思是有字幕还是没有呀?那位大虾知道?谢谢!
    • 有字幕。
      • 那closed什么意思?
        • closed caption 是字幕的意思,decoder是解码
          • 这种应该是根据发音进行解码后生成字幕的吧?如果你看见他的字幕经常有错别字的话,那就是这种了。我个人理解closed应该是“接近”的意思,就是他的字幕是用最接近发音的字母来显示出来。
            • 错,字幕是电视台专门的系统编码后,将信号加载到节目中,电视机上的解码电路再进行解码,显示在屏幕上。经常在电视节目结尾有: closed captioin by XXXX,就是由XXXX组织提供的编码或者公司提供赞助。
              • 你看一下 closed caption 是怎样工作的就知道了
                Closed captioning for a live broadcast is very similar to court reporting -- stenocaptioners use a special keyboard to write what they hear as they hear it. Stenocaptioners are often capable of writing at speeds of up to 250 words a minute -- much faster than even the fastest typists.

                The typed words then go into a computer system, where they are translated into text and commands. Captioning software then converts the text into the captions which are then sent to a caption encoder. The results are what you see on the television screen, typos and all.
                • 看来你是对的。怎么我老是觉得在那里看过一篇文章介绍这个东西的呢?奇怪了。。。
                • IBM ViaVoice....
              • 是的,只不过是将语音转成文字,所以CLOSED的意思应该是“接近”的意思。很多频道没有带字幕功能的,这种频道就需要语音识别解码了,而带有字幕功能的就直接解码了。
        • 应该是没有吧? closed是不是关闭的意思?瞎猜~
          • closed caption decoder 是指字幕解碼器,可以接收和顯示字幕信號。
        • closed means hidden/encoded