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绝对不合法见 http://www.orht.gov.on.ca/act/index.html

Illegal Additional Charges

Additional charges prohibited

140. (1) Unless otherwise prescribed, no landlord shall, directly or indirectly, with respect to any rental unit,

(a) collect or require or attempt to collect or require from a tenant or prospective tenant of the rental unit a fee, premium, commission, bonus, penalty, key deposit or other like amount of money whether or not the money is refundable;

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 和别人SHARE APARTMENT,二房东除要FIRST和LAST的房租外,还要收50元的钥匙押金,这是什么意思?合理吗?
    • 不合法,就看你自己愿不愿意。一般就算TRAINING都要PAY工资的
      • 看不懂。您是回答我的问题吗?
        • sorry,我是回答那位问试用一个星期没工钱合不合法的,怎么跑这来了?
          • 这两天ROLIA有点颠三倒四的。
    • 50元钥匙押金是要交给公寓管理员的,多拿一把钥匙,就要多交一份押金。你还钥匙的时候就可以把押金取回来了。应该不用担心吧。
    • 要是MASTER KEY的话就是合法的 这种KEY是不能在LOCKSMITH 那里陪的 要押金是合法的 要是一般的KEY就是不合法的 你自己可以按需要陪
    • 如果是公寓的话,收取钥匙押金是合理的,因为房东本来就向大楼管理处交了押金,向你收取只不过是转一手而已,因为钥匙在你的手里。
      • 绝对不合法见 http://www.orht.gov.on.ca/act/index.html
        Illegal Additional Charges

        Additional charges prohibited

        140. (1) Unless otherwise prescribed, no landlord shall, directly or indirectly, with respect to any rental unit,

        (a) collect or require or attempt to collect or require from a tenant or prospective tenant of the rental unit a fee, premium, commission, bonus, penalty, key deposit or other like amount of money whether or not the money is refundable;
    • 谢谢大家。