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Well, you just asked a million dollar question.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I don't know about others. But here is mine.
Girlfriend is a question with multi-answers. WIfe is a question need no answer.
Girlfriend stay with you when she think she wants. Wife stay with you when she think you need.
Girlfriend laughs when she think you are funny. Wife laughs when she think you are trying to be funny.
Girlfriend get upset when you say thing. Wife get upset when you do stupid thing.
Girlfriend notices you are handsome. WIfe notices you are healthy.
Girlfriend doesn't make a baby for you, but wife does.
Girlfriend cook for you once a while, wife does it all the time.
Girlfriend admire you are rich, wife admire your intension to be rich.
Girlfriend wants you get along with all her in-laws, wife doesn't care.
Girlfriend doesn't really know about your career, wife knows it very well.
Girlfriend only needs a room to be with you. WIfe needs a whole house.
Girlfriend would love you pick her up. Wife think it doesn't make sense to waste both people's time on road, so she refuse it.
Girlfriend knows which resturant is best in quality service and food taste.
Wife knows which resturant is best in ratio of price and food taste.
Girlfriend and wife all would like to hear that three words phrase, no matter it is in chinese or english.
You stay with girlfriend with a few years, you stay with wife for a whole life.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 情人节将至,各位给出个主意,怎么过?老婆很重视,我就得想着,谢了
    • 周四?上班~~:(一般般就是吃饭送花巧克力吧,只是不要去吃自助餐,那地方离情人节比较远,酒吧舞厅届时应该有很多情人派对,然后去情人旅馆:-p有钱就好办,能玩的会更多。
      • 不瞒您说,上次好像就是自助餐,穷阿
    • this day is for lover not for LP;)
      • :-)I can imagine what would it be look like if I tell her this. That long lived question will pop up again. Don't want to get a couldy face.
    • 如果你那天带个情人到她面前Show off的话,她就更加重视你啦。
      • This is definitely a cool idea. I like it but have no guts to do it. Besdies, any girl is interested in watching a man get slapped on face? Then be my lover, I will show you.
        • Cool!
        • 不介意的话,我可以男扮女装,就是长得丑了点,你老婆会觉得你太没有Taste。
          • hahahaha, if you really go with him, I'm sure his wife will be very happy. :D
            • Absolutely! She is going to think I am the funniest guy in world.
    • Your wife thinks it important, that's perfect for you! Because Valentine Day is a time for female to send gifts and show love to their male lovers :-)) Good luck!
      • Thumbs pp! Why should always a man be worry about this? You said just said what I want to say. Thanks, man.
        • 首先声明, 我不是MAN:-) 另外,这也不是我的主意,Valentine 本来就是给FEMALE 一个主动表达感情的机会。既然你LP 这么重视,一定是想好好表达一下对你的感情,没事儿偷着乐去吧
          • hmmm.... Didn't know that's what Valentine stands for. I am going to tell her
    • very easy, buy a flower to her and take her out for dinner. Tell her you love her ,you need her for the rest of your life, and the more important thing is : not only say it but mean it.
      • Come on, she's my wife, not my girlfriend. She is going to nowhere without me. Kidding. I think you are totally right. I will try to to freak her out. :-)
        • try not to freak her out
          • tell me what is the difference between wife and girlfriend in your heart?
            • Well, you just asked a million dollar question.
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I don't know about others. But here is mine.
              Girlfriend is a question with multi-answers. WIfe is a question need no answer.
              Girlfriend stay with you when she think she wants. Wife stay with you when she think you need.
              Girlfriend laughs when she think you are funny. Wife laughs when she think you are trying to be funny.
              Girlfriend get upset when you say thing. Wife get upset when you do stupid thing.
              Girlfriend notices you are handsome. WIfe notices you are healthy.
              Girlfriend doesn't make a baby for you, but wife does.
              Girlfriend cook for you once a while, wife does it all the time.
              Girlfriend admire you are rich, wife admire your intension to be rich.
              Girlfriend wants you get along with all her in-laws, wife doesn't care.
              Girlfriend doesn't really know about your career, wife knows it very well.
              Girlfriend only needs a room to be with you. WIfe needs a whole house.
              Girlfriend would love you pick her up. Wife think it doesn't make sense to waste both people's time on road, so she refuse it.
              Girlfriend knows which resturant is best in quality service and food taste.
              Wife knows which resturant is best in ratio of price and food taste.
              Girlfriend and wife all would like to hear that three words phrase, no matter it is in chinese or english.
              You stay with girlfriend with a few years, you stay with wife for a whole life.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • thank you. You really gave me a good answer. I feel happy for your wife to have a husband like you. I bet when she know she is in you heart, even though you do not give her any gifts, she still will be happy.
    • actually, Valentine's Day is none sense. who's the happiest guy at that day? 商家。