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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

1,你提到的哪个offer 04/18过期呢?那个表上明明说的是过期日4月30号。2,西人网友打电话证实的copy见内:(那么你俩谁说的对呢?)

People, I have-a the good news-a.

Rebate Centre called me back from their midwest office.

I gave her the form #, she put me on hold for about 3-5 minutes. When she came back, she verified that yes, the $300 form would be honoured, if that is the date it says on the form. I even said, in the fine print, this can change without notice, but she didn't say that that would be a problem.

She also gave me her name, extension and badge # to quote if necessary.

I do not wish to share this information publically, but if anyone has a rejection problem with their rebates, feel free to send me a private message and I will give you the information so you can fight for it.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 有好消息给大家!向需要买LCD TV的介绍一个好的deal,37“ Viewsonic LCD N3751w HD TV with ATSC Tuner。Canada Computers有卖。2 year warranty,价格$939.99,在四月30号之前买有$300 Mail-in-rebate.

    ViewSonic, 37", wall mount, 2 yr warranty, $939.99

    500 nits (typ), 1000:1


    • Ha ha......
      How come you post it so late....

      And it was said the 37" Aquos re-stacked in some Costco.
      • 多少钱呀? 也有REBATE吗?
        • no rebate. But it's cheap. $1299 @ costco but around $1500 other place.
          • thanks. 我怀疑VIEWSONIC不会给那300的REBATE, 因为看山东大汗给的LINK是3月的, 4月的就是WALLAMOUNT了, 应该不会一起给的吧?
            • 本地西人论坛已经有网友打电话给viewsonic的rebate center核实了有300块的rebate了,所以我才贴出来了。办事要负责任的对吧。
              • 不过呢,俺也本着办事要负责任的原则,给他们(1-866-540-7991)大了个电话:The offer expired on April 18. 其他同学可以再去confirm.
                • 1,你提到的哪个offer 04/18过期呢?那个表上明明说的是过期日4月30号。2,西人网友打电话证实的copy见内:(那么你俩谁说的对呢?)
                  People, I have-a the good news-a.

                  Rebate Centre called me back from their midwest office.

                  I gave her the form #, she put me on hold for about 3-5 minutes. When she came back, she verified that yes, the $300 form would be honoured, if that is the date it says on the form. I even said, in the fine print, this can change without notice, but she didn't say that that would be a problem.

                  She also gave me her name, extension and badge # to quote if necessary.

                  I do not wish to share this information publically, but if anyone has a rejection problem with their rebates, feel free to send me a private message and I will give you the information so you can fight for it.
      • 本地西人论坛已经有网友打电话给viewsonic的rebate center核实了有300块的rebate了,所以我才贴出来了。办事要负责任的对吧。
        • 你这次打算买?不等下半年了?
          • 呵呵,这些店都在GTA,我不住GTA,还要再多花50块油钱,买回的电视一旦有点问题再回去换就更惨了。所以等以后更好的deal吧,不过说实话,这个算上rebate,已经基本是目前为止的最低价钱了。sharp目前有点贵,我当然 也想要啊,我大概还是要下半年了。
      • Called store, they said the $300 March rebate was cancelled but the price went down after that. Now it's $949, with a 'free' but you have to pay wall-mount. They charge s&h for US$66. It sucks,
        • 本地西人论坛已经有网友打电话给viewsonic的rebate center核实了有300块的rebate了,所以我才贴出来了。办事要负责任的对吧。你看看那个rebate的购买截至日期是4月30日。再说店里的人也很可能不清楚这事,因为这个rebate是直接和viewsonic公司打交道的。
          • 真是条汉子啊!谢啦。
            • 不过呢,俺也本着办事要负责任的原则,给他们(1-866-540-7991)大了个电话:The offer expired on April 18. 其他同学可以再去confirm.
              • 我也仔细看了RFD的讨论, 估计那上面有4,5 个人买了, 而且人家确实是和rebate center核实了, 我就是担心REBATE FORM上的"不可以和其他REBATE和用"的条款.
                • 嗯,你担心的有道理。我是这么认为的,receipt上不会写任何店内的rebate的。同时viewsonic公司怎么知道还有另外的rebate呢?
                  • 还有一个问题是有个ID说了另一个店是这样解释的"他们已经和REBATE CENTER拿回来了那300,所以现在的价钱是939", 那如果我们买了, 邮寄去UPC后, CENTER说该UPC#已经REDEEM过了, 那就亏了.
                    • 那我就不知道了。我个人觉得还是有希望拿这个300rebate的。当然,如果是我自己,为了保险,我会好好打电话亲自核实,实在不行,我就拿那个200美元的rebate。我想如果我住大多地区我前几天或许就买了。
                      • Hey, Man. 42" V7 $1199 @ staples.ca
                        • I believe you have membership from memberwork. right? So it would be 1200 X 80% = $960.
                          • 谢谢你!我没有那个membership。如果只要960就能买个42“的lcd hdtv,绝对棒!那你说这个好,还是1299的37” sharp aquos好?我在权衡中.....sharp带atsc和qam tuner。那个memberworks的membership如何申请,申请麻烦么,要有了那个是不是在staples买东西都80%呢?
                            • 那个太麻烦了,今天肯定来不及了。而且上1000的giftcard好像还要好几个月才能消化对不对?
                            • I will go with Aquos.....
                              至于membership,你经常看redflagdeal难道没注意到他们讨论最多的就是这个memberwork吗?其实麻烦得很,要买gift card,而且一个月限$125

                              说实话,我已经攒了很多futureshop, bestbuy的gift card了,就等下半年出deal了,呵呵
                              • 哈哈,那你只能买FS或BB的TV了,别的地方有好deal也不能要了。不过话说回来还是很赚的。现在的一个问题是,在你买了想要的东西后,还得继续买giftcard呀,那可如何是好?
                                • 其他地方有好的deal,我就price match,不过costco的不能price match。否则现在就买Aquos
                                  • good idea!我都忘了还可以price match。非常好。
    • This one is actually better than the one from Costco....that one is 3752w.
    • 昨天我和CC的人谈到此事了。他们说本来是exclusive的,结果costco也进货,没有rebate, 就都砸手里了,要买赶快
    • 不要相信那个Rebate. 也许一年之后你才可以拿到300元回来,也许你一辈子都拿不回来。