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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A question about 2000 tax. Thanks in advance.
On page 17 of the 2000 Tax guide, "term deposits, GIC and other similar invesments".
"On these investment, interest build up over a perid of time, usually longer than on year. ....
The amount of income you report is based on the interset you earned during each complete investment year, For example, if you made a long term invedtment on July 1, 1999, report on your return for 2000 the interest that accumulated to the end of June 2000, evne if you do not receiv a T5 slip. Report the reture from July 1 2000 to June 2001 on your 2001 return"

我有些不理解。比如我2000年5月存了个1年的GIC, 但从未收到T5。那么我如何报税呢?
是计算一下,200年只报其中2000年5月到6月的利息?还是把一年的利息全报在2000 RETURN? 或者干脆不报???

还有一个问题:银行一定回将你的GIC等按 July to next JUNE来说这样所谓的1个INVESTMENT YEAR 来给你T5 吗?
我还有一个2000年8月的半年的GIC,2001年2月到期,但没收到T5。我需要把它的利息加到2000 RETURN中,还是
明年在报, 或是如果没收到T5,就可以偷税呢?

第一次交税,问题太多。谢谢。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 第一次交税,问题太多。请教一个填税表(利息收入)的问题?谢谢!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A question about 2000 tax. Thanks in advance.
    On page 17 of the 2000 Tax guide, "term deposits, GIC and other similar invesments".
    "On these investment, interest build up over a perid of time, usually longer than on year. ....
    The amount of income you report is based on the interset you earned during each complete investment year, For example, if you made a long term invedtment on July 1, 1999, report on your return for 2000 the interest that accumulated to the end of June 2000, evne if you do not receiv a T5 slip. Report the reture from July 1 2000 to June 2001 on your 2001 return"

    我有些不理解。比如我2000年5月存了个1年的GIC, 但从未收到T5。那么我如何报税呢?
    是计算一下,200年只报其中2000年5月到6月的利息?还是把一年的利息全报在2000 RETURN? 或者干脆不报???

    还有一个问题:银行一定回将你的GIC等按 July to next JUNE来说这样所谓的1个INVESTMENT YEAR 来给你T5 吗?
    我还有一个2000年8月的半年的GIC,2001年2月到期,但没收到T5。我需要把它的利息加到2000 RETURN中,还是
    明年在报, 或是如果没收到T5,就可以偷税呢?

    第一次交税,问题太多。谢谢。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我的理解,你要报任何在2000年已经付给你利息的哪些GIC,一般是到期才付。所以对2000到期的你要报税,没到期的不用现在报。
    • You don't have to file it if you don't have a T5. But T5 usually comes late. So be patient or talk to your bank.