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Who can use NETFILE?

NETFILE is available to most Canadians, however there are some types of tax returns that cannot be submitted electronically. Our Restrictions Web page explains the exceptions. Your personal access code is printed on the mailing label of your T1 personal income tax return package. If you don't receive an access code, you can call our NETFILE Help Desk at 1-800-714-7257 (calls anywhere in Canada and the United States) starting February 11, 2002, to get one.
(通常,只要有网上报税编码就可以进行网上报税。如果你没有这个编码,就打电话 1-800-714-7257 要。)



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 2001年报税软件QuickTax 2001 Deluxe下载我来帮gugu分流:http://www.pcrabbit.com/qtax2001d.rar 压缩包里面有该软件crack的说明。谢谢gugu提供。顺便问一下:这个软件怎么用啊?
    • 高速分流,2天为限。
      • thx! all is so kind here!
    • 如果我没有弄错的话,头一年报税的人是不能从网上报税的,起码去年还是这个规定。各位谁能确认一下?估计下载流量立马下降。:-)
      • 是的,第一次报税必须邮寄,不能网上报。
      • 还有如果个人基本资料有变动, 如搬家, 银行帐号, 婚姻状况等有变化, 也不能网上报税, 必须邮寄.
        • 这个软件明年能用吗?(Rolia 改界面乐)
          • 一般来说每年税率和各种条款都有可能变,需要update这个软件才行
          • 一般来说不能用了, 因为报税时的计算公式很可能会不同. 到时再找2002版的.
            • 你有金山词霸2002专业版吗,我不小心把旧的给删了
              • 只有2001的.
                • 也行啊,怎么给我呢?谢谢谢谢,正懊悔呢
                  • 我有词霸2002的光盘,周末打球时给你LG吧。
                    • 谢谢,多保重,上yellow网站的事我就不揭发了
                  • check ur mail.
                    • got it, thanks a lot
      • 谁可以网络报税?(官方答案摘要)
        Who can use NETFILE?

        NETFILE is available to most Canadians, however there are some types of tax returns that cannot be submitted electronically. Our Restrictions Web page explains the exceptions. Your personal access code is printed on the mailing label of your T1 personal income tax return package. If you don't receive an access code, you can call our NETFILE Help Desk at 1-800-714-7257 (calls anywhere in Canada and the United States) starting February 11, 2002, to get one.
        (通常,只要有网上报税编码就可以进行网上报税。如果你没有这个编码,就打电话 1-800-714-7257 要。)


      • but you can fill out the form by QuickTax, then copy to your tax form.
        • 去年的QuickTax,需要有光盘才能打印结果,不知道今年怎么样,不过,至少抄下来总是可以的。
          • It is not nessary to have CD when you try to print, but NETFILE your forms needs CD.
          • 试试就知道猪为什么愤怒了