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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

I understand you are worried about police. Who care about you. Only your wife care about your money

why do I need to call them. They actually do not care about you. They are busy with the killer , rober. who has so many time to care about you. My suggestion: after you come back here, call them . If they are really trying to find you, ask them why? and talk to the lawyer. If you do not have money, ask for legal aid. Government pay you legal fee. If they do not have evident, you will be ok. Do not worry too much. Nobody care about you, only your wife care about your money. Remember, do not admit anything if they charge you. Heir a lawyer.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 紧急求助。。。我26日返回多伦多,今日(24日)收到我前妻的来信。。。 说有警察在找我。。。有懂法律的朋友吗?
    今天给你发邮件是因为几天前警察(Molenax)第三次找我问我你的联络电话和所在地,我告诉他一直以来没有跟你联络过只是告诉他你还在中国,我甚至连你的email address 也没有告诉他。警察让我转告你他们将因为你上次恐吓(harrassament)我们公司的人所以要逮捕(arrest)你,只要你一登陆加拿大任何一个关口他们都会逮捕你并将控告你,说是有三四个罪项。我本来不想通知你,因为前两次他们只是在电话里告诉我有这样的事情,我以为不是很严重而且以为过一段时间就没事情了,没想到这次让我亲自去警察局很严肃的告诉我一定要找到你,他们不相信我没有你的联系方式。





    • 能不能直接和警察局联系联系,问问他们到底怎么回事?
    • 别你自己去问,也许会给你前妻带来麻烦(通风报信的嫌疑),请她帮你问问看。
      • 我和加拿大驻中国大使馆联系过,他们说他们没有相关的消息
      • 另外,我实在怀疑我前妻的话,因为她一直想不要我回到加拿大,怕我不肯离婚。。。
        • 那就和你妻子说说,你同意离婚,看她会怎么说。其实,如果你妻子心不在你这儿,留她双方都是痛苦。不如放她自由吧,你也解脱。
          • 我早就答应她了。。。。
            • 可你的话总是前后矛盾的呀:一会儿答应,一会儿又不能失去,还去威胁别人(一定是被威胁的人向警察局报了警)。花点电话费,好好和你妻子谈谈。


              • thanks a lot, but 我确实没威胁过他们,一开始的时候,我不想离婚,到处找她,后来我就算了,我只不过跟他们经理说,我不能失去它,我必须保护自己。。。
      • 您在多伦多吗?可否帮我打911,就说我得到这个消息,打算26日回到加拿大,希望警方能够和我联系。。。
        • 对不起,我不在加拿大。我想你应该和警察局直接联系,和使馆说没用。他们才不想管这些事呢。
          • thanks anyway, buddy
    • I told you do not come back. You'd better stay in China. do not worry about the police. Even they arrest you, that do not mean you are guilt. Heir a lawyer. You will be ok.
      I told you do not come back. You'd better stay in China. do not worry about the police. Even they arrest you, that do not mean you are guilt. Heir a lawyer. You will be ok. You can sent email to me. I may give you some advice.
      • thanks, but i think call the policeman before they charge me is better, could u plz call them for me?
        • I understand you are worried about police. Who care about you. Only your wife care about your money
          why do I need to call them. They actually do not care about you. They are busy with the killer , rober. who has so many time to care about you. My suggestion: after you come back here, call them . If they are really trying to find you, ask them why? and talk to the lawyer. If you do not have money, ask for legal aid. Government pay you legal fee. If they do not have evident, you will be ok. Do not worry too much. Nobody care about you, only your wife care about your money. Remember, do not admit anything if they charge you. Heir a lawyer.
          • thanks buddy, what u told me is valuable, thanks a lot
        • If they have evidence against you, they will charge you even you call them.No difference. Do not worry, even they charge you, you are not criminal.You have chance to argue in the court.
          But from my opinion, you are not the person who should live in canada. Stay in china.please
          • thanks anyway, but i got to go there to solve this problem anyway
            • good. divorce her and ask her for support if you do not have money.
              • 我绝不会要她的钱的,我就想好好的生活,忘掉过去。。。
                • listen to me. do not give up your right.
            • I think your wife is worried about her money if you are back
              • 这是我的原则,我不会要她的钱,但是,如果她为了这个来合伙诬告陷害我,无疑我要周旋到底
                • canada is heaven of women. You never know women if your wife is bad one