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关于信用卡的CDW(加拿大好象叫LDW). 与租车公司的CDW的区别, 下面的说法对不对, 请DX们指正.

1)如果有事故的话, 买了租车公司的CDW的不会影响你的保险记录, 而用信用卡的CDW会影响你的保险记录。 哪位DX曾用过信用卡的CDW claim过,不知有没有其他的限制。


附 chenql26 (不懂) 的看法:


.......( 请各位DX补充, 指正.)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 才知道,这么多人都没有金卡或capital one?你们原来都在这耍嘴皮子哪?怎么不交流点有用的?我带头提供有用信息capital one 普通卡也有租车的 LDW.
    • 没工作但是已经有mastercard可以申请吗? 网址
      • www.capitalone.ca 不难申请,就是一般的信用卡,好处主要是租车保险
        • 不能申请了 :( "This service is temporarily unavailable. "
          • CreateObject("信用卡");
            • 你彻底进水啦, 用水泵抽吧.
    • 为什么一定要 Captical One? 有什么特殊的?
      • 不知道。偶倒是有白金的,不过没有capital one的。
    • Capital one的信用卡有很多隐含收费,少用为妙吧,如果用一定得多加小心。我和我的多数朋友已经收到无数次他的推销申请表了,都是立刻撕掉的。有时候他还搞孱头用first class或写上urgent之类的,特烦人。
      • 哪些隐含收费?
        • 我没用过不敢乱说。我的好朋友用过,被他狠狠地坑了。总之得把那个用户条款细细读过,推敲过再用。否则被坑了还无处申诉,人家会讲,我早都写在条款里了,谁叫你不看?
        • 我使了不少呀,没收费呀?这种信用卡公司主要是收利息的把?
    • 关于信用卡的CDW(加拿大好象叫LDW). 与租车公司的CDW的区别, 下面的说法对不对, 请DX们指正.
      1)如果有事故的话, 买了租车公司的CDW的不会影响你的保险记录, 而用信用卡的CDW会影响你的保险记录。 哪位DX曾用过信用卡的CDW claim过,不知有没有其他的限制。


      附 chenql26 (不懂) 的看法:


      .......( 请各位DX补充, 指正.)
      • 1. 应该不会影响(不很确定). 2. 是, 注意一般TRUCK和MOVING VEHICLE不在保险内. 最好读读CDW的条款, 很多细则, 比如要在48小时内MAKE CLAIM等等;
        • 我一直有疑惑, 世上有这种便宜可以捡吗, 要知道有些金卡甚至是没有ANNUAL FEE的, 会cover原先要十几块钱/天的保险? 是不是有什么陷阱? 保险可就是买放心,别到了真需要的时候, 又这不cover, 那不cover的?
          • 别担心, 买的不如卖的精. 1. 从商家收取2%-5%. 2. 卖MAILING LIST, 他们最了解你的消费PATTERN. 3. 你知道VISA的统计数据? 60%的人不能付整个的BALANCE, 利率在20% .4...这是为什么大量发展持卡人, 提供保险等项目...
      • 金卡的CDW有没有DEDUCTION
    • 什么情况下可以申请金卡? 好象租车不用买保险.
      • 金卡其实没有什么特别的要求, 就是CREDIT LIMIT高了, 需要一定的CREDIT HISTORY. 有些金卡是没有ANNUAL FEE的. 有些普通卡也有CDW. CDW是比较常规的保险. 还可以申请AMERICAN EXPRESS, 保险内容更多...
        • 附: Royal Bank Visa Gold CDW 条款: 大家研究研究.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Visa Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance
          Effective June 1, 1998
          Certificate of Insurance

          Please read this certificate carefully. It outlines what Collision/Loss Damage Insurance is and what is covered along with the conditions under which a payment will be made when You rent and operate a rental vehicle but do not accept the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) or its equivalent offered by the rental agency. It also provides instructions on how to make a claim. This certificate should be kept in a safe place and carried with You when You travel.

          Effective June 1, 1998 Royal Insurance Company of Canada (referred to in this certificate as the "Company") provides the insurance for this certificate under Policy VC200101 (referred to in this certificate as the "Policy").

          This certificate is not a contract of insurance. It contains only a summary of the principal provisions of the Policy.

          All benefits are subject in every respect to the Policy which alone constitutes the Agreement under which payments are made.

          This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modified at the option of the card issuer at any time without notice.

          To help You understand this document, some key words have been defined below:

          "Cardholder" means the person whose name is embossed on the Royal Bank Visa Gold card or

          who is an authorized user of the card in accordance with the Cardholder agreement.

          "Insured Person" means: (1) You the Cardholder, who presents himself (herself) in person at the rental agency, signs the rental contract, declines the rental agency's CDW or its equivalent and takes possession of the rental vehicle and who complies with the terms of this Policy. (2) Any other person who drives the same rental vehicle with Your permission whether or not such person has been listed on the rental vehicle contract or has been identified to the rental agency at the time of making the rental, however, You and all drivers must otherwise qualify under and follow the terms of the rental contract and must be legally licensed and permitted to drive the rental vehicle under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the rental vehicle shall be used.

          Important: Check with Your personal insurer and the rental agency to ensure that You and all other drivers have adequate personal property, injury and third party liability coverages. This policy only covers loss or damage to the rental vehicle as stipulated herein.

          "Loss of Use" refers to the amount paid to a rental agency to compensate it when a rental vehicle is unavailable for rental while undergoing repairs for damage incurred during the rental period.

          "You"/"Your" means a Royal Bank Visa Gold Cardholder whose name is embossed on the card or who is an authorized user of the card in accordance with the cardholder agreement.


          Only the Cardholder may rent a vehicle and decline the rental agency's collision damage waiver (CDW) or an equivalent coverage offering. This coverage applies only to the Insured Person's personal and business use of the rental vehicle.
          Your Royal Bank Visa Gold card must be in good standing.
          The full cost of the rental must be charged to Your Royal Bank Visa Gold card to activate coverage.
          The length of time You rent the same vehicle or vehicles, must not exceed 48 consecutive days.
          Coverage is limited to loss/damage to, Loss of Use for, or theft of a rental vehicle only up to the rental vehicle's actual cash value plus valid Loss of Use charges.
          The Cardholder must decline on the rental contract the CDW option or its equivalent offered by the rental agency. (The Visa Collision/Loss Damage Insurance coverage does not pay for the premium charged by the rental agency for the CDW offered by the rental agency.)
          Most vehicles are covered by the Policy. (A list of vehicles excluded from this coverage is outlined in the section "Types of Vehicles Covered".)
          Coverage is available except where prohibited by law.
          Claims must be reported within 48 hours of the damage/loss occurring by calling 1-800-533-2778 (when in Canada or the United States) or, call collect (202) 331-1613.

          Visa Collision/Loss Damage (CLD) Insurance provides coverage automatically when You use Your Royal Bank Visa Gold card to pay for a rental vehicle and decline the CDW (or an equivalent coverage) offered by the rental agency. There is no additional charge for the Visa CLD Insurance. The coverage compensates You or a rental agency for loss/damages up to the actual cash value of the rented vehicle and valid rental agency Loss of Use charges when the conditions described below are met.


          Visa CLD Insurance is primary insurance (except for losses that may be waived or assumed by the rental agency or their insurer, and in such circumstances where Provincial or State insurance legislation states otherwise) which pays the amount for which You are liable to the rental agency up to the actual cash value of the damaged or stolen rental vehicle as well as valid Loss of Use charges resulting from damage or theft occurring while You are the renter of the rental vehicle.

          This coverage does NOT include loss arising directly or indirectly from:

          a replacement vehicle for which Your personal automobile insurance is covering all or part of the cost of the rental;
          third party liability;
          personal injury, and damage to property, except the rental vehicle itself or its equipment;
          the operation of the rental vehicle at any time during which any Insured Person is driving while intoxicated or under the influence of any narcotic;
          any dishonest, fraudulent or criminal act committed by any Insured Person;
          wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical or electrical breakdown or failure, inherent vice or damage, insects or vermin;
          operation of the rental vehicle in violation of the terms of the rental agreement except:
          (a) Insured Persons as defined, may operate the rental vehicle;
          (b) the rental vehicle may be driven on publicly maintained gravel roads;
          (c) the rental vehicle may be driven across provincial and state boundaries in Canada and the U.S. and between Canada and the U.S.
          N.B. It must be noted that damage/loss arising while the vehicle is being operated under (a), (b) or (c) above is covered by this insurance. However, the rental agency's third party insurance will not be in force and, as such, You must ensure that You are adequately insured privately for third party liability.
          seizure or destruction under a quarantine or customs regulations or confiscated by order of any government or public authority;
          transportation of contraband or illegal trade;
          war, hostile or warlike action, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped power, or action taken by government or public authority in hindering, combatting or defending against such action;
          transportation of property or passengers for hire;
          nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation, or radioactive contamination;
          intentional damage to the rental vehicle by an Insured Person.

          Insured Persons as defined provided that:

          Your card account privileges have not been terminated or suspended, and/or
          Your card account is not more than 60 days past due.

          For coverage to be in effect, You must:

          Use Your Royal Bank Visa Gold card to pay for the entire rental from a rental agency.
          Decline the rental agency's CDW option or similar coverage offered by the rental agency on the rental contract. If there is no space on the vehicle rental contract for You to indicate that You have declined the coverage, then indicate in writing on the contract "I decline CDW provided by this merchant".

          rental vehicles which are part of prepaid travel packages are also covered if the total package was paid by Your Royal Bank Visa Gold card.
          You are covered if You receive a "free rental" as a result of a promotion where You have had to make previous vehicle rentals and if each such previous rental was entirely paid for with Your Royal Bank Visa Gold card.
          You are covered if You receive a "free rental" day(s) as a result of an airline point program (or other similar program) for the number of days of free rental. If the free rental day(s) are combined with rental days for which You pay the negotiated rate, this entire balance must be paid by Your Royal Bank Visa Gold card.

          There is NO coverage when:

          The rental agency reassumes control of the rental vehicle.
          This Policy is cancelled.
          The number of days You rent the same vehicle (or vehicles) is more than 48 consecutive days.
          Your Royal Bank Visa Gold card is cancelled or card privileges are otherwise terminated.

          This coverage is available on a 24-hour basis unless precluded by law or the coverage is in violation of the terms of the rental contract in the jurisdiction in which it was formed (other than under Section B, Part 7(a) (b) or (c) above).

          (See the section on "Helpful Hints" for tips on locations where use of this coverage may be challenged and what to do when a rental agency makes the rental or return of a vehicle difficult.)


          The types of rental vehicles covered include:

          Cars: meaning all cars (except those excluded below) including luxury cars such as BMW, Cadillac, Lincoln and Mercedes-Benz, but not if they are limousines, vans or four wheel drive vehicles.
          Mini-Vans: meaning vans made by an automobile manufacturer and classified by the manufacturer or a government authority as Mini-Vans made to transport a maximum of eight (8) people including the driver and which are used exclusively for the transportation of passengers and their luggage.
          The following vehicles are NOT covered:

          vans other than Mini-Vans, as described above;
          trucks or pick-up trucks;
          off-road vehicles - meaning any vehicle used on roads that are not publicly maintained roads unless used to ingress and egress private property;
          motorcycles, mopeds or motor bikes;
          trailers, campers, recreational vehicles or vehicles not licensed for road use;
          vehicles towing or propelling trailers or any other object;
          mini-buses or buses;
          Expensive or Exotic vehicles, meaning vehicles such as Aston Martin, Bentley, Bricklin, Daimler, DeLorean, Excalibur, Ferrari, Jensen, Lamborghini, Land Rover, Lotus, Maserati, Porsche, Rolls Royce, any limousine or any vehicle which is either whole or in part hand made, hand finished or has a limited production of under 2,500 vehicles per year;
          antique vehicles, meaning a vehicle over twenty (20) years old or which has not been manufactured for (10) years or more.

          Within 48 hours, call toll free 1-800-533-2778 if You are in Canada or the United States or call collect (202) 331-1613. The representative will answer Your questions and send You a claim form.
          Decide with the rental agent which one of You will make the claim.
          If the rental agent decides to settle the claim directly, complete the accident report claim form and assign the right for the rental agency to make the claim on Your behalf on the claim form or other authorized forms. It is important to note that You remain responsible for the damage/loss and that You may be contacted in the future to answer inquiries resulting from the claims process. The rental agent may fax the required documentation toll free if they are in Canada or the United States to 1-800-354-7017. When elsewhere the fax number is (303) 467-8678 (collect). Original documentation may also be required in some instances. (If You have any questions, are having any difficulties, or would like the claims administrator to be involved immediately, call the number provided above).
          If You will be making the claim, You must call the claims administrator within 48 hours of the damage/theft having occurred. Your claim must be submitted with as much documentation, requested below, as possible within 45 days of discovering the loss/damage. You will need to provide all documentation within 90 days of the date of damage or theft to the claims administrator at the address provided below.
          The following claim documentation is required:

          the claim form, completed and signed.
          Your Visa sales draft showing that the rental was paid in full with the Visa card, or the Visa sales draft showing the balance of charges for the rental if a points program was used to pay for part of the rental.
          the original copy of the vehicle rental agreement.
          accident or damage report, if available.
          the itemized repair bill, or if not available, a copy of the estimate.
          receipt for paid repairs.
          police report, when available.
          copy of statement if billed to account.
          Forward this documentation to:

          Visa Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage
          Insurance Claims Administrator
          655 Finley Avenue, Unit 1
          Ajax (Ontario) L1S 3V3

          Under normal circumstances, the claim will be paid within 15 days after the claims administrator has received all necessary documentation. If the claim cannot be assessed on the basis of the information that has been provided, it will be closed.

          After the Company has paid Your claim, Your rights and recoveries will be transferred to the Company to the extent of the Company's payment for the loss/damage incurred when the rental vehicle was Your responsibility. This means the Company will then be entitled, at its own expense, to sue in Your name. If the Company chooses to sue another party in Your name, You must give the Company all the assistance the Company may reasonably require to secure its rights and remedies. This may include providing Your signature on all necessary documents that enable the Company to sue in Your name.

          Once You report damage, loss or theft, a claim file will be opened and will remain open for six (6) months from the date of the damage or theft. Payment will only be made on a claim or any part of a claim that is completely substantiated as required by the claims administrator within six (6) months of the date of loss/damage.

          You should use due diligence and do all things necessary to avoid or reduce any loss or damage to property protected by this Visa Collision/Loss Damage Insurance.

          If You make a claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, You will not be entitled to the benefits of this protection, nor to the payment of any claim made under this Policy.


          Before You rent a vehicle, find out if You are required to provide a deposit if You wish to decline the rental agency's CDW. If possible, select a rental agency which provides an excellent rate AND allows You to decline the CDW without having to make a deposit.

          Rental agencies in some countries may resist Your declining their CDW coverage. These rental agencies may try to encourage You to take their coverage or to provide a deposit. If You experience difficulty using Your Visa CLD Insurance coverage, please call toll free 1-800-533-2778 if You are in Canada or the United States or, call collect (202) 331-1613 and provide:

          the name of the rental agency involved,
          the rental agency's address,
          the date of the rental,
          the name of the rental agency representative with whom You spoke, and Your rental contract number.
          The rental agency will then be contacted and acquainted with the Visa CLD Insurance coverage.

          In certain locations, the law requires that rental agencies provide Collision Damage Coverage in the price of the vehicle rental. In these locations (and in Costa Rica or elsewhere where Cardholders may be required to accept CDW), the Visa CLD Insurance will provide coverage for any required deductible provided that all the procedures outlined in the certificate are followed and the rental agency's Deductible Waiver has been declined on the rental contract.

          You will not be compensated for any payment You may have made to obtain the rental agency's CDW.

          Check the rental vehicle carefully for scratches or dents before and after You drive the vehicle. Be sure to point out where the scratches or dents are located to a rental agency representative.

          If the vehicle has sustained damage of any kind, immediately phone one of the numbers provided and do not sign a blank sales draft to cover the damage and Loss of Use charges or, a sales draft with an estimated cost of repair and Loss of Use charges. The rental agent may make a claim on Your behalf to recover repair and Loss of Use charges by following the procedures outlined in the section "In the Event of an Accident/ Theft".更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 这是我为什么问彼岸花是否有CDW的原因. 从下文中可以看到是可以COVER THE DEDUCTIBLE的.
            In certain locations, the law requires that rental agencies provide Collision Damage Coverage in the price of the vehicle rental. In these locations (and in Costa Rica or elsewhere where Cardholders may be required to accept CDW), the Visa CLD Insurance will provide coverage for any required deductible provided that all the procedures outlined in the certificate are followed and the rental agency's Deductible Waiver has been declined on the rental contract.
      • 不买保险可不行。
        • 一般金卡以上是cover liability那部分的。
    • 有谁用过citibank的mastercard,cover CDW的那种?
      • 有照片那种的?citibank是大公司之一,没什么不妥呀。