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Try the following steps

Step 1:
Use pri IDE for your two HDDs. Set the HDD as Master and Slave accordingly. Don't use "CS". Connect your CD-ROM to secondary IDE. Try to turn on your PC.
reason: use the manufacturer's default settings, avoid testing uncertainty of "CS".
Step 2:
Change you pri IDE and second IDE cable.
reason: make sure the IDE cables are OK.
Step 3:
Use a good bootable HDD as pri master, your failed HDD as pri slave. Try both of your two failed HDDs.
reason: This step can test if you have any interactions between your two failed HDDs.
Step 4:
Good to HDD manufacuter's website or BBS, find if there is any failed report about your HDDs.
reason: it is possible there is some high failure rate for certain type of HDDs. As I know these days there are a lot of failed HDD found for IBM's HDD, esp. 30GB.
Step 5:
Give us your findings and let more people to think about it.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 为什么我的计算机启动找不到硬盘啊??Help!!!






    • 看来也是懂行的。还问什么,继续试。
      • 不满您说,我搞计算机也有六年多了,看来我硬盘是死定了!难过啊,还不知道原因。
        • 单独接硬盘可以吗? 如果可以就是电源问题, 不行就是硬盘问题啦
          • 我试过把硬盘作Master或slave都不行,只接一个硬盘也不行。我也怀疑过是不是我的电源的问题。

            • HD controller fault. :-( no way to fix it unless you can find a controller(the circuit board) from a Hard disk(same type and capacity).
              • 我也这么想,不过我不清楚的是什么原因让我的两个硬盘同时坏了,我担心的是我的下一个硬盘啊。
                • 2个都坏? 99.99%是电源把硬盘弄坏的, 同时坏的可能性太小
                  • 我是正常关机,当时没看到什么异常,看来我是要检查一下我的电源了。也怪了,其他的配件没什么事。 谢谢了!!
    • 换到别的机器上试试?
      • 别的机器也不能检测我的硬盘。估计确实硬盘坏了,可原因找不到,嗨!!
        • 什么都能坏的,别太难过。
          • 谢谢,难过也没有用了。
    • Try the following steps
      Step 1:
      Use pri IDE for your two HDDs. Set the HDD as Master and Slave accordingly. Don't use "CS". Connect your CD-ROM to secondary IDE. Try to turn on your PC.
      reason: use the manufacturer's default settings, avoid testing uncertainty of "CS".
      Step 2:
      Change you pri IDE and second IDE cable.
      reason: make sure the IDE cables are OK.
      Step 3:
      Use a good bootable HDD as pri master, your failed HDD as pri slave. Try both of your two failed HDDs.
      reason: This step can test if you have any interactions between your two failed HDDs.
      Step 4:
      Good to HDD manufacuter's website or BBS, find if there is any failed report about your HDDs.
      reason: it is possible there is some high failure rate for certain type of HDDs. As I know these days there are a lot of failed HDD found for IBM's HDD, esp. 30GB.
      Step 5:
      Give us your findings and let more people to think about it.
      • 谢谢,除开第四步我没有作过外,我都试过。看来是硬盘的controller坏了。现在怀疑到我的电源是不是有问题。是不是在关机的时候电源出了毛病。
        • 应该是电源烧坏的,我的也是同样的问题。我的硬盘躺在西捷的厂里快一个月了还没有苏醒过来。所以我买了一个maxtor 60G和一个新电源。建议你也买一个不然的话到时候新硬盘买了回来几天又回娘家报道就后悔莫及了。
          • How to connect two harddisk in one PC?
            I want to share one PC with my friend, however, we want to use two private harddisks, is there a easy way to select the harddisk when I power on the the PC.
            • 一个硬盘控制器一般可以带两块硬盘。硬盘线上一般都两个硬盘接口,如果你要把两个接在一条线上,就必须把其中一个硬盘 jump 成 secondary disk。如果不想这样,你可以直接把两个盘分别接在两条线上(连接两个controller) 就行了。
    • 用你那根连光驱的线连硬盘试试,有人说现在也别买了金钻了,我的一只40G的金钻已经有问题了,还不到一年呢
      SMART Failure Predicted on Primary Master:Maxtor 5T040H4 ,
      Warning:Immediately back-up your data and replace your disk drive.A failure may be imminent.
      • 迈拓的硬盘是不怎么样,我有个20G的,用来做系统备份。一次备份大概20分钟,抽出来温度起码50以上。