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For Ladies Only

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Females suffer more than males. In particular, Chinese female immigrants experience more than their husbands and brothers.

Take it as an example: Most females need to see G-doctors. The G-doctor is short for gynecologist. You probably won't find "G-doctor" in the dictionary. But as you visit your primary care provider ( who is not so-called family doctor in Chinese!), you can ask to be referred to a G-doctor, in case you cannot remember how to pronunciate the word "gynecologist". Usually, your doctor will satisfy your requirement and give you a referral form.

If the G-doctor you are referred does not speak Chinese, you probably will have a big headache in communication. Here are some questions you should understand before you visit your G-doctor:

1) Have you ever had any miscarriage? If yes, when?
2) Have you ever had a C-section? if yes, when?
2) How long does your period last? Does it come regularly?
3) Do you take pills?
4) Do you wear IUD?

The G-doctor probably won't ask you question in the above silly way. But you should understand these words: miscarriage, C-section, period, menstruation, pills, IUD (Intra-uterus Device, "Huan" in Chinese). Otherwise, you will have big problems in understanding the G-doctor.

In addition, you probably need to prepare some English sentences to describe your symptom. For example, whether you have abnomenal pains, whether you have virginal pains, whether you have irregular bleeding, whether you have excessive mentruation flow, whether you have heavy discharges, whether your breast is normal, whether your nipples swell, bla-bla....

If your G-doctor finds out that your are pregnant, she will extend her congratulations on you. In such a case, you may declare to the whole wolrd that you are expecting a baby.

If your commanding of English is limited, I suggest you spend some time discussing these things with your husband or your females friends.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / English / For Ladies Only
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Females suffer more than males. In particular, Chinese female immigrants experience more than their husbands and brothers.

    Take it as an example: Most females need to see G-doctors. The G-doctor is short for gynecologist. You probably won't find "G-doctor" in the dictionary. But as you visit your primary care provider ( who is not so-called family doctor in Chinese!), you can ask to be referred to a G-doctor, in case you cannot remember how to pronunciate the word "gynecologist". Usually, your doctor will satisfy your requirement and give you a referral form.

    If the G-doctor you are referred does not speak Chinese, you probably will have a big headache in communication. Here are some questions you should understand before you visit your G-doctor:

    1) Have you ever had any miscarriage? If yes, when?
    2) Have you ever had a C-section? if yes, when?
    2) How long does your period last? Does it come regularly?
    3) Do you take pills?
    4) Do you wear IUD?

    The G-doctor probably won't ask you question in the above silly way. But you should understand these words: miscarriage, C-section, period, menstruation, pills, IUD (Intra-uterus Device, "Huan" in Chinese). Otherwise, you will have big problems in understanding the G-doctor.

    In addition, you probably need to prepare some English sentences to describe your symptom. For example, whether you have abnomenal pains, whether you have virginal pains, whether you have irregular bleeding, whether you have excessive mentruation flow, whether you have heavy discharges, whether your breast is normal, whether your nipples swell, bla-bla....

    If your G-doctor finds out that your are pregnant, she will extend her congratulations on you. In such a case, you may declare to the whole wolrd that you are expecting a baby.

    If your commanding of English is limited, I suggest you spend some time discussing these things with your husband or your females friends.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Thanks Jabber.....^_^
      • Nice to see your smiling face again. Please recommend this posting to all of your female friends, provided they are not English interpreters.
        • I am very appreiate your paper.
          actually i do the women's sexual health education in toronto as my first job now. i speak mandarin and cantonese, i know many women lack of info. would you like to talk me more about this topic? by the way, if somebody want comdon, i suggest you to go our office to get free. It's serious.no joke.
    • Thanks,jabber. BTW, just wonder how you can get so many information.
      • Well, I have a lady and I need to help her handle a lot of things
    • dear jabber, now I fully understand why so many guys here regret that they r males so they could not marry u and even be ur concubine.
      • Jabber is femal if I am not wrong, those guys have chance to chase her.hehe....
      • Thank you for flattering. I am a guy---I am really ugly-looking, and not gentle.
    • Thank you, jabber, Pls post as more as you can
      • Thank you, please recommend my above posting to Chinese females.
        I do believe it will be helpful. Because being unable to describe their symptoms in English, some Chinese females have to tolerate and some others complain their husbands. As a matter of fact, very few Chinese husbands caan help their wives in this matter.
        • I will do my best, and...
          Could you tell me what is C-Section in your above posting?

          My weakest point is that I cannot keep on doing sth.
          It is fatal for language learning. Although I got higher
          score in English test, I cannot use it smoothly in daily
          life. I am so-called "high score, low ability" in such
          aspect, which makes me depressed.
          Recently,I visit rolia.com and find you keep posting sth
          about English learning. The fact that you can keep doing
          sth gives me a deep impression. I should learn from you.
    • Thank you, jabber. you are very wise and kind lady.