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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


We are currently unable to process order number *******. We need you to contact our Customer Care Department at 1-866-237-8289 from the phone number your financial institution currently has on record for the credit card you used, and provide one of the following two pieces of information:

The exact billing information on file at your financial institution as the information in your order must precisely match what is on file at your bank. Please note that, for your privacy, we cannot accept any credit card information sent by email.
We may need to contact you to verify the order, for your protection.
If we receive no response within the next 5 business days, your order will be automatically cancelled.


Your order has been successfully received. It will be processed as soon as possible. A Shipment Notice email will be sent to you when your item(s) ship.


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  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 请教在bestbuy.ca上买东西
    We are currently unable to process order number *******. We need you to contact our Customer Care Department at 1-866-237-8289 from the phone number your financial institution currently has on record for the credit card you used, and provide one of the following two pieces of information:

    The exact billing information on file at your financial institution as the information in your order must precisely match what is on file at your bank. Please note that, for your privacy, we cannot accept any credit card information sent by email.
    We may need to contact you to verify the order, for your protection.
    If we receive no response within the next 5 business days, your order will be automatically cancelled.


    Your order has been successfully received. It will be processed as soon as possible. A Shipment Notice email will be sent to you when your item(s) ship.

    • 不到五天,我个人的经验。
      • 5天+:实际情况
        • 我24日订的,昨天到的。
          • 你真快啊!我也是24日定的,到今天才好不容易status变成in stock,可还是没有收到确认deliver的 email。真让人郁闷。
            • 我24号买的今天才shipped
              • 我25日订的,昨天到的。
                • 看东西大小,越小件越快寄到。
                  • 我那个也不算大啊,就42“。
                    • 还不大啊,现在是他们发货中心最忙碌的时候,要知道全国人民都从他们那里订货,人家给你搬电视的时间,可够顺手寄出一打小东西诸如U盘鼠标摄像头什么的了。
                      • 我到今天还是没有消息 6天了
                        • 今天查order status, 变成了product shipped on Dec 30, 07,然后invoice也出来了。我晕死,昨天家里整天都有人,根本没有人来deliver.打电话到best buy,说昨天是让delivery company取走了,真正的送货时间要到1月11日。我真的无语了。
                          • "Shipped" is different from "Delivered". When it says "Shipped" it only means the they had handed the product to delivery company. This is same for all the online retailers I used both in Canada and the US.
                            • 谢谢楼上的解释,这下我明白了。我不厚道的猜测一下啊,BB急着把东西交给送货公司,是为了赶在1月1日之前多收1%的GST。
                              • 是替政府收的,谢谢
                                • 今天我收到确认电话 不知道还要等多久 税是以哪天来收啊?
                                  • 以他家ship的时候为准。