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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Grounding the satellite system to the central building ground helps
protect it and other components from lightning damage. Different
brands of satellite systems may have special grounding requirements.
However, dish installation should comply with local codes and the
National Electrical Code (NEC). Refer to your satellite system’s user
guides for any other additional grounding information. Grounding the
satellite system is something you can probably do yourself. But if
you’re not sure, you should contact a qualified electrician.

Acceptable central building ground points

• Grounded interior metal cold water pipe within five feet of the
point where it enters the building.
• Grounded metallic service raceway.
• Grounded electrical service equipment enclosure.
• Eight-foot grounding rod driven into the ground (only if bonded to
the central building ground by #6 or heavier bonding wire).
• Other acceptable grounding electrodes that comply with sections
250 and 810 of the National Electrical Code (NEC).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 室内天线如果加放大器是否可以收更多的台?
    我有一个RadioShack 150-1857室内天线, 没有放大器, 只能收到以下频道:5,9,19, 25, 36, 41,47,52,57, 69.
    如果加一个放大器, 是否可以收到更多的频道? 请行家指教为谢!
    • RadioShack 150-1857室内天线,请问楼上你这个室内天线,哪里买的啊?多少刀刀?谢谢.
      • 很抱歉, 朋友给的, 他也是从别人那里得到的, 所以不知道在哪买也不知道多少钱
        • Go to a store with un-conditional return policy, buy an amplified TV antenna, try it at home, if you are not satisfied, return it.
          • 谢谢啊,买了一个在FS,大概税前四十多块,回家试了试不行,就退了,就想看CBCNEWS学英文啊,别的台倒无所谓,可就是不行,哎~~~~~~~~
            • 带放大器吗? 可以收到几个频道?
              • 我买的那个就是个天线,好像没放大器,我也不知道放大器长什么样子,收不到,我又给退了.
            • 买了Bestbuy 60的,只能收到CTV一个数字台,准备去退
      • 看看这里: http://www.51.ca/flea/showware.php?s=&wareid=420223&highlight=%CC%EC%CF%DF
        • 谢谢啊,放大器长得什么样子啊?我晕死了~~~~~~
          • 就一方盒子而已(应该有放大器的字样在某个位置)
            • 谢谢.你找到好用的告诉我一声啊~~
    • diy ,我给你个连接,一位大侠用衣服架子做的,我试了11个数码太,几个hd 太,还有很多普通的台,http://www.metacafe.com/watch/762088/coat_hanger_hdtv_antenna_better_than_store_bought_amazing/
      • Hi, is it safe without to connect ground, if there is a thunder, it will damage your TV,How do you connect the ground please
        • 室内天线不需要接地。室外天线接地比较复杂,挖洞三公尺深,在洞内撒盐,盐上铺金属板,金属板上固定一个直径约一寸,长3.5米的铜棒,这个铜棒就是GROUND,接地不良对人和设备都有危害。。。
          • Do you try this, does it work?
            • Too complicated and it is not the pratical way to do it. You have ground in your panel.
            • N大嘴的话。。。你也信。。。
              • 为什么不信,地线就应该这样
                • 我都懒得和这个Dreamless抬杠了,我说东,TA非得说西,我算是找到对手了。。。LOL
                  • 没事不要到处打洞,累不累啊。。。;-)
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Grounding the satellite system to the central building ground helps
                    protect it and other components from lightning damage. Different
                    brands of satellite systems may have special grounding requirements.
                    However, dish installation should comply with local codes and the
                    National Electrical Code (NEC). Refer to your satellite system’s user
                    guides for any other additional grounding information. Grounding the
                    satellite system is something you can probably do yourself. But if
                    you’re not sure, you should contact a qualified electrician.

                    Acceptable central building ground points

                    • Grounded interior metal cold water pipe within five feet of the
                    point where it enters the building.
                    • Grounded metallic service raceway.
                    • Grounded electrical service equipment enclosure.
                    • Eight-foot grounding rod driven into the ground (only if bonded to
                    the central building ground by #6 or heavier bonding wire).
                    • Other acceptable grounding electrodes that comply with sections
                    250 and 810 of the National Electrical Code (NEC).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • 象上面说的,地线有几个地方可接,不用自己打洞
                  • 你不打洞如果防范Lightning?。。。
                    • #4245674@0)
    • 连接
      • thankss~~你试做过吗?
        • 当然,很好的效果,11个数码台,数码台要么收不到,收到的就是很好的
          • 按程序和规格做了一个,只能收到三个质量不错的 5-1,9-1,25-1。我的地址在Sheppard/Birchmount。是不是这是最好结果了?天线放在什么地方会有最好效果?
      • 只能收三个HD台呀!你们收到多得吗?在什么位置?
      • 我的只收到一个数字台,可能因为我的天线是放在一楼的一个墙洞里吧?