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http://www.viewsatusa.com/support.htm download loader and factory default pgm.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛HOW TO for Noobs.....

POWER "OFF" the ViewSat

Connect your NULL MODEM CABLE to your PC and your ViewSat.

Open LOADER2, Click OPEN FILES, navigate to "VS2000-v0501....*.pgm"

LEFT click the *.pgm file, then click the OPEN button in the popup box.
(The white checkbox beside MAIN SOFTWARE turns white, has a checkmark in it and the *.pgm file location is shown in the rectangular box to the right).

Click OPEN FILES, navigate to "factory.sat"

LEFT click on it, then click the OPEN button in the popup box.
(The white checkbox beside SAT or TP Info turns white, has a checkmark in it and the *.sat file location is shown in the rectangular box to the right).

Click PC-->STB button and calmly turn the power "ON" on the ViewSat.

Each file will transfer automatically... please be PATIENT and please do NOT turn off your ViewSat until instructed to do so.

After file transfer is complete, the Front Panel will display
..... “inst” for 15 seconds while it installs the software
..... “DONE” is displayed for about the next 10 seconds;
..... “ on “ displays while the unit automatically REBOOTs.

*If connected to a TV, the TV screen comes up ALL by itself.
**If not connected to a TV, after “ on “ displays, the Front Panel goes to “0000”; WAIT 10 seconds; "OFF” your ViewSat

Close LOADER2更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 紧急求助:刚才在给viewsat作upgrade时,大概是usb文件的问题,hang住了,任何键都不工作,只好关掉receiver。结果再开时receiver上只有4个横杠,什么都出不来,谁知道怎么能让接收器重新工作?谢谢。
    • 找找谁有Viewsat的Jtag, 用它重刷软件
      • 不好意思, Jtag是什么软件?怎么才能重刷软件? 现在看不到菜单。
    • http://www.viewsatusa.com/support.htm download loader and factory default pgm.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛HOW TO for Noobs.....

      POWER "OFF" the ViewSat

      Connect your NULL MODEM CABLE to your PC and your ViewSat.

      Open LOADER2, Click OPEN FILES, navigate to "VS2000-v0501....*.pgm"

      LEFT click the *.pgm file, then click the OPEN button in the popup box.
      (The white checkbox beside MAIN SOFTWARE turns white, has a checkmark in it and the *.pgm file location is shown in the rectangular box to the right).

      Click OPEN FILES, navigate to "factory.sat"

      LEFT click on it, then click the OPEN button in the popup box.
      (The white checkbox beside SAT or TP Info turns white, has a checkmark in it and the *.sat file location is shown in the rectangular box to the right).

      Click PC-->STB button and calmly turn the power "ON" on the ViewSat.

      Each file will transfer automatically... please be PATIENT and please do NOT turn off your ViewSat until instructed to do so.

      After file transfer is complete, the Front Panel will display
      ..... “inst” for 15 seconds while it installs the software
      ..... “DONE” is displayed for about the next 10 seconds;
      ..... “ on “ displays while the unit automatically REBOOTs.

      *If connected to a TV, the TV screen comes up ALL by itself.
      **If not connected to a TV, after “ on “ displays, the Front Panel goes to “0000”; WAIT 10 seconds; "OFF” your ViewSat

      Close LOADER2更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 请问哪里能down到loader 2,它网站上只有loader 1。
    • 简单,去网站下个VS loader,装在电脑上用串口线连在你的VS上, 把vs关机,运行loader,bin file 选好,这时开机,于是bin file就自动上传了(注意是VS关机,loader上传启动后再开机,如果你VS开机,loader是不起作用的)我的经验是不要用大的USB盘做升级盘,容易死机。
      • 今天google了半天,大概就是你说的这种办法。把家里的2台笔记本外加一台pc检查了一遍,居然都不带9针的串行口。想买一个串行口和usb之间的转换头,不知哪里有卖?
        • 你的电脑够新的连串口都没了,买串口线那里都有,tigerdirect,futureshop都有。传文件的时候连什么都没事,就是要关机,选择上传后再开机,这点比较怪。
      • 还有,传文件时VS需不需要连TV? 家里的台式机在楼上,TV在楼下。
        • No. You do not have to connect to TV.
          • 其实,连不连TV是无所谓的。
    • 问一句用viewsat的优势在哪里?
      • 相当于汽车中的烤肉拉