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The Brand New Roomba 535 is available exclusively at HSN.com

HSN.com has the Roomba 535 on sale for $249.90. Shipping is FREE and HSN only charges sales tax in FL and CA.

Additionally, first time customers can save an additional 15% off your first purchase by using coupon code C56574 at checkout, dropping the price to $212.42!

Here is the link to the Roomba 535

Package Includes:

1 iRobot Roomba 535
1 Virtual Wall Lighthouse
1 Self-charging Home Base
1 Power Supply (3 hour charge time)
1 Brush Cleaning Tool
1 Rechargeable Battery
1 Extra Filter

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 有人要iRobot roomba 570的吗?想找个人合买,因为买2个可以省75,从美国寄过来到手大概470/个不到一点。这是税后到手的价格,如果只买一个到手价格大概是517。具体看irobot.com。
    • 有什么必要非买570么?偶觉得560就足够了吧
      • 哪里有便宜的卖?
        • 560不知道,有个535不错
          The Brand New Roomba 535 is available exclusively at HSN.com

          HSN.com has the Roomba 535 on sale for $249.90. Shipping is FREE and HSN only charges sales tax in FL and CA.

          Additionally, first time customers can save an additional 15% off your first purchase by using coupon code C56574 at checkout, dropping the price to $212.42!

          Here is the link to the Roomba 535

          Package Includes:

          1 iRobot Roomba 535
          1 Virtual Wall Lighthouse
          1 Self-charging Home Base
          1 Power Supply (3 hour charge time)
          1 Brush Cleaning Tool
          1 Rechargeable Battery
          1 Extra Filter
          • 别拿美国人才能买到的馋我们了
            • 加拿大也可以买,去大瀑布对面搞个代收地址,然后自己开车过去拿,如果团购一下的话还是挺划算的哦
      • 嗯,570就比560多一套刷子和一个wireless command centre功能。
        • 我买的540,就多带一套刷子,它的那的什么LIGHTHOUSE我也没有用过,我都是一个房间一个房间抱它过去的.然后关门. 我觉得没有遥控的必要啊.它干活的时候,我们都在干别的,谁还去看着它遥控它啊.
          • 嗯,那就560吧,从costco.ca上订购,330块,我觉得shcedule功能有点用。
            • in store如果有货,应该比330便宜。 330$是包括了运费的,根据我以前costco购物经验。
              • 整个Ontario的Costco在iRobot上看只有kingston,St Catherines和new market三个店,是不是说明其他店都没有?我只去看过mississauga的店,连540都没有。
                • DOWNSVIEW的COSTCO有540,不下20个;旁边的LINEN N THINGS有560、530和514(记不太清楚了),但价钱不低。
                  • 540没有on-board schedule功能,linen n things的东西太贵,还不如从美国邮购。
          • 啊?他自己不会一个房间一个房间的走吗?
            • 都可以的,区别是带lighthouse的(535或者以上)就可以一个房间一个房间完成,之前的只能按照机器人自己的pattern乱跑,效率差一些。400系列的cover 2个rooms,530可以cover 3个rooms,550/560/570/580可以cover 4个rooms。
              • 传说还可以自己回去充电吧。我记得。
                • 530以上的都可以自己回去充电,不过如果没有lighthouse的(530是第一代可以回去充电的型号,不过不带lighthouse,535开始就有lighthouse了),它很容易就瞎了,认不出回家的路:) 如果有充好继续接着干剩下的活就更好了。
        • 偶觉得那个535不错,就是需要个美国的地址自己再加上些汽油费
          • 跑一趟还是麻烦,PST/GST这些都省不掉,还要搭上汽油+时间,而且535没有schedule功能。
    • 如果一定要570,去这里买可以有Lifetime Guarantee
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Brand New, Top of the Line Roomba 570 is available exclusively at Hammacher Schlemmer

      Hammacher.com has the Roomba 570 on sale for $399.99. Hammacher charges no sales tax except for deliveries to NY, OH, and IL, and standard shipping is free for a limited time if you enter the coupon code ROOMBARV in the box marked "Shopping from our catalog?" at checkout. This free shipping offer is available exclusively through RoombaReview.com.

      The advantage of purchasing from Hammacher is that they offer a Lifetime Guarantee on everything that they sell. The Roomba 570 normally comes with a 1 year standard warranty, but if you purchase it from Hammacher Schlemmer and you ever become dissatisfied with the Roomba for any reason, they will replace it or refund the entire purchase price, whichever you prefer!

      Here is the link to the Roomba 570 with Lifetime Guarantee

      Package comes complete with all of these accessories included:

      1 iRobot Roomba 570
      1 Wireless Command Center
      2 Virtual Wall Lighthouses
      1 Self-charging Home Base
      1 Fast Charge Power Supply
      1 Brush Cleaning Tool
      1 Rechargeable Battery
      1 Extra Filter更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 到手也要500出头了,lifetime guarantee没有太大意义,这东西能用几年就够了。
        • 很多人报告只能用一年
          • 是真的吗?如果是这样,那要好好考虑一下要不要买了?
          • 一年后可以换电池,还有什么parts容易坏?
    • 对了,在二楼,碰到楼梯他会停住回头吗?还是自己下楼?
      • 目前的iRobot roomba还没解决清扫楼梯的难题,估计今后迟早会解决吧,我住condo没楼梯,但听说不会掉下去。
    • 这个玩意听起来很棒的样子。应该买个回来玩玩。
    • 问一下570的电压支持220V的吗? 想买个回国送给父母. 目前(截止2008年3月)加拿大COSTCO卖的IROBOT所有型号都不支持220V电压. (个人认为电压的设计是愚蠢的! 只要在变压器上稍作处理,就能卖的更好.)
      • 这个真不知道,支持宽幅电压确实不是难事,应该跟irobot反应一下。BTW,今天突然发现costco.ca上的560找不到了,现在店里能买到的可能就是540了吧。
      • 国内220V转110V的100W变压器人民币5~7元一个(深圳赛格的价格),折合加币$1不到(税后)
      • 国内有类似的产品卖,在淘宝网上我买过。
    • 非常感兴趣!若合适,可以考虑和你和买。请问那个机器是自动清洁地板吗?好用吗?是不是很方便?还有可以擦地板吗?