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2008 年 Mississauga 网 球 队 ( Tennis Club )计划

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2008 年 Mississauga 网 球 队 ( Tennis Club )计划

Mississauga 网 球 队 已经 走入 第四个年头 。

We have some good Tennis Tournament before

We have some very good Tennis Players ( 8 people Level 4 .....12 people level 3.5 ... 10 people level 3 )

Some New good Tennis Players are welcomed.....

If you want to join us Phone 905-890-1026 or E-mail : Caryluo@hotmail.com


Open House :

[b]Time : First Play : 9 AM -- 12 April 12 Sat ....

Location: 6611 Falconer Drive ( Creditview / Falconer ) ,Mississauga [/b]

2008 年 Mississauga 网 球 队 计划 如下:

[b]A. Tennis Training 3 -- 4 Times per week .....[/b]

So Far Suggest :

Wed 6:00 PM -- 8:00 PM 6611 Falconer Drive ( Creditview / Falconer ) ,Mississauga

Sat 10 AM --12 6611 Falconer Drive ( Creditview / Falconer ) ,Mississauga

Mavis Court ....( Brand New )

[b]B. Coach Training [/b]:

Some Coach training on Weekend ......

[b]C. Tennis Tournament :[/b]

May 2008 Toronto Tennis Open ( Championship has a 流动 Trophy )

July 2008 网 球 邀 请 赛 ( Championship has a 流动 Trophy )

July 2008 Watch Rogers Cup

Sep 2008 Tennis Tournament with Korea Team

Oct 2008 网 球 年 终 赛 ( Championship has a 流动 Trophy )

[b]D . 积分 Ranking ( Member Free ) [/b]:

为鼓励 多打正式比赛......增加竞争性......娱乐性...........与不同的对手互相练习....有助大家共同提高网球水平...输赢..都有积分.... Tennis Tournament is the Grand Slam .


1. Toronto Tennis Open ....网球年终邀请赛等为:

多网 大满贯 单打冠军: 1000 亚军 : 800

前四 : 600 前 8 : 400

前 16: 200 前32 : 100

东西部对抗赛.....胜一场 : 200 负一场 : 100

大满贯 双打冠军: 800 亚军 : 600

前四 : 500 前 8 : 400

前 16: 200 前32 : 100

2. 每人 每月 可与任何一人打 正式单打比赛 ( 双方事先说好....约定时间.....地点.... )

( 3 局 2 胜.....带入小分.....X 10 ) ( 为避免出现 6:0 6:7 6:7 胜方另加 50 Win Points )

如 A 与 B 0:6 / 6:3 / 6:1 则

A = 0+6+6 =12 X 10 = 120 Points A Win A = 120 +50 = 170 Points

B = 6 + 3 + 1 =10 X 10 = 100 Ponits

每人 可与队内 任何人打 正式双打比赛 ( 双方事先说好....约定时间.....地点.... )

( 3 局 2 胜.....带入小分.....X 5 )

[b]E. Membership per Year is requried ( Only Half or 30 % of Tennis Club )[/b]

Cost : About 30 $ per Year ( including a Free Nice Tennis T-shirt )

to cover the expense ( Some Tennis Ball ,Training Stuff .....Trophy etc )

Members ......积分 Ranking Service ( Member Free ) ....Training 。优 先

2008 年 开始 继续 扩大队伍.....密市网球队 ( now 10 -- 20 ) Hope will be 15 -- 30

Level A ( 4.0 ) Can play Tennis Match well

Level B ( 3.5 ) Can play Tennis Match ....But not very well

Level C ( 3.0 ) Can not play Match

( 欢迎 中高级 网球 选手 4 or Above 3.5 , 最好能发球, 能打比赛的 )......

希望能变成 西部 网球 社区.....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 2008 年 Mississauga 网 球 队 ( Tennis Club )计划
    • First Play 9 AM --12.. April 12 Sat ....Location : 6611 Falconer Drive ....Tennis Club
    • 好,顶一下.周六如不下大雨,我会带上球拍去看看.
      • If not raining ... We will be there
        • great.i'll be there at 9:00 am.
    • 好,先给密市打球的弟兄门问声好.憋了一冬天了.到出洞的时候了.SEE YOU IN THE COURTS.
      • Long time not see....
        • hi cary, do you want to play today, a little bit windy though?
          • We play with Ottawa Tennis Team today
            See you next time
            • 这个夏天东密联队将加入你的挑战赛。
              • Welcome all the times .....One World .... One Mississauga .....
              • 东密联队据点在哪儿? 我在中密.既想掺呼东密,又想搅搅西密.
                • 在ponytrail与rathburn,burnhamthorpe之间的garnetwood park,有4个场地.现在不知道有网没有,这周天气这么好,可以开打了,你愿意响应吗?
                  • 我知道了,谢谢.几年前,我在其相邻的南边公园踢过球.支持.
              • Welcome !!! Your 东密联队 is one part of Mississauga Tennis Team 不许搞分裂。赫赫
                • 老蓝,东密的弟兄都是游击队出身,土八路的有。要提高mississauga team的整体水平,还要靠您提携啊。什么时候也把你们的教练请上,过来指导一下撒!
                  • Come to Falconer and play on Wed....
              • 东密的场子挂网了。这个周末可以开始活动了。大队长不知道回国了没有啊?要不然咱们还是周日早上出来遛遛吧?商量一下今年夏天怎么练?
                • 周日早上我有空.要不我们在场聚聚.
                • 大队长要加入俱乐部苦练本领,不带你玩了。
                  • 那我也加入.周六我去了CLUB,没带CASH和CHECK,没加入成.我拿到申请表了,还想参加起CLINICS.
                • 我们应该分组,分时段锻炼,公共场地,占时间太长也不好,最好能保持两个小时,两块场地就行了。
    • 本周三开打吗?有人的话,我下班后就直接到球场,上班时就得带好装备.
      • 周三我会去,大概5:40pm
        • 太好了,如不堵车,我5:40PM也能到.球场见.先申明,我是初学者,水平不高.免得你失望.
      • 哪个球场
      • Yes .... Mississauga Tennis Team Training ....Wed 5:00 PM -- 7:30 ... 6611 Falconer ....
        We have 3 guys now Level 4 .......
      • 憋了很久了,我也想去
        • Welcome.....
    • 本周六继续,我9点10分到场.
    • 我9:00到
      新手,以锻炼身体为目的,结识新朋友,希望自己能到level 3.0, 刚和老蓝通了电话,买球拍去
      • 欢迎,我也是新手.去年9月份开始摸球拍的.目标:4.0.
        • 我是今天刚买球拍,哈哈。
          • 哇,你吓着我了.搞得我很尴尬.15年:.5年球龄.
    • Next Tennis Training .... This Sat 9:00 --11 AM 6611 Falconer , Mississauga
      • New Tennis Member are welcomed .... ( Need to be level 3 or up )
        • Falconer is very close to where I live. I learned to play tennis 2 years ago. I've been always wanted to join a club to find someone to play with. Can I come on your next trainning day? I want to see if I'm up to the level or not.
          • Welcome ....Next Training Wed 6:00 PM -- 8 PM
    • We have start Tennis Ranking now.....
      • Ranking URL
        • 请问您那积分是咋算出来滴?
          • All is actually count .....
            If play with more guys will have more points ( Lose or win )

            Last Year Raymond have more Points..... But he is Absent from Tennis Tournament so....

            Next time you are welcomed to do the job....

            So it will encarage play more Match and join the Tennis Tournament ( like French Open 1,000 )
        • 请讲国语
          • Ohhhhh
    • Next Tennis Training .... Wed 6 PM -- 8 PM 6611 Falconer , Mississauga
      • 顶一下. 在SPORTINGLIFE买到了网球鞋.请问哪里有网球拍和网球包卖?
        • Sporting Life....SportsChek ...
    • This Friday 11 AM Omni TV will have a video report about the Tennis Team .... We need some good Players ..Location : Mavis / Courtney Park , Mississauga ( near the Libary )
    • The Tennis Practise is moved to Sunday ( only this Sunday ) 9 AM -- 11 AM
      • 好哇.我本周六正好加班,去不了.周日见.
    • Sat 9 -- 11 AM
      • If not rain
    • Next Tennis Training .... Wed 5:30 PM -- 8 PM 6611 Falconer , Mississauga
      • Hi, is it tomorrow? I may join...thx
    • 蓝老能不能介绍一下网站上西密合影的各位高手?除了您老人家,其他DX都不认识,怕以后有眼不识泰山。
      • Here ....See you tomorrow
        • raining tonight?
    • Next Training : 9-11 AM This Sat .....Prepare for the Tennis Tournament
    • Prepare for the Tennis Tournament training 5 -8 PM Wed.... 6611 Falconer
      Raymond Li ( Do you come ? )

      Shawn Chen ( 4.5 )

      Fred Xiao

      Cary Luo ( I have some tennis Elbow ... But will be there )

      Radmasion ....
    • Next Taining Thursday about 5:00 PM -- 7 PM 6611 Falconer
    • Next Taining : After French Open Women Final about 11 AM Sat ....6611 Falconer
    • Next Tennis Training .... Wed 5:30 PM -- 7 PM 6611 Falconer , Mississauga
    • Next Training : 9-11 AM This Sat ..... If the Court is dry
    • Next Training : 9-11 AM This Sat ..... If not rain.....Prepa