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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务

What receiver you're using? Mine is SonicView4000, which needs step (2) becoz it didn't come with 118.7W(Anki-F3) parameter. If U use ViewSat, you probably have 118.7W param already. No idea about other receivers

What receiver you're using? Mine is SonicView4000, which needs step (2) becoz it didn't come with 118.7W(Anki-F3) parameter. If U use ViewSat, you probably have 118.7W param already. No idea about other receivers

(1) ensure dish pointing to 118.7W ( since U see CCTV9, I'm assuming it's ok. Otherwise call the installer )

(2) config satellite 118.7W parameter by modifying 121W to: Anki F3 118.7W,LNB type-standard,Local Freq-10750,TP 11715,20000,V

(3) scan all TPs on satellite 118.7W. U shall have 32 chinese channels

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 请问FTA现在有信号吗?怎么的大锅又罢工了。谢谢!
    • 有信号。但是你需要输入新的文件了。
      • Where to download new bin?(SonicView4000)MANY THANKS
        • already PM you.
            • 能回答我的问题吗?
              我装了卫星电视,但只能收到 CCTV 9 加上几十个英文台,下列中文台一个也没有。CCTV 4, CCTV Entertainment, CCTV Opera, Beijing TV, China Movie, Fujian South East TV, China Yellow River TV Station, Hunan TV, Xiamen Star TV, Phoenix, Jiangsu International, Dragon TV。谢谢帮助!
              • What receiver you're using? Mine is SonicView4000, which needs step (2) becoz it didn't come with 118.7W(Anki-F3) parameter. If U use ViewSat, you probably have 118.7W param already. No idea about other receivers
                What receiver you're using? Mine is SonicView4000, which needs step (2) becoz it didn't come with 118.7W(Anki-F3) parameter. If U use ViewSat, you probably have 118.7W param already. No idea about other receivers

                (1) ensure dish pointing to 118.7W ( since U see CCTV9, I'm assuming it's ok. Otherwise call the installer )

                (2) config satellite 118.7W parameter by modifying 121W to: Anki F3 118.7W,LNB type-standard,Local Freq-10750,TP 11715,20000,V

                (3) scan all TPs on satellite 118.7W. U shall have 32 chinese channels
                • no FTA receivers in this market come with 118.75 config.
                  • My info may not be accurate. I'm not a professional intaller. I just noticed the guy installed mine tested using ViewSat but he couldn't figure out why my SV4000 didn't work ( without 118.7W ). I fixed with help from some dude on this forum
          • blackout again on May02; do u know any new code for sv4000? the website ( u gave last time ) has only viewsat fix. Thanks a lot for your attention
            • viewsat is the only one working now
              • CaptiveWork也早出来啦。