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DataBase for the good Tennis Players in GTA Level 4.0 or Up

DataBase for the good Tennis Players in GTA Level 4.0 or Up

It seemed here have a lot good Players .....

We plan have a Database ..... So all people can benifit from it.....

We hope have a DataBase for the good Tennis Players in GTA Level 4.0 or Up

If you are really good at Tennis Match ( Level 4.0 or Up ) .... Let us know each other ....You are welcomed to join the Database and play with some good players ....

Email: Caryluo@hotmail.com 905-890-1026

Tell your Name / ID / Tennis Club / Location / Level / GG or MM / How many years you play tennis / Email / Cell Phone No./ Self introduction .....

You are welcomed to register as a Free Member and share the information here....

Have Fun !

URL: http://6636.ca/st/thread.php?fid=26
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 网 球 的 物理 原理
    • 拜读了,有收获
      • Come and Play ....
        • I will, but very tight schedule recently.
    • Thanks for the post
    • "大陆式握拍是公认的切球最佳握法" -- 据说当今网坛高手都是用半西方式或西方式握拍。
      • 你老较劲,这只是一种理论。嘿嘿
        • 当理论与实际不相吻合的时候, 得修正理论了, xixi...
          • Ok...do it...什莫 时间 切磋一盘如何? Play Tennis somedays ?
            • 不敢和领导较劲。:D
              • 别杰。 We are not leader...We are Tennis Player
      • 嘿嘿, 看错了, 大陆式握拍的确是切球最佳握法。领导的理论没有错。
        • 嘿嘿,没看清楚是 切球,是吧。
    • DataBase for the good Tennis Players in GTA Level 4.0 or Up
      DataBase for the good Tennis Players in GTA Level 4.0 or Up

      It seemed here have a lot good Players .....

      We plan have a Database ..... So all people can benifit from it.....

      We hope have a DataBase for the good Tennis Players in GTA Level 4.0 or Up

      If you are really good at Tennis Match ( Level 4.0 or Up ) .... Let us know each other ....You are welcomed to join the Database and play with some good players ....

      Email: Caryluo@hotmail.com 905-890-1026

      Tell your Name / ID / Tennis Club / Location / Level / GG or MM / How many years you play tennis / Email / Cell Phone No./ Self introduction .....

      You are welcomed to register as a Free Member and share the information here....

      Have Fun !

      URL: http://6636.ca/st/thread.php?fid=26
      • DataBase so far 
        • 见识过里面的几个,的确是高手
          • Welcome you if you want to join the Database and the Tournament About May 17 ( Sat )
            • 谢谢,等我练到4.0再说吧,希望这个夏天能有些进步。
      • 密东队里有几个打得很不错的,其中有两个水平估计进你的前10名问题不大。
        • welcome.....