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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛6月14日凌晨,两个年轻女性在横穿马路时,遇车祸身亡。看到新闻,备感痛心。



我是司机。我开车时,时常会遇到紧贴着我的车过马路的行人。遇到这种情况,我就会对坐在旁边的老婆说:“你看,你总说我开车太猛。可是你看这些行人,他们 100% 信任我的驾驶技术,比你对我放心多了。”

有一天晚上,我从 Dufferin 向北开,正想着是不是换到右线准备转弯,突然发现右线中间站着一家子人,一个老人,左边挽着个孕妇,右边拉着个孩子,准备过马路。我立刻出了一身冷汗。要知道,我眼睛一直盯着路线和前方的车,根本没想到也没看到那里站了几个人。如果我当时已经换入右线,肯定来不及刹车。想起来就后怕。






总之,行人要永远怀疑司机的水平和注意力,防备他们的危险动作。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 血的教训:不要过于相信司机
    • 提醒得很对。有时候我觉得司机其实也挺不容易的,要跟总部通话汇报行程,回答乘客问题,然后还要开车。。。
    • 顶!希望更多的行人能读到这篇文章。
    • 我觉得更应该提醒的是,安全第一,行人过马路必须要遵守交通规则,否则受害的肯定是行人,不要怕远而直接冲上大马路。有安全岛,有斑马线,有交通灯,为什么要拿自己的生命赌博么
      • 让人绕十分钟的路去走人行横道线是不现实的。
        • 政府是有错,但是在政府改正错误之前,为了10分钟而冒生命危险现实么?
          • 现实。1、人都有懒惰心理,都愿意走近道。2、对于极少发生的重大车祸,人们缺少预见性。因此,他们不可能每天多花十分钟时间以防备“不会出现”的危险。
    • 说的太对了!确认司机看见了行人、看见的红灯、停下了再踏上马路也不迟,毕竟性命攸关,得自己心疼自己。
    • 我时刻教育老婆和自己,在任何地方过马路,保持原来在国内时候的警惕性,不会吃亏。
    • 有理。我当司机的时候总是感叹行人太胆大,可我当行人的时候确又总是不自觉的那么胆大
      • 谢谢分享,
    • 写的相当好,我总是告诫家里人,不要跟司机抢,谁知道他喝酒没有?
    • 多年前我先生接受警察的驾驶训练,教练说,如果你想知道开车的司机有没有看到你,你必须和司机有eye contact, 如果没有eye contact, 你不可以假设司机看到你了。
      If you want to stay alive, make sure the driver sees you. Make eye contact with the driver so he knows you’re there. And driver, you make eye contact with everyone, including other drivers.
      • 这个有点忽悠,或是针对警察那种眼力好的。我等大近视,如何和司机眼神接触?有时司机冲我摆手我都看不见
        • 啊,这样也可以开车?
          • 怕啥?路上的车可比司机手大多了,而且不在玻璃罩里。
      • 说得对! 这是一个美国人发明的 Smith 驾驶法, 如果你当年在驾校没有看驾驶录像或者没有学Smith 驾驶法, 那一定是中国人或印巴人的省钱驾校, 建议你去复习一下Smith 驾驶技术的第一要点: eye contact , 然后是 SMB, Bala bala.
        当年一个朋友考车5次未过, 第六次通过后,考官告诉他: 当你换线时说 SMB 时, 我认为你可以通过了.
        • 掰。谁规定非得上驾校?
        • 不好意思,请问MSB 是什么意思?
          • Mirror, Signal, BlindPointCheck
        • Smith system 是针对驾驶员的。根贴讨论的是行人过马路的安全问题,行人不可能与六十公里车速上的司机有 eye contact(指的是能够避免碰撞的那种 eye contact)。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Smith five keys 的目标是为了给司机:空间、可视度和反应时间。根贴所谈的的教训其实也是为了给司机提供这些内容。

          The five keys give you:

          Space for the vehicle;
          Visibility for the driver;
          Time to make decision.

          The Five Keys are:
          1) LOOK FAR AHEAD

          Looking far ahead is indispensable if you want to drive in a straight line. At 50 KM. you must look at least one city block ahead. The faster you drive the farther ahead you must look; glancing regularly at the center of your lane or where you want the car to go will cause the car to follow your eyes. This same principle applies to turns, so you should look where you the car to go at all times. Also think far ahead, put your thoughts where your eyes are looking. Last, when backing up, you must turn your head and look backwards, towards the direction you want to go. Do not use your mirrrs to back up in a private passenger car.

          2) GET THE BIG PICTURE

          There exists in front of your car a fild of vision, which corresponds to the space necessary to stop or change direction: in the city it is sidewalk to sidewalk one city block in front of your ca; on the highways it is the soft shoulder to soft shoulder up to the horizon. To get a clear field of vision, you maintain your proper following distance: in the city, two seconds following distance; on the highway, three seconds; and in adverse conditions, four seconds. If you do not have a clear field of vision, cover the brake pedal with your right foot.


          Do not stare at anything for any length of time for any reason. While driving, look all around in front of you. When there is a danger, cover the brake and then glance at the danger then look straight ahead. Never ever stare at the danger. Check your rearview mirrors every five to ten seconds. Always turn your head to check your blind spots before changing direction or lanes. Glance at the front wheels of other cars to verify their direction and future intentions.


          During the night and in adverse conditions, put your headlights on but for maximum saftey, put your headlights on at all times when you drive. Try to get eye contact with other drivers and pedestrians. Use your signalling devices to get their attention. Whenever there is a danger, cover the brake and do not hesitate to toot the horn or give a headlight signal to get their attention. If you do not have eye contact with other people, brake and reduce speed immediately. Make sure your intentions are clear to the other users of the road. At night, you must signal the presence of your stalled vehicle with the proper lights or signals and you must movie it as far off the road as possible.


          An out is a space to go into when there is a danger. You will need space all around your car if you want to drive safly. Always have the proper following distance in front of your car. Another very important factor is the space on both sides of your car. You will need space on at least one side to swerve into avoid sudden obstacles in front of your car. If another car tailgates or follows too closely, increase your following distance, if you are on the left try to change to the right. If you are on the right, you slow down even more.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好文。
    • eye contact的确很重要。我是华人教练教出来的,教练就说你不一定会看到他的眼睛再看什么,但是你一定能看出来他的脸是不是冲着你。我观察到职业司机很注意eye contact。
    • 晚上光线太差了.车速快,而且又是跟行人,哪还有什么眼神交流.
    • 强烈建议市政府免费给市民发放反光马甲,反光绑腿也行。大家给市议员写信提出这个建议。
    • 看来行人晚上也要带灯。