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看完最后一集BAND OF BROTHERS。血雨腥风后,当年的战士,如今的老兵,说起那段日子嘘唏不已。

just brave, so brave is unbelievable

I am just one part of big war, that's all, a little part, and I am proud of be part of it. Sometimes it maks me cry.

real men, the real heros, are the fellows they are still buried over there and those came home be buried.

Henry V was talking to his man, he said "from this day to the ending of the world, we in it shall be remembered; we lucky few, we band of brothers; for he who today sheds his blood with me shall be my borhter"

I cherish the memories of question my grandson asked me another day, when he said: Grandpa were you a hero in the war? Grandpa said no, but I served a company of heros.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 看完最后一集BAND OF BROTHERS。血雨腥风后,当年的战士,如今的老兵,说起那段日子嘘唏不已。
    just brave, so brave is unbelievable

    I am just one part of big war, that's all, a little part, and I am proud of be part of it. Sometimes it maks me cry.

    real men, the real heros, are the fellows they are still buried over there and those came home be buried.

    Henry V was talking to his man, he said "from this day to the ending of the world, we in it shall be remembered; we lucky few, we band of brothers; for he who today sheds his blood with me shall be my borhter"

    I cherish the memories of question my grandson asked me another day, when he said: Grandpa were you a hero in the war? Grandpa said no, but I served a company of heros.
    • 你看的是不是最后两集连在一个文件上那个版本?那个文件太大我想拆开刻到cd上,可找不到合适软件
      • 看的是VCD
      • asfcut on google
      • 我当初是最早看的.HBO刚放.我这里就看到Divx的版本.嘻嘻....不过可惜的是看了就删除了.实在没地方放这些东西
      • 哪里可以下呀?
        • 下很久了,当时花了我2个星期。去www.shooter.com.cn看看还有没有
    • 俺能借到你的VCD吗?
      • 可以啊。
        • 谢谢,你在哪边?
          • Hamilton
    • 哪位好心的哥哥能告诉我网上哪能下呀! 我找了好久了!!!