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yes, I find many of them, too much!!!


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 中招了! WIN2K启机, 巨慢, 告知"系统文件被更改", 暴写硬盘的声音. 运行程序也巨慢. 是什么毒?怎么办? 哪位IT DX支一招? 谢
    • 找个DOS杀毒程序,不进WINDOWS解毒,试试看。
      • good idea! How can I make a dos diskette?
        • 搜索KV300解密,有人做好的软件,一执行,就自动生成KV300原版盘.
        • it is kv3000
          • can't find it on Internet. Do u have one? thnx
            • yes, I find many of them, too much!!!
              • Thnx! u r great!
            • you should learn a little more about using search engine.
    • 如果用DOS有困难,就把硬盘拆下来,挂到别人电脑里做SECOND硬盘,用别人的机器杀你的毒。
    • 是不是求职信病毒?我前两天刚中!
    • 看在process中有没有进程是wink*.exe的?
    • 还在与病毒斗争. 系统起动后狂写硬盘, 巨慢. 请IT DX 支招. THX
      • maybe you don't have enough memory. :-)) how do you know it is writing, not reading. sometimes, a large registery file can cause that.
        • 192 MB memory. probably sth is really wrong with my computer.
          I can get message saying "The system files used by Windows were changed, and will cause Windows unstable." I think some virus is changing the WIndows system files. BTW, when I use Win2k, the problem happens. while using Win98. nothing wrong.your advice? thnx.
      • delete the swap file.
        • under which dir? Thx.
          • 我只知道交换文件不连续会有这种表现(也就是说不能反推您所面临问题的原因是交换文件不连续),在那我不知道,因我不用W2K。
            • ok. i'll arrange disk fragment.
              • DEFRAGMENT不能整理交换文件。
          • under the root directory of windows 2000 installed. but i don' think this is the problem. anyway, if you want to try, delete the file named "pagefile.sys".
        • to hardworking : borrow a 256m ram, add in your machine, and let's see if it still "狂写“ :-)
          • ok i'll do so, to see what will happen.
    • 你也可这样试一试。启动机器,按F8进入选项,选择修复windows