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My experience ...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have been looking at houses in Richmond Hill, Markham and North York for a few years now. Partly because I'm interested in moving up and partly because I'm interested in the housing market. I bought one recently without using an agent. In my experience, you do save if you don't use a buyer's agent. But it's unlikely you'd save the 2.5% or 2.25%. And it's not a bad idea to use a buyer's agent if you can get a good deal.

In my experience, listing agents are more interested in selling to buyers without agent - I figure they at least get a cut of the 2.5% commission due to buyer's agent and the sale is easier to all parties because everyone saves. Of the few houses I made an offer or showed strong interest, the listing agents were very enthusiastic. They were noticeably frustrated when the seller wasn't flexible. One agent even called the seller unreasonable. I've never been refused a showing. Majority of them I called within a few days of the listing start date. This year I was more serious and I got to see most houses within a day or two of the listing. A couple of them I saw right on the day the listing showed up.

It's unlikely you'll save the 2.5% or 2.25% commission, however. I believe most listing agreements give the listing agent a cut in the event of a sale to someone without an agent. Last year, I was interested in a house in Markham. The house had been in the market for quite a while and the seller already lowered the price. However, the listing agent refused to budge on buyer's agent commission. She said she should get the 2.5% because she had to do all the work for me. HA! I figure your advantage is that most listing agents would be willing to negotiate on the buyer's agent commission in order to make a sale. However, in a hot market like now, they're much less motivated. Many years ago when I sold my old house, my agreement called for 5% with a buyer's agent and 4% without, if my memory is correct.

The big disadvantage of buying on your own is the lack of market knowledge and the difficulty of getting timely sales information. This doesn't apply to me because I've looked in areas I like for years and I know the sale price of all the houses I visited either privately or during an open house. I guess I'm probably more informed than these less experienced agents. Also I have a friend who's a licensed agent and I can get any sales data I wanted from him any time. In a sense, he's my buyer's agent. I believe if you get a good deal, it's worthwhile to use a buyer's agent. Otherwise you'll have to devote a lot of time to research. And you can't easily get the most recent information for the area and the house.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 大家有没有不通过AGENT自己买房的? 有什么经验和程序可以分享的吗?
    • i bought my house three month ago, no jj
      first you should know how much money you want to spend, where is the location you are interested in, what kind of house you want to buy. then keep watching the MLS list, if you find the house you interested, call the seller agent, .....
      in my experience, buyer jj is not necessary
      • 请问是让list agent做dual agent吗?能给多少返还呢?如果只给1%,这里好多买房经纪也能给。是不是还是要个买方经纪好些呢?
        • directly deduct the price you offer by a portion of the buyer agent commission
    • co- ask.
      • can you call list agent to see the house? when you negotiate with list agent, is there more room to cut down price without buyer agent?
        • Yes to both questions. Buyer agent does bring experience to the table, regarding market price, location information, etc. Without a buyer's agent, you need to do a lot of research.
    • 需要分享,
      • My experience ...
        • thank you .
    • 首先弄明白你想做listing agent的 client 还是 customer,或者说他想让你签什么 agreement
      • 能具体介绍一下两者的区别吗?
    • 你可以看一下这个网站http://bytheowner.com/ 我的一个同事刚在这个网站上把房子卖了,只付了300元给这个网站,他告诉我至少省了18000元的COMMISION
    • 前些年买房时,请agent “partially” 服务,我自己做功课,了解学校情况,社区情况,交通等等这些信息都是公开的,很容易找。我的Agent根据我的要求从REALTOR网上调周边成交信息。我直接对卖f方JJ交易,不要COMMISSION FEE但压了不少于此钱的房价。
      • 请教萤火虫能分享下如何做功课的么?怎么去查区域的社区情况,学校情况?谢!
    • 我,过去发过不少这方面的贴你可以搜搜。LS说到自己卖房,我觉得卖房的话最好还是委托JJ,但一定要经验丰富的,否则得不尝失。
    • 我是新经济,借助贵贴,发表一下自己的言论。欢迎拍砖。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在我个人看来,买方经济也是付出了辛苦和努力为大家服务的,所以获得相应的报酬也是理所当然的。经济也是一份职业,付出了劳动就要有所回报,大家都是为了挣口饭吃。也许有人会说,买方经济没有做很多事情,但是得到的报酬太多。其实每个行业都有每个行业的薪资标准,就拿律师来说,他们给你做的事情有时也并不需要花费很多时间,但是你要付出的报酬却是昂贵的,而你只能接受这个价格无法质疑。之所以大家没有质疑律师却来质疑经济,也许是因为大家觉得成为一个律师并不容易,或者说律师的工作自己无能为力,只能被动接受。其实经济的工作也不是所有人都能做的,每年的管理费用,登广告的费用,待客人看房的油钱,保险,没有收入时的压力等等,这些都是经济所要付出的艰辛。所以每一个风光职业的背后,也有很多不为人知的痛苦。希望大家也能够理解经济。做生意也要把自己的成本打入交易价格不是吗?
      有些事情是需要换位思考的。不是吗?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我想有点走题, 如果顾客能够自己选地区,自己找房,自己定价,自己权衡利弊,自己有足够知识去处理房屋买卖。不需要BUYER JJ, 并不等于不尊重JJ. 并不是所有人都有这种本领。 但最重要是不要利用JJ为你提供免费咨询。
        • agree
      • 拿律师比?看来你是不知道人家读个律师执照得花多大功夫!外科医生挣得也不少,没见过谁人敢跟外科医生的收费较劲!多数人还是能够分辨那些收费合理与否,你不如闷头做你的生意,挣了人家的钱还能遭到表扬这样的好事不多。
        • 不是跟律师比,跟律师的收入那还差好大一节呢。我的意思是说同样是提供了服务,为什么律师的服务费大家就都没有质疑。各行各业都有收费标准,经济也是付出了很多劳动的。
          • 哦,那你怎么不拿饭馆服务员比?人家那也是提供了服务得到的报酬。质疑多说明收取的报酬不合理,收费合理保证没人抱怨,这不是很简单一事嘛。
            • 收入多的是大牌LISTING JJ, 普通小JJ赚不了几个钱,能生存就算不错了。一个月赚17万的JJ是很少的,不用嫉妒抱怨,要嫉妒就自己去考个牌自己做做看。
              • 嫉妒抱怨?你从哪看出来的?
      • 冷眼看JJ:为什么这么多人都做JJ?因为挣钱太容易,考牌太容易,一个房虫,有必要都开着奔驰,宝马吗?
        • 开奔驰宝马那还不是生意的需要吗?客人喜欢啊。不要只看到经济赚钱,也要看到经济赔钱的时候啊。各行各业都有挣得多,挣得少的人。不能拿其他行业挣得少的跟挣得多的经济相比啊。相信有很多年收入也就2,3万的经济呢。
    • 不通过AGENT自己买房的几乎没有,不是通过你自己的JJ就是LSITING agent,你终归要给剥层皮的。
      • 我也觉得如此。区别只是角度不一样,你为刀俎,我为鱼肉。
      • 被一个JJ剥总比被两个JJ剥好的,少剥点是点
      • 完全不需要buyer agent, 事实证明这是个多出来的职业,并且不利于房事健康发展!
    • JJ和卖家是签了合同的,指望JJ向着你是不现实的,小心他选择性的给你附近成交价比较高的历史记录,你唯一能得到实惠的情况就是JJ主动降佣金,这种情况不是没有,要看什么JJ了