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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Just ordered one from Bestbuy in US, will pick up on Nov 23 or 24.


and this one...


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 想找4个人左右,想从美国买电视的,到bufflo warehouse(cbiusa.com)取。
    原因:我没有Van,正好有个同事(国人)有Honda Odessy.他也想买点东西,如果想买电器有没有大车的朋友,我们可以一起share所有的车的费用。有兴趣的请PM.但不是团购,因为我不知道是否有团购,只是想各自订购自己的, 凑几个人一车拉回来。
    • want to buy a LCD TV from US. any good deal in this moment?
      • I only check abesofmarine.com and us_appliance.com as per some other Rolian referred.
    • 怎么过关?
      • 一车拉四个大彩电, 够气派.
        • 得搞个大van或者truck才能放的下
      • +13% Tax
    • 买那个品牌的,加我吧
      • I am hesitating from the following...

        But I am wondering if I can put 65" TV in the van.....
        • 不买LED或LCD的吗?这一种好像耗电太厉害。。。
          • I need bigger one since my family room is about 31 square meter.
      • Anyone know how much it is to rent a van bigger than Odessey?
        • about $90 per day
          • Hi, DongBeiRen, sorry can not type Chinese, Can you let me know more detail? What 's kind of Van? Where I can find it at that price? Thanks,
            • Anybody interests this one? It comes with a free blue-ray DVD. We can rent a cargo-van together and pick up at Buffalo.
      • How about this deal? Add me in!
        http://www.us-appliance.com/tcp50g10.html. If interest PM me!
    • 我正好想买电视,加上我。
      • 楼上说的对,可能需要cargo van才能运回来.不过今天晚上我去了一趟futureshop...
        Tonight I went to one futureshop in Heartland center in Mississauga. Some model like UN55B7000and 8000(LED), the sales can offer good price, final price including tax only about 200-300 more than the same one you got from US but you have one year warranty.. It looks maybe the price will drop soon in Canada. If anybody have interest in it, you can try.
        • 这个型号是多少钱?
          • the sales can give me $2899 on UN55B7000
            • 去abe's of maine 查了下,samsung un55b7000 是2228.18, 加上100运费,乘以1.05的汇率。加上13%,大约是2722. 你在futureshop, 他说2899. 然后还要13%。大约3275. 算来算去,还是差500.和我上次的帖子说的比较没有什么本质的变化。
              • I think it still has a little more room to bargain. And also if less than $500 difference, I will buy here. But the one I am looking for has $2000 difference. Stupid Canada retailer!
          • It looks Sumsung start to cut price now in canada. Compare this....

            I wish Panasonic start doing this soon....
            • 我猜测是LCD要开始淘汰了。LED成为主流。所以LED的价格变化不大,但LCD降的很快。这些商人,不让他们吃苦头,看来是不肯下狠心降价的。
    • 警告:大彩电很占地方。一个 Van 可能只能放下一个电视,不大可能放得下四个大电视。建议租辆卡车。
      • 加拿大真是的,买彩电还要到100公里外跑单帮。
      • 没办法,老中就是这样。省过头了。友情提示,这种长途采购,最好各管各 ,各自开车去。(除非你们很熟)因为万一路上有任何状况,车主要负责保险,包括乘客和所带物品。丑话要说清楚先。别出了问题再吵架。
        • 这是个明白人.
        • I think you are right. Also the one I want to buy the shipping time is not so sure because they don't have in stock now.
      • 你是很懂得的加拿大的中国人的行情的。