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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Delete the file c:\windows\web\6349927604.exe or any other recently dated .exe files in this directory. Exe's shouldn't be needed in this directory.

2. Right-click Internet Explorer and go to Properties...>Delete Files under the General tab> check off "Delete all offline content" and hit OK

3. On this same IE tab change your Home page address to something different (msn.com,google.com, etc.) so IE doesn't open automatically to a Netzany page

4. Go to Start>Run.. and type "regedit" and hit OK

5. With "My Computer" highlighted within Registry Editor search for anything containing "netzany". Delete any entries specifically containing Netzany or any keys (the folders) that look to contain only netzany entries. If you are worried about deleting anything, hightlight the single entry or its key and then go to Registry>Export registry file... and save it someplace safe before proceeding. If you find later you deleted something that is needed you can restore the registry entry by simply opening the export file you created. Windows will return it to its original position

6. Follow Step 5 again but this time search for "6349927604"

7. If it's not already gone, delete the Netzany folder from your Windows Favorites list

8. Restart your PC before signing onto the internet again. Any files resident in memory and associated with Netzany could potentially put back what you just cleaned up if you do not reboot

BTW,a simple way to get rid that is download and run Ad-aware 5.82更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 求救!求救!!拜托各位DX,我的电脑惨遭黄网袭击,一个叫netzany的,每次开机,桌面上都显示一大堆,删除后再次启动却还是重新出现在桌面上
    无论怎么更改internet首页设定,出现的还是这个网,尤其是在电脑屏幕下方会出现一些 有关次网页的选项,无法关闭,我该怎么办,帮帮我,好吗?
    • 第一,没事呢,就别去那些黄色网站看东看西,呵呵,第二,去下个超级兔子,就可以把那些黄毒删除干净.第三,装个Nav平时查杀查杀,恶意的script有时候也可以挡住
      • 同病相怜。真是冤枉, 没有去什么黄色网站,是在XX城的论坛里边。我昨天忙了一晚上也没有删掉。
        而且我机器上装了正版的NORTON, 没有用, 因为它不是病毒。那个什么兔子是什么? 那里有下载的?我现在上什么网站都是POWERED BY NETZANY,真是郁闷!!!!
        还有, 如果进入银行帐户, 会不会被他把资料偷去?高人, 指点一下吧?
    • I can help you
      I think I can help you, please send email to dingdmqp@online.sh.cn
    • 你看看在Program files目录下,有没有一个隐藏或者系统文件?
    • 请看(#566643)
    • 去网易或新郎当一个IE反修改工具软件即可
    • 让我来告诉你怎么做
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Delete the file c:\windows\web\6349927604.exe or any other recently dated .exe files in this directory. Exe's shouldn't be needed in this directory.

      2. Right-click Internet Explorer and go to Properties...>Delete Files under the General tab> check off "Delete all offline content" and hit OK

      3. On this same IE tab change your Home page address to something different (msn.com,google.com, etc.) so IE doesn't open automatically to a Netzany page

      4. Go to Start>Run.. and type "regedit" and hit OK

      5. With "My Computer" highlighted within Registry Editor search for anything containing "netzany". Delete any entries specifically containing Netzany or any keys (the folders) that look to contain only netzany entries. If you are worried about deleting anything, hightlight the single entry or its key and then go to Registry>Export registry file... and save it someplace safe before proceeding. If you find later you deleted something that is needed you can restore the registry entry by simply opening the export file you created. Windows will return it to its original position

      6. Follow Step 5 again but this time search for "6349927604"

      7. If it's not already gone, delete the Netzany folder from your Windows Favorites list

      8. Restart your PC before signing onto the internet again. Any files resident in memory and associated with Netzany could potentially put back what you just cleaned up if you do not reboot

      BTW,a simple way to get rid that is download and run Ad-aware 5.82更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好感动,已进入rolia发现有这么多人回复。有点冤枉的是,我根本就不知怎么回事就这样了。我是个电脑盲,慢慢消化大家所说的,非常感谢!!!!!!!!
      • 按大家的指引,终于能删除的,能更改的都做了,重新进入后,他也不再跳出来了。只是屏幕的上方,“上一页”“下一页”那一列最又端仍然有netzany 字样
        • 在工具栏上点右键,进入自定义,删除它的工具按钮。
    • 哪里这么麻烦。My Computer->c:\winnt->regedit.exe.查找所有的包含‘netzany’的鍵值,把左边相应的整个记录全删掉就行了。
    • 我的IE的SEACH功能被改成"搜狐"的破功能, 怎样才能恢复到MSN的?