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In case you want to transfer doc file to an image file.

You have to have Acrobat.

In WORD, open the file you want to transfer. Click on the File, seclect Print, in the Printer option, choose Acrobat Distiller, select the folder you want to save your pdf file, click OK.

In PhotoShop, open it. Maybe you will find you Word file is an image with transparent background. In the Layer Menu, click on New>Layer. In the layer tool box, drug the new layer underneath the background layer and fill it with any color you want to be the background color. Save it as BMP or JPG or TIF...

OR, you can simply use Acrobat to open this pdf file and Save As to whatever format you want.

It seems different, but it's not true. You can do it! Good luck!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 请教大家: wbk????.TMP 是什么文件,最近电脑总是提示打不开此类文件,但是我宾没有运行里此类软件啊?
    • ^
    • 应该是系统产生的文件,不用理它吧。
      • 可是它每次都蹦出来提示你,没完没了,很讨厌,不知系统出了什么问题?
    • 怎么尽碰奇怪的事,写字板打不开了,系统提示“创建空文档失败”。大伙有何高见。
      • 重装吧。我反正遇到这样不明情况就选择此办法。
    • 借你的贴子问个土问题:如何把.doc或者SigmaPlot (一个绘图软件)文件转成.JPG或者.BMP? 除了打印输出后再用扫描仪扫进去,有别的招没?谢谢!!
      • HELP! Thanks
        • sorry,孤陋寡闻了,从来没见过后缀为DOC的图形文件,也没听说过那种软件,不过,小心的问一句,既然可以打印,难道不能输出其他格式的文件,即便是打印输出的是那种打印文件格式。

          推荐你去国内的论坛问一问,下面两个网站的论坛人气可能好一点。good luck
          • doc is Microsoft Word file format.
            • I hear it but I never used it before. pmer问我这个问题算是找错了人,呵呵。
          • sorry sorry 是我没说清楚。问题是这样的:替别人帮忙,出书。用Word, SigmaPlot做了几张图表,本来想着激光打印出来给他就是了。可他希望所有的图表以.JPG或者.BMP格式保存,一图一页。把我搞蒙了。特到此一问。
        • 记不太清,好像用FAX软件可以,就是输出到FAX打印机,但不打印,存为TIF文件,再随便找个图像软件就可以转成JPEG啦。也许还有更好的办法。
          • 谢谢。我将一试。可惜偶的FAX软件试用期已到。又得另外整一个了。
      • 搞个抓图软件如何?
      • In case you want to transfer doc file to an image file.
        You have to have Acrobat.

        In WORD, open the file you want to transfer. Click on the File, seclect Print, in the Printer option, choose Acrobat Distiller, select the folder you want to save your pdf file, click OK.

        In PhotoShop, open it. Maybe you will find you Word file is an image with transparent background. In the Layer Menu, click on New>Layer. In the layer tool box, drug the new layer underneath the background layer and fill it with any color you want to be the background color. Save it as BMP or JPG or TIF...

        OR, you can simply use Acrobat to open this pdf file and Save As to whatever format you want.

        It seems different, but it's not true. You can do it! Good luck!
        • 谢谢!还是您专业。这就试去。
      • 你要是不嫌费事,可以屏幕拷贝。
      • 去网上下一个软件:FinePrint pdfFactory,该软件把自己模拟成一台打印机,可以把任何可以打印的文档转换成PDF文件,用法很简单,只要打印的时候打印机选择pdfFactory就可以了。然后,再按照feifei的办法做就可以了。
      • xanada, bloor, guestagain 各位,一并谢了!
    • 如果是每次开机时提示的,那就要注意了,你的这二种现象综合起来看, 像是你中的Torjan木马了。
      • 呵呵,WORDPAD的问题出在新装的 PWIN98系统里,TMP的问题出在WIN ME中,不过,我是应该先查一下毒了,有点后怕。
    • Check your system disk space, maybe the space is too small for temp file
      • the space is more than 3M. anyway tahnks.