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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 我也来做手工:make baby hair clips and bows
    • 太美啊,大家组织个手工club吧,我要参加!
    • 我要报名参加你的club!
    • 嘿嘿,有2个成品已经在我家多多头上了。那朵蓝玫瑰真漂亮。下周就开始你的手工club吧。
      • 咱们要不开个网站,把成品摆那一卖,攥点小外块怎样。别说,好多baby products的网站都是在家带孩子的妈妈们搞出来的。
        • 那朵蓝玫瑰我留给自己戴了。我也琢磨着,这要卖8快一个,一天要卖个几十个的,那外快可不少。。。我家同学在旁边冷笑,“你没不做梦吧”
          • 我怕他到时候忙着数钱呢,说不定定单太多还给你打下手。
    • 好漂亮啊!MM手真巧!可惜生了个小子,没得戴呀
      • 接着再生一个吧:)
        • 现在这个皮的很,累死我了;要是下一个还是个小子,我可怎么办啊
          • +1
    • 哇!好漂亮,好手巧的MM,我订两个行不?
      • 没问题
        • 谢谢!谢谢!
    • 为啥一再强调是后妈。。。
      • 她那是自谦,肯话那么多时间与精力给小宝宝DIY头花,这哪是后妈能办到的呀。
    • 看不到照片
    • 家有小平头的飘过~~~~~~
      • 我家这个不爱往头上戴东西,戴什么都给揪下来,本来想给她留长发的,既然她不喜欢戴这些,就又给剪成超短发了
        • 有段时间是这样,再大点就知道臭美了。
    • 好漂亮,,不过夹子也得有头发带呀,俺家妞小发只有一厘米,八个月了还是胎发呢,啥念头都没了。
      • 俺也只有羡慕的份,俺家女宝都三个多月了,头发还没有刚生下来的时候多,活像个小一休,也不知小人何时才能长出一头茂盛的头发,也能臭美一把。
    • 嘿嘿..右下角那个,我们家妹妹戴着很美呢.:))
      • 上个真人秀?
      • 你下手好快啊,上个真人秀吧。想看看你家的小美女
    • 好漂亮,我喜欢。真是羡慕会自己动手的妈妈。
    • 有没有真人秀的?
    • 收藏了。
    • 真漂亮啊,也好想要一个哦
      • 好漂亮,真是个巧手妹妹,啥时开始卖,别忘了通知我,我给我家小妞妞订几个.
    • 问一下彩带下面的夹子在哪买的?
    • 不错不错,简洁漂亮。我也是做手工和diy的big fan.可惜生了个臭小子,搞得我没有一点时间和动力去做这些漂漂的东西了。有craft club的话我也要参加!
    • 真是好漂亮啊,另外笨妈问一句,除了第一个,其它的怎么给戴到宝宝头上的?后面也有卡子,还是你家宝宝长头发,梳小辩?
    • wow!!!
    • 太让我惊讶了,这些头花都好美呀,为你骄傲。你的手工真不错,个个都好精致呀:-)))
    • 是不是用硅胶棒粘上去的。
    • 教程来啦:
      是一个博克里转过来, 和她不同的,我用了HOT GLUE GUN而不是胶水

      I had so much fun making these cute and easy hair clips after finding several great tutorials. These are ideal for babies, but fun for older kids and adults, too!

      I experimented with three different types of ribbon materials. The top three use self-adhesive paper-crafting ribbon from Joann’s, and the last two use regular ribbon secured with Fabric Fusion adhesive (I don’t know where our glue gun is, nor do I ever use it, although it would probably be handy here). The purple one and green gingham one in the center are wrapped with textured tape from Making Memories and were the fastest and easiest to make. To embellish the green gingham clip, I glued on a white button and used the flower heads off of two brads for the ends. (Note: be extra cautious with this kind because of the possible choking hazard).

      Postscript: I noticed that one of the tutorials linked above is not available right now because the author is doing some site work, so I’ve decided to do a quick version below. I am using the textured tape here, but you can also use craft adhesive or a glue gun to hold regular ribbon in place.

      1. Materials needed: Metal single prong hair clip (I got my box from Sally Beauty Supply), abut a 7″ length of ribbon, and adhesive. The lighter is for sealing the ribbon ends, if needed, to keep the edges from fraying.

      2.Pinch the clip open and lay your ribbon beginning on the inside bottom, being careful to keep it on straight.

      3. Wrap the ribbon around and adhere it along the bottom of the clip, making a nice crease at the tip.

      4.Push the ribbon into the gap behind the pinching ends to cover the back.

      5. Continue to wrap the ribbon up and over the top.

      6. Bring the ribbon over the top tip (again making a nice crease here) and adhere it to the inside top of the clip.

      7. Add embellishments, if you’d like.

      • 连接几个网上的baby真人秀:
      • more and more 真人秀,让妈妈们看个够!
    • 还有一个教程也很详细:
      • 谢谢分享! 周末就给我家妹妹做.
    • 我一向不感兴趣这类东西,因为我笨。看了你的帖子,我真的想试试呢。我常被问,2 BOYS OR 1G 1B, EVEN THEY ARE IN PINK! 挂个卡子,看还有问的没有。THANKS.
    • 太棒了!介绍的很详细,希望不久的将来就有能有所成就。不过还是喜欢妈妈们一起做,就更有动力了。
    • 请问准备动手开始做发夹的巧手妈妈们,去哪里可以买到底下的那个夹子?