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现在都流行sun tan呢,就是往皮肤上抹酱油。浅的抹生抽、深的抹老抽。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / It’s Friday, isn’t it? My day starts with this... have a nice day everyone :D
    The French woman Fab always wear a big pile of silver bracelets. While waiting for the coffee brewing, three women had a conversation,

    Me: Fab, how many bracelets exactly are you wearing?
    Fab: A lot. Actually I’ve been wearing them since I was a teenager. Each one of them has a meaning…
    Beverley: Oh-oh… we might well start counting them…
    Fab: Hey, it’s not what you gals are thinking …
    Me/Beverley: Come on Fab… tell us. We can handle it …

    Well, how many of THAT you had, before marriage? u know, we can handle it :)
    • +O please.
      • +o? no no, i'd rather stay here ...
    • yeah, friday , and with this post, it will be a salty one ~~~~
      • ok, I will continue with some letters.................
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Noah,
        We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.

        Dear Twilight fans,
        Please realize that because vampires are dead and have no blood pumping through them, they can never get an erection.
        Enjoy fantasizing about that.

        Dear Icebergs,
        Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma's a bitch.
        The Titanic

        Dear J.K. Rowling,
        Your books are entirely unrealistic.. I mean, a ginger kid with two friends?

        Dear America,
        You produced Miley Cyrus. Bieber is your punishment.

        Dear Yahoo,
        I've never heard anyone say, "I don't know, let's Yahoo! it..." just saying...

        Dear 2010,
        So I hear the best rapper is white and the president is black? WTF happened?!

        Dear Windshield Wipers,
        Can't touch this.
        That Little Triangle

        Dear girls who have been dumped,
        There are plenty of fish in the sea... Just kidding! They're all dead.

        Dear Saturn,
        I liked it, so I put a ring on it.

        Dear Michael Jackson,
        You really should have became a Catholic Priest. The pay isn't great, but the benefits....
        Sincerely, The Pope

        Dear jf;ldsfa/kvsmmklnn,
        Please lknvfdmv.xvn.
        Sincerely, Stevie Wonder

        Dear Nickleback,
        That's enough.
        Sincerely, The World

        Dear Skin-Colored Band Aids,
        Please make one for every skin color.
        Sincerely, Black people

        Dear Scissors,
        I feel your pain.....no one wants to run with me either.
        Sincerely, Sarah Palin

        Dear Mary,
        Just admit that you slept with someone else. This is getting out of hand.
        Sincerely, Joseph

        Dear Osama Bin Laden,
        Sincerely, United States

        Dear World of Warcraft,
        Thank you for ensuring my son's virginity.
        Sincerely, Parents Everywhere

        Dear Anne Frank,
        Two can play this game....
        Sincerely, Waldo

        Dear Batman,
        What was your power again?
        Sincerely, Superman

        Dear Customers,
        Yes, we ARE making fun of you in Vietnamese.
        Sincerely, Nail Salon Ladies

        Dear Global Warming,
        You're the best imaginary friend ever!
        Sincerely, Al Gore

        Dear Ugly People,
        You're welcome.
        Sincerely, Alcohol

        Dear Mr. Gump
        WTF are you talking about? There's a little diagram on the lid that tells you EXACTLY what you're gonna get....
        Sincerely, Jenny

        Dear Katy Perry,
        I liked the kiss too.
        Sincerely, Justin Beiber

        Dear Haiti,
        Is it too early to ask what's shakin'?
        Seriously Going To Hell

        Dear Martin Luther King Jr.
        I have a dream within a dream within a dream within another dream.... What now?
        Leonardo Di Caprio

        Dear World,
        Please stop freaking out about 2012. Our calendars ends there because some Spanish d-bags invaded our country and we got a little busy ok?
        The Mayans

        Dear Snooki,
        Willy Wonka

        Dear White People,
        Don't you just hate immigrants?
        Native Americans

        Dear iPhone,
        Please stop spellchecking all of my rude words into nice words. You piece of shut.
        Every iPhone User

        Dear Giant Spider on the Wall,
        Please die. Please die. Please die. Please die. CRAP! Where did you go?

        Dear Trash,
        At least you get picked up...
        The Girls of Jersey Shore

        Dear Man,
        It's cute, but can you pick up peanuts with it?

        Dear Dr. Phil,
        Look man, there's only room for one fake doctor in this world and I was here first.
        Dr. Pepper更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • salty? not sweet-n-sour? well, if u say so~~ please, continue,,,
        • here you go ~~~~~
          初练时,我们不懂 bracelet ~~~~~
    • 今天早上实在是太糟糕了……
      • pat, pat
      • what happened?
        • 女儿早上吃饭磨磨蹭蹭,半个三明治、一个鸡蛋、两块苹果、一杯牛奶20分钟还没吃完。我一怒之下自己开车去上班了,没送她去上学。她刚满7岁。
          • 这么多东西我女儿不开电视机是吃不下去的
            • 多吗?那你们都给这么大的孩子吃什么呢?早上?
              • 牛奶和蛋糕
                • 不吃鸡蛋么?好像说鸡蛋早上吃要好些。
                  • 除了蘸酱油,她鸡蛋怎么吃都不喜欢,只能吃蛋糕。
                    • 你试试做卤鸡蛋。卤好肉之后把煮熟的鸡蛋剥皮、竖着划上几刀。然后放到卤肉的汤里面煮开、泡一个晚上入味。我闺女还有朋友的孩子们都很喜欢吃这种卤蛋。
                      • 不行。我们不让她吃酱油。在这里以后要和白妹妹比谁更妍白,LoL。
                        • 现在都流行sun tan呢,就是往皮肤上抹酱油。浅的抹生抽、深的抹老抽。
                          • 这个抹的是酱油膏
                      • 小孩能多吃卤煮的东西么?
                        • 卤煮?火烧?
          • 啥时候俺女儿也这么能吃就好了。。。羡慕ing。。。
            • 我觉得我闺女不算能吃的,半个三明治实际上就是两片面包+一片奶酪+一片HAM,然后对角切开。她半个我半个。牛奶约200ml,1/4个苹果,外加一个煎蛋。她是能吃完的,就是磨蹭。
              • 对于7岁的女孩儿来说俺觉得已经不少了。。。俺家闺女早上是一杯奶+一个卤蛋。。。她是6岁半。。。
                • 她活动量很大啊,晚饭现在通常都是小碗一碗半饭,再加上N多菜肉,煎的扒能吃两块。不胖,身高133,体重24公斤。
                  • 吃的都长个儿了,没长肉~~~~~
                    • 这孩子有时候吃东西很吓人的,3岁的时候曾经有一次试过吃了15个鲜虾馄饨。我都怕把她撑着。但是后来也没事。。
                      • 胃已经撑大了。我家庭医生是个华人,老教育我们不要让女儿多吃。说以后还要减肥太麻烦:)
    • Same scene happended here everyday, 人到中年is cafeteria, bangles are gossipy posts, "three women" are Xu Moms 。。。
      • hohoho, welcome back ~~
      • #6575505@0
    • So roughly how many is she wearing? :))
      • +15, by sight :)
        • hoho, that sounds above average