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Actually, I think Altima drives pretty much the same as Corolla, but usually it has more options that came with the package. The price listed here sounds pretty good.

But the thing that you should pay attention to is that prices listed on most web sites are actually for US sales, and after you convert the US dollar into Canadian dollars, you will find it's higher because they always sell the same cars in Canada a little bit cheaper, I don't know why. Give you an example, I bought the Nissan Pathfinder SE in 2000, the listed base price(before tax and freight charge) in US web sites was around 30K US, which was about 45K in canadian dollar. But the Ottawa dealer was only asking for 39K, I thought I had a really good deal at first, then some friends told me canadian cars were always cheaper than cars in US. Eventually I was able to cut the base price down to 36K . So you should make sure that you are looking at the Canadian dealer sites.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / Nissan Altima GXE,93, 180K, ask for 5800$, how's it?
    • given the mileage
      • 180k, 90% highway
        • an 8yr new altima not corrola/civiv/maxima... seems a bit high
          • :D do you think corolla/Civic are as good as Maxima? Are you crazy something?
            • i take altima as base refrence
              • heihei, anyway, Altima is better than any one of corolla and civic
              • altima should be comparable to Corolla, and Maxima is actually a bit more luxurious than Camry
                • 咣铛,去网站上比较比较再说
                  • I was driving a 94 altima GXE a couple of years ago,
                    I believe it's actually a remake from a previous model "Stanza". It feels okay overall, but engine was a little weak, when I sold it , I noticed its listed price was very close to Corolla of the same year, maybe different only by 200 dollars.
                    • quite right remarks, so stanza, haha, is the price a little bit high? btw, altima's pigu is among the ugliest, like or not.
                    • 承蒙指教,我调查过几大交易网,同样的车要比这个价高2k左右(dealer)。另外,这个的确比corolla和civic档次高那么一点点,新车价差在5k左右。Nissan有另外一款Sentra跟它们一档,你说的是保值不如Toyota
                      • Actually, I think Altima drives pretty much the same as Corolla, but usually it has more options that came with the package. The price listed here sounds pretty good.
                        But the thing that you should pay attention to is that prices listed on most web sites are actually for US sales, and after you convert the US dollar into Canadian dollars, you will find it's higher because they always sell the same cars in Canada a little bit cheaper, I don't know why. Give you an example, I bought the Nissan Pathfinder SE in 2000, the listed base price(before tax and freight charge) in US web sites was around 30K US, which was about 45K in canadian dollar. But the Ottawa dealer was only asking for 39K, I thought I had a really good deal at first, then some friends told me canadian cars were always cheaper than cars in US. Eventually I was able to cut the base price down to 36K . So you should make sure that you are looking at the Canadian dealer sites.
                        • 所有价格比较全部基于.ca加拿大本地价格,去看看就知道了。你说的不错,同样的车美圆价格按汇率算过来跟加拿大卖价是不一样,一般偏高。这个就跟他们说的上帝就是没有来源,也没有结束,永远存在的一样,我也不知道为什么。哪位大侠知道的知会一声,先谢了
                          • I think it is a purchse-ability-based consideration by auto maker, besides,
                            a jap car is not really a jap car, a usa car is not necessarily made in dearborn/Warren/Pontiac either---In fact Ontario is almost ll these cars' important production base---from Windsor to Cambridge.
                        • 说到开车的感觉,除了美国抵挡车比较次外,我在国内开的本田雅阁,跟这里开师傅的烤肉拉,也没觉得有太大差别,也许应该试试bmw
    • 心价比不错,告诉里程不算啥,比市区车好。
      • 说实话,它无论外表和开的感觉,跟98年车没什么区别,嘿嘿,我姐一定喜欢
    • and if he has all service record, buy!!
    • 如果在TORONTO STAR上刊登买车广告是否可以避开讨厌的车行?
      • 买车发广告不好找,还是搜卖车广告吧,我把egg给我的发给你,要不要?去注册个邮件列表(多大的),经常有人卖
        • 太好了! 非常感谢! my box abn66@hotmail.com
        • Hi there, Can I have one? nn999@hotmail.com
    • if it is highway mileage, i think it is ok.
    • 咳,不管这么多,先给它弄过来再说,她不满意就卖
      • 再Finch/leslie往西医点
        • 什么东西?
          • 往西一点
          • ben
          • sorry, i don't know what's going on with rolia, it's not supposed to be here, to follow this post
            • 往西一点干吗?你说卖车的主人?
    • 怎么一下公里数变那么高了?不说12万的吗?
      • 116K miles, heihei