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不久前有人发贴说North York地区的Rogers不能两台电脑共享,今天终于知道了。

我用Rogers Cable好几个月了,一直用一台Router将两台电脑共享,什么都没设一点问题也没有。直到不久前天太热,网经常断,就打了电话问Rogers tech support。当时我傻了,告诉了他们我的IP address,所以他们就知道我有router。后来他们到我家里换了一台新Modem,之后就发现共享不了了。



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 不久前有人发贴说North York地区的Rogers不能两台电脑共享,今天终于知道了。
    我用Rogers Cable好几个月了,一直用一台Router将两台电脑共享,什么都没设一点问题也没有。直到不久前天太热,网经常断,就打了电话问Rogers tech support。当时我傻了,告诉了他们我的IP address,所以他们就知道我有router。后来他们到我家里换了一台新Modem,之后就发现共享不了了。


    • I use Terayon and router. No problem ad all
      • I don't know the reason. Just guess maybe it is because they changed my modem type.
        so, if the modem type is not the reason, maybe Rogers has some specific setting in their end which stops me from sharing my computer with others.

        Who knows?
    • 我當時打電話找的理由是﹐我換了一台電腦﹐麻煩他們refresh他們那邊的TABLE。
      • why need to refresh?
        • 他們那邊有個對照表﹐把你機器網卡的MAC地址和IP地址MAP上了﹐如果不釋放這個IP﹐我的ROUTER就沒有辦法得到新的IP。
          • 用rogers不用设置ip吧?我曾经把我的网线拔掉,一会再连上,重起机器后我的ip就变了。我的机器没有设置任何东西。
            • u misunderstood, I didnt config ip in my router. My router wouldn't get ip if the table on their side didn't release it.
    • how did you clone the mac address ? thanks
      • usually this is a built-in feature of the router.
      • Yours is probably different with mine. Just check your router manual, you will find how to set it.
        • Thanks guys above, i thought you did that for NIC card, that's something interesting. can we do that?