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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

experience on the way to Canada. 非常详细!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My experience on the way to Canada

14:00 arrived Beijing airport
found a cart to carry all of my bagadges
bought airport fee
changed a little CAN$(20)

14:40 went in the first gate by showing airport fee ticket to the guard
*** (you can get through this gate more early befor the time they told you)
walked to the right-forward about the end of the inside hall
at B12,B13 counter handed out two large bagadges, they only paied attaintion to
the weight but not the dimesions
got the get-on ticket and was told would took all of bagadges to pass custom an
d turn landing paper into landed paper in Vancouver airport
**** (be sure to have booked seats as early as possible so that you could have c
omfortable travel, the seats in the back of plane is noisy
but perhaps have some empty seats so you could ask the employees on plane if yo
u could take three seats since you have a kid,the handles between seats all could
be pulled up then the seats would be like a little bed.
at least you should book two seats near the windows,you could pull up the handl
e and let LELE lay down on your legs)
the TV above the counter showed that should get on aircraft through Gate 14

went back about 7 meters and then went to the end of the inside hall and then t
urned to right
*** (if you have enough time, you can go back to the bar between onside and insi
de hall to say something to the people see you off)
went about 20 meters or so to get to the custom
showed the officer passport,out of country card,landing paper,get-on ticket,tha
t is all he needed
the officer took the out of country card and stamped on passport, that's all an
d then passed

went forward about 10 meters to the safe-examine gates that every one should pa
ss with the bagadges separated
they were so smart that every metal things such as even a needle in inner suit
to safe money would be dectected and should tell the guards what it is
after told and showed them what were the things in my suit such as an electical
dictionary, key circles and so on caused the alarm bell they accepted me to get

went on according the signs to Gate 14
went ahead by a horizontal elevator to the end
turn to left went ahead by two horizontal elevators to the end(there is a comu
cial center between these elevators where you can buy IC phone card)
**** (be sure you have a IC phone-card in you pocket or you should buy one at l
east RMB $30 to make phonecalls by the IC phone in the waiting room)
15:20 went to righ-forward to the end to get the Gate 14
through the windows of the waiting room could see the aircraft had been there
the corridor conected the plane was signed by big yellow pad had black No. "214

16:13 the first class passengers and passengers with kid(s) first started to get

16:50 started

18:00 dinner

22:30 midnight meal

1:30 breakfast

2:20 was given custom declare card and filled it
**** you'd better prepare a "list of goods to carry" in home, it will help you f
ill declare card and will be useful in next step.It should be as simple as possib

2:35 started to fly down

3:10 arrived
got off and went in Vancouver airport by Gate 75
* (we have the maps of Vancouver airport and Toronto airport in My documents fil
with other passengers,went upstairs and went to the custom hall(you also could
find the picture of this gate which has Indian carving on each side of the hall's

** (since then you would have less chance to talk with any officer in Mandarian,
otherwise you would have to waste time to wait a transfor)
passed the first custom gates to declare you goods, the officer would ask a lit
tle of questions about the declare card you hand in, such as"Do you have some gif
ts above $50?" "No." would be the best answer
***** (don't take care of big bagadges first, go to the immigration office direc
tly, it's on the right of the hall and wait in a long enough line.The early you g
et in the line, the shorter the time will be in waiting.)
????? it was my fool to take big bagadges first on the circle plate No.24 and th
en went to immigration office
it waste lots of time during waiting big bagadges which have no relationship wi
th any officers and waste time on waiting in a longer and longer line.It also was
te my strength)

the officer of immigration asked a little questions such as how many money you
took and so on, asked me sign my name on landing paper and he signed also, then i
t became landed paper
he appended one of these papers on my passport and give me a letter to direct h
ow to apply SIN card and then say good luck to me.

in the other end of the same bid office there is a custom office,every one shou
ld be interviewed by a officer,it's simple just as fill a card accordding your de
clare card and your "list of goods to carry" and so on

went out of the office back to the big hall, there were lots of carts near the
circle plates,no fee was needed.putted all of bagadges on one.kid also could sit
on the carts.

Now in the right forward corner(when you just come in this hall, it is on the l
eft forward corner) is the check-out gate,some custom officers checked what I had
told to former custom officer.They only took my custom card and say"Good luck!"

turned to right and went out the custom hall, in the forward and a little right
,it was the counter CA, I showed them my ticket and them checked the lable on my
big bagadges and then let me throw them on a runing belt.

turned to right, went ahead about 20 meters,I was in the main hall of Vancouver

??????? (when I got Toronto,somebody told me that there are shuttles between dif
ferent terminals. Every passinger could take them and would not be asked to buy a
irport fee ticket and have no need to pass safe-examine again. I don't know.perha
ps you could ask the employee behide of the counter)
went to second floor by a auto-elevator in the other side of this hall.found an
other cart put my bagadges on it.(kids also could sit on it if there is not to ma
ny bagadges.)
under the directions of every employees I could asked,walked a long time and di
stance to get the B12 gate.on the way, I had to buy airport fee and passed safe e
xamine again.
**** If you have to walk as me,be sure to find a cart on the second floor, fo
r it will help you carry bagadge and kid.

get on the next aircraft to fly to Toronto.had another dinner.

23:50 arrived pearson internation airport(Toronto airport) at local time.

followed many passingers to the gate D1,inside it there is the circle plate.nea
rby there are lots of cart locked by a machine, after putting a coin of $1 pulled
out one to use. found and put all my bagadge on it.

went out first door, it was a big waiting hall. there are many coin phone.putte
d a 25cent coin into the left-up corner of the cover,called friends who had been

went out second door,there are two car's run way,the first is for taxi,the seco
nd is for buses and private cars.pulled the cart accross the first car way carefu
lly to the second car way to reach the car of friends
and pulled back the cart to relock it in another lockmathine to get back $1 coi

back to friends home, have a rest on car and eat something before have shower a
nd then went to bed.

The things should carry
(as a consulting)

***********************carry as little as possible things here or they will be t
roubles to us.

****** I have email my landed paper to Sun Zhiye, please carry a copy with you i
ncase the immigration officer ask you.

****** three body thermometers of LELE

****** Don't carry any thick suit that can't be taken off easyly such as my thic
k underwears and LELE's thick cotton suits had mailed here, they have no usage at

**** VCD player(by changing our's into one could use 110V electric,check this b
y it's label)It's about RMB1500 here.

**** some a little thicker decorative textile that could be used to make as cove
r of sofa or as curtain or even as bed sheet, such as some woollen cloth with cor
rect patterns and so on.

*** some little-packeted solid soup which could be boild into soup easyly.

*** you and LELE should have long coats(with caps) that could resist wind and ra
in.Sometimes,it's windy strongly and raining at the same time.

****** a roll ruler has indication of inchs and feet with meters.

*** two or three simple table light using normal roll-in bulbs,to seperate t
hem would help you to carry.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / experience on the way to Canada. 非常详细!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My experience on the way to Canada

    14:00 arrived Beijing airport
    found a cart to carry all of my bagadges
    bought airport fee
    changed a little CAN$(20)

    14:40 went in the first gate by showing airport fee ticket to the guard
    *** (you can get through this gate more early befor the time they told you)
    walked to the right-forward about the end of the inside hall
    at B12,B13 counter handed out two large bagadges, they only paied attaintion to
    the weight but not the dimesions
    got the get-on ticket and was told would took all of bagadges to pass custom an
    d turn landing paper into landed paper in Vancouver airport
    **** (be sure to have booked seats as early as possible so that you could have c
    omfortable travel, the seats in the back of plane is noisy
    but perhaps have some empty seats so you could ask the employees on plane if yo
    u could take three seats since you have a kid,the handles between seats all could
    be pulled up then the seats would be like a little bed.
    at least you should book two seats near the windows,you could pull up the handl
    e and let LELE lay down on your legs)
    the TV above the counter showed that should get on aircraft through Gate 14

    went back about 7 meters and then went to the end of the inside hall and then t
    urned to right
    *** (if you have enough time, you can go back to the bar between onside and insi
    de hall to say something to the people see you off)
    went about 20 meters or so to get to the custom
    showed the officer passport,out of country card,landing paper,get-on ticket,tha
    t is all he needed
    the officer took the out of country card and stamped on passport, that's all an
    d then passed

    went forward about 10 meters to the safe-examine gates that every one should pa
    ss with the bagadges separated
    they were so smart that every metal things such as even a needle in inner suit
    to safe money would be dectected and should tell the guards what it is
    after told and showed them what were the things in my suit such as an electical
    dictionary, key circles and so on caused the alarm bell they accepted me to get

    went on according the signs to Gate 14
    went ahead by a horizontal elevator to the end
    turn to left went ahead by two horizontal elevators to the end(there is a comu
    cial center between these elevators where you can buy IC phone card)
    **** (be sure you have a IC phone-card in you pocket or you should buy one at l
    east RMB $30 to make phonecalls by the IC phone in the waiting room)
    15:20 went to righ-forward to the end to get the Gate 14
    through the windows of the waiting room could see the aircraft had been there
    the corridor conected the plane was signed by big yellow pad had black No. "214

    16:13 the first class passengers and passengers with kid(s) first started to get

    16:50 started

    18:00 dinner

    22:30 midnight meal

    1:30 breakfast

    2:20 was given custom declare card and filled it
    **** you'd better prepare a "list of goods to carry" in home, it will help you f
    ill declare card and will be useful in next step.It should be as simple as possib

    2:35 started to fly down

    3:10 arrived
    got off and went in Vancouver airport by Gate 75
    * (we have the maps of Vancouver airport and Toronto airport in My documents fil
    with other passengers,went upstairs and went to the custom hall(you also could
    find the picture of this gate which has Indian carving on each side of the hall's

    ** (since then you would have less chance to talk with any officer in Mandarian,
    otherwise you would have to waste time to wait a transfor)
    passed the first custom gates to declare you goods, the officer would ask a lit
    tle of questions about the declare card you hand in, such as"Do you have some gif
    ts above $50?" "No." would be the best answer
    ***** (don't take care of big bagadges first, go to the immigration office direc
    tly, it's on the right of the hall and wait in a long enough line.The early you g
    et in the line, the shorter the time will be in waiting.)
    ????? it was my fool to take big bagadges first on the circle plate No.24 and th
    en went to immigration office
    it waste lots of time during waiting big bagadges which have no relationship wi
    th any officers and waste time on waiting in a longer and longer line.It also was
    te my strength)

    the officer of immigration asked a little questions such as how many money you
    took and so on, asked me sign my name on landing paper and he signed also, then i
    t became landed paper
    he appended one of these papers on my passport and give me a letter to direct h
    ow to apply SIN card and then say good luck to me.

    in the other end of the same bid office there is a custom office,every one shou
    ld be interviewed by a officer,it's simple just as fill a card accordding your de
    clare card and your "list of goods to carry" and so on

    went out of the office back to the big hall, there were lots of carts near the
    circle plates,no fee was needed.putted all of bagadges on one.kid also could sit
    on the carts.

    Now in the right forward corner(when you just come in this hall, it is on the l
    eft forward corner) is the check-out gate,some custom officers checked what I had
    told to former custom officer.They only took my custom card and say"Good luck!"

    turned to right and went out the custom hall, in the forward and a little right
    ,it was the counter CA, I showed them my ticket and them checked the lable on my
    big bagadges and then let me throw them on a runing belt.

    turned to right, went ahead about 20 meters,I was in the main hall of Vancouver

    ??????? (when I got Toronto,somebody told me that there are shuttles between dif
    ferent terminals. Every passinger could take them and would not be asked to buy a
    irport fee ticket and have no need to pass safe-examine again. I don't know.perha
    ps you could ask the employee behide of the counter)
    went to second floor by a auto-elevator in the other side of this hall.found an
    other cart put my bagadges on it.(kids also could sit on it if there is not to ma
    ny bagadges.)
    under the directions of every employees I could asked,walked a long time and di
    stance to get the B12 gate.on the way, I had to buy airport fee and passed safe e
    xamine again.
    **** If you have to walk as me,be sure to find a cart on the second floor, fo
    r it will help you carry bagadge and kid.

    get on the next aircraft to fly to Toronto.had another dinner.

    23:50 arrived pearson internation airport(Toronto airport) at local time.

    followed many passingers to the gate D1,inside it there is the circle plate.nea
    rby there are lots of cart locked by a machine, after putting a coin of $1 pulled
    out one to use. found and put all my bagadge on it.

    went out first door, it was a big waiting hall. there are many coin phone.putte
    d a 25cent coin into the left-up corner of the cover,called friends who had been

    went out second door,there are two car's run way,the first is for taxi,the seco
    nd is for buses and private cars.pulled the cart accross the first car way carefu
    lly to the second car way to reach the car of friends
    and pulled back the cart to relock it in another lockmathine to get back $1 coi

    back to friends home, have a rest on car and eat something before have shower a
    nd then went to bed.

    The things should carry
    (as a consulting)

    ***********************carry as little as possible things here or they will be t
    roubles to us.

    ****** I have email my landed paper to Sun Zhiye, please carry a copy with you i
    ncase the immigration officer ask you.

    ****** three body thermometers of LELE

    ****** Don't carry any thick suit that can't be taken off easyly such as my thic
    k underwears and LELE's thick cotton suits had mailed here, they have no usage at

    **** VCD player(by changing our's into one could use 110V electric,check this b
    y it's label)It's about RMB1500 here.

    **** some a little thicker decorative textile that could be used to make as cove
    r of sofa or as curtain or even as bed sheet, such as some woollen cloth with cor
    rect patterns and so on.

    *** some little-packeted solid soup which could be boild into soup easyly.

    *** you and LELE should have long coats(with caps) that could resist wind and ra
    in.Sometimes,it's windy strongly and raining at the same time.

    ****** a roll ruler has indication of inchs and feet with meters.

    *** two or three simple table light using normal roll-in bulbs,to seperate t
    hem would help you to carry.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • many thanks since it's so detail, just want to understand, what did you mean in the following "they were so smart that every metal things such as even a needle in inner suit to safe money would be dectected and should tell the guards what it is "
      I'm very concerning about the money we're carrying.