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初到北美,看脱口秀,常常是别人笑得前仰后合,我却不知他们为何发笑。慢慢的,当了解了更多的文化背景知识后,也渐渐地领会了其中的奥妙, 尽管偶尔也不都知道,但当你去寻问什么你不笑的时候,这便提供了绝好的学习文化的机会。所以我自己觉得,看脱口秀真的一举多得。<br />
Peter Russell:他的中国人和印度人的玩笑,口音学的太惟妙惟肖了
George Carlin:可能算他们的元老级人物。大概相当于我国的侯宝林级人物。
Jerry Seinfeld:不用说,他有电视comedy, 你看到过的。<br />

Joe Wong:我们大陆移民的脱口秀,也说得主流媒体了。David Letterman 和 Ellen show 都作了报道,我觉得他能以移民的生活调笑,加上那原本拘谨,书呆子的样子,加在一起,很好笑!!!

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 看脱口秀,学北美文化。说说喜欢的脱口秀演员
    • All of them are pretty good, but George Carlin is my favorite.
    • 是Russell PeterS....唉。。。
      • 以前电视里面有一个节目(现在有DVD出来)叫做whose Line it is anyway. Colin Mochrie也在里面。
    • Joe Wong 蹩脚的英语和痴傻的模样正符合美国人对中国人的心态,就像个小丑,对我们学英语毫无帮助!
      • this guy is so smart, 崇拜ing
        • He has taken so long time to get a doctor degree but he gave up his career and become a comedian, it is unbelievable, is he crazy ?
          • phd is nothing comparing to his current achievement.
            • He just said he make same money as before!
              • with the same or similar amount of money, now he's able to entertain himself as well as his audience, I'm not sure if he could do the same with his previous career.
      • I had good laughs watching his show and don't see any"蹩脚的英语和痴傻的模样" in this intelligent guy.
        • 北美崔哥比较好, 至少比北美姚姐好。
          • thanks for sharing,will check once home, happy new year of dragon!