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My opinion...

This is the second time I post my experience here. I hope it helps. I used to have a car which acted exactly like your car once. But I was far less brave than you. I turned on the emergency lights and left the car in a righ-turn lane. I had it towed to a dealer's and paid for an inspection. The dealer did not find any thing with the car and did nothing. I dared not drive the car again and sold it soon.

In addition I would like to mention I had the car fully inspected and had the transmission serviced one week before the accident.

My two cents is: Live with it or get rid of it.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 开车右转的时候减速到20Km/hr,转过弯后准备加速,居然一踩油门熄火了!!!怎么回事儿?幸亏当时路上车少,重新点火启动。
    • 手档? 自动档?
      • 自动档。幸亏我知道手动档常出类似的问题,于是马上重新点火走了。
        • 如果是自动档, 最好还是请人查一查. 另外, 怠速时可以观察一下发动机转速是否稳定.
    • You should choose 2 or 3 (lower) gear when you do it ... But I think even you use 4 gear, it should not refire. I beileve your engine is not powerful enough. A good engine can start at 3-speed!
    • 引擎低速时,如果油路不畅,或油嘴堵塞,会造成熄火。建议:1,调整怠速, 2,清洗油嘴(加清洁剂入油箱,加满油,跑一段高速) 如再发生,找DEALER检查。
      • 车盲问题:什么叫调整怠速啊?
      • 怎么调怠速呢?
        • 怠速是指引擎无负荷时的转速,是检验引擎的重要指标,正常时应该均匀稳定。根据引擎不同,怠速指标也不同,修车厂有专门仪器测量,一般冬季要把怠速适当调高,以防频繁熄火,夏季调低。以前老师傅都以耳朵为准,现在都用仪器。
    • 你不是考驾驶执照没过吗?怎么能开车了?无牌行驶?!
      • 嘘.......................
      • 给点掩口费咱就不说了,双龙虾怎么样?
    • 买二手车的朋友注意了, 每辆车都有各自的脾气,即使同牌同型的由于车主开车习惯不同,性能也不同。刚上手时,需要一段磨合期。也可能有小毛病,等你开惯后就顺了,油耗也会降下来。
    • Transmission Problem, go to active green, speedy or canadian tire!
    • 汽车里程过了几万公里后,就应该按手册的建议定期做TUNE UP。旧车应该在每年快进入夏天之前和在进入冬天之前做TUNE UP。虽然花些钱,但是你对车好,车子也会对你好。
    • 谢谢各位的解答。很奇怪的毛病,现在已经好了。开车的不是我,Xixi.
    • My opinion...
      This is the second time I post my experience here. I hope it helps. I used to have a car which acted exactly like your car once. But I was far less brave than you. I turned on the emergency lights and left the car in a righ-turn lane. I had it towed to a dealer's and paid for an inspection. The dealer did not find any thing with the car and did nothing. I dared not drive the car again and sold it soon.

      In addition I would like to mention I had the car fully inspected and had the transmission serviced one week before the accident.

      My two cents is: Live with it or get rid of it.
      • hahaha, Good idea.