A隐隐约约感觉到C和D有很多共同语言,他们同时在祖国的南方城市打拼过,上班的地方是隔壁的楼靠楼,当然这是C和D最近才知道的事。C和D经常两人去喝咖啡,或一起吃中午饭。开会时,C和D通常是一起来,一起去,and sitting next to each other。C和D经常交流iPhone手机的各种功能和花样繁多的applications. A想,这也不是什么坏事,team members应该多交流,多了解,多互相帮助
。。。。直到数周前的一个下午,A去找C谈点事,C不在。一小时后再去找,还失不见人影。当然,D也不在。co-worker说C和D可能去喝咖啡了。A managed to talk to C in 2 hours when they came back. The issue is that this now has become a pattern for several weeks - every Friday afternoon C and D go out for 2 hours. A听说他们经常去附近不同的地方喝咖啡,包括旅馆的一楼。
A -- 作为B的同学--担心B's dear hubby might do more than just coffeeing with D. 各位达人,A是否多虑了?Or what A should do or should not do?
。。。。直到数周前的一个下午,A去找C谈点事,C不在。一小时后再去找,还失不见人影。当然,D也不在。co-worker说C和D可能去喝咖啡了。A managed to talk to C in 2 hours when they came back. The issue is that this now has become a pattern for several weeks - every Friday afternoon C and D go out for 2 hours. A听说他们经常去附近不同的地方喝咖啡,包括旅馆的一楼。
A -- 作为B的同学--担心B's dear hubby might do more than just coffeeing with D. 各位达人,A是否多虑了?Or what A should do or should not do?