一个优秀的男人,已到中年,但相信the best times have yet to come. 有理想,有追求,有热情,希望与志同道合的你,携手并肩,默契配合,共同谱写人生新篇章。
我,44岁,175CM,离婚独居,在多伦多。希望你40岁以下,162CM以上,至少大学本科学历,有修养,不物质(不关心对方年薪多少,有没有HOUSE)- I want someone to be interested in who I am, not what I have (or not have). What I have today may be gone tomorrow. Who I am will stay forever, the anchor of a lasting relationship.
我,44岁,175CM,离婚独居,在多伦多。希望你40岁以下,162CM以上,至少大学本科学历,有修养,不物质(不关心对方年薪多少,有没有HOUSE)- I want someone to be interested in who I am, not what I have (or not have). What I have today may be gone tomorrow. Who I am will stay forever, the anchor of a lasting relationship.