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"Where did feminism go wrong?"-----I have the same question too.......

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Where did feminism go wrong?
September 2nd, 2009 by Pelle Billing

This is a question I often ask myself. How could a movement that originally was fighting to attain the simple goal of civil and legal equality between the sexes, turn into a radical feminist movement that considers all men to be inherently oppressive or even evil?

Sure, there are still many feminists who still belong to “old school” feminism, and they are usually very sane people. The best example is perhaps Christina Hoff-Sommers who has written a couple of excellent books about radical feminism and its unfortunate consequences in the US.

Let’s have a look at the factors that I believe turned feminism into a mess:

1.There was a lack of clarity from the start of the feminist movement. Was it a movement for gender equality, or was it a movement that promoted women’s rights? This is a huge distinction, and the assumption that these two struggles are always compatible is far from true.

2.This lack of clarity is also apparent in the name chosen for the movement. If it had been called equalism, then the end goal would have been clear. However, the name feminism implies that the end goal is female supremacy or something along those lines.

3.By creating a strong feminist movement, men’s issues are automatically defined as being non-existent or at the very least far smaller than female issues (which is something I dispute in my writings). Originally this was less of a problem, since feminism was focusing on equal rights in society, which was an honorable struggle and a process that needed to happen. However, once equal rights had been implemented, feminism still assumed that women were far worse off than men, and more in need of a strong feminist movement than ever–without stepping back and looking at the wider picture, a picture which included men’s perspectives.

4.Men have been far too silent in the gender debate, a silence which has probably been interpreted as men feeling guilty, or at the very least having no good arguments to counter the increased radicalization of feminist theory. This has allowed radical feminists to get more and more government grants and influence, which in turn has given them more resources to come up with ever more radical theories that make men responsible for every conceivable evil. Gender study departments in universities around the world, can now hide behind the respectable façade of higher education and use tax payers’ money to promote the theories of radical feminism.

5.Radical feminism absolves women from personal responsibility in their lives. It’s all the fault of the patriarchy, a mythical structure which means that men always get the good deal in life… This is a seductive stance for young women, especially if a university teacher that you respect tells you that this is how the world works. This means that equity feminism and other branches of old school feminism, that emphasize women’s personal responsibility in creating better lives for themselves, have a harder time gaining new adherents.
There are many more factors of course, but these are some of the key points in my opinion. Feel free to add your own points in the comments.

更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 真的是受不了了...羊毛出在羊身上.有些离婚判决真的让人感到是要杀羊来取羊毛...出了不少这样的事了.因为最后判决结果,男的认为不合理去枪杀法官,去杀母亲...这到底是怎么一会事?女方加孩子看上去又可怜让人同情,不忍指责,男的也在外面辛勤工作,挣钱养家..最后一家全完蛋...
    • "Where did feminism go wrong?"-----I have the same question too.......
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Where did feminism go wrong?
      September 2nd, 2009 by Pelle Billing

      This is a question I often ask myself. How could a movement that originally was fighting to attain the simple goal of civil and legal equality between the sexes, turn into a radical feminist movement that considers all men to be inherently oppressive or even evil?

      Sure, there are still many feminists who still belong to “old school” feminism, and they are usually very sane people. The best example is perhaps Christina Hoff-Sommers who has written a couple of excellent books about radical feminism and its unfortunate consequences in the US.

      Let’s have a look at the factors that I believe turned feminism into a mess:

      1.There was a lack of clarity from the start of the feminist movement. Was it a movement for gender equality, or was it a movement that promoted women’s rights? This is a huge distinction, and the assumption that these two struggles are always compatible is far from true.

      2.This lack of clarity is also apparent in the name chosen for the movement. If it had been called equalism, then the end goal would have been clear. However, the name feminism implies that the end goal is female supremacy or something along those lines.

      3.By creating a strong feminist movement, men’s issues are automatically defined as being non-existent or at the very least far smaller than female issues (which is something I dispute in my writings). Originally this was less of a problem, since feminism was focusing on equal rights in society, which was an honorable struggle and a process that needed to happen. However, once equal rights had been implemented, feminism still assumed that women were far worse off than men, and more in need of a strong feminist movement than ever–without stepping back and looking at the wider picture, a picture which included men’s perspectives.

      4.Men have been far too silent in the gender debate, a silence which has probably been interpreted as men feeling guilty, or at the very least having no good arguments to counter the increased radicalization of feminist theory. This has allowed radical feminists to get more and more government grants and influence, which in turn has given them more resources to come up with ever more radical theories that make men responsible for every conceivable evil. Gender study departments in universities around the world, can now hide behind the respectable façade of higher education and use tax payers’ money to promote the theories of radical feminism.

      5.Radical feminism absolves women from personal responsibility in their lives. It’s all the fault of the patriarchy, a mythical structure which means that men always get the good deal in life… This is a seductive stance for young women, especially if a university teacher that you respect tells you that this is how the world works. This means that equity feminism and other branches of old school feminism, that emphasize women’s personal responsibility in creating better lives for themselves, have a harder time gaining new adherents.
      There are many more factors of course, but these are some of the key points in my opinion. Feel free to add your own points in the comments.

      更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 所以说。。。逼急了,谁都会想办法的。。自己的活不下去了。。
      • 唉....看来需要 COMMEN SENSE REVOLUTION.....
        • 我是绝对认为这里还有很多细节并不是为大众所知道的。否则法官不会这么判的。法官的判决是有根据的。前妻没有向他要配偶抚养费的时候,他不也是不服么?不乐意么?现在无非是找到了一个更好的借口罢了。WSN就是WSN。满嘴给自己找理。
          • 是这么回事。本来用房子买断赡养费,他只需要付孩子的抚养费,是他付得起的并且他还买了新房子,搞不清楚为什么他为什么三次起诉前妻,欺负她没钱请律师?
            • 当年的闫连山也是这样,七百多刀的抚养费按照他的收入来算根本就不是个问题,但是那个自己没有工作的后妻(从中国搬过来的)不平衡了,挑唆他逃,作假,最后他跟他的公司一起倒霉,一个被罚,一个逃回中国
    • 不同意你这说法。照你这么说杀人犯都是社会制度的受害者了
      • 你们想问题总是走极端。兔子到了极端都会咬人的。
        • 那个爹一点也不极端。他就是那被狼逼得没路走的兔子,只好去找第二春去了。
      • 蜜瓜,以前我也是坚定的支持你,支持你反家暴,支持你不被他人人身攻击,这两点以后会继续支持.但不支持把处理极端事例的方法普遍化....一个高度强调人权的社会应该是更细致的对待每一个个案,而不是粗暴的用计算器来一刀切...不同层次的问题用不同层次的方法来处理和对待....
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Trend Towards the Mandatory Mediation of Family Law Disputes in Ontario

        Mediation is one aspect of the larger movement entitled "alternative dispute resolution" or ADR. ADR is a system of dispute resolution in which traditional legal problems are resolved outside the adversarial justice system. Proponents of ADR claim that it remedies the ills of the traditional system, as well as offering benefits that are unique unto itself. Mediation is the primary and most widely offered form of ADR. It is characterized as an informal, voluntary method for disputing parties, with roughly equal bargaining power, to reach their own solution through agreement. Mediation is focused on three main concepts: the neutrality of the mediator, the voluntariness of the process, and equality of bargaining power between the parties.

        For the past decade there has been a trend in Canada towards incorporating mediation into the traditional family justice system. Federally, the trend is marked by legislation, as well as the recent report entitled For the Sake of the Children issued by the Joint Committee on Child Custody and Access. In Ontario, mediation has gained recognition in legislation and through various pilot projects throughout the province. The recent move in Quebec to legislate regarding pre-hearing mandatory mediation in most family disputes signals a new era for ADR, and will likely have a significant impact on the decision in Ontario of whether or not to make mediation mandatory.

        更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 那么你认为,在这个CASE里面, 法官怎么判才算公平?
          • 哈哈....不知道...算不来那些帐...但知道把兔子给逼到去啃第三世界的绿草去了...这个要有专业机构去做RESEARCH,用统计表说话...由于女权组织的存在,调查可能只能用离婚率,适龄不婚,同性恋等等来间接的证明原教旨女权主义对社会和法律系统的影响...凡事过头了,都是物极必反..
            不是有这个类似中国居委会功能的TREND了吗?---The Trend Towards the Mandatory Mediation of Family Law Disputes in Ontario
            • 这点真的不能同意你。这个爹绝对不是个兔子。法官判的绝对没有错,肯定有根据的。他就是没有这配偶抚养费,也还是不愿意的。法官不是瞎判的。
              • 我在想,这个爹一口一个他只乐意支付子女抚养费。那么他现在如果真的在乎孩子们,他不给一分钱养他们?这就是他所谓的乐意支付???不是借口是什么?
            • 那是兔子自己的选择,跟女权主义有什么关系?还女权原教旨主义,简直是胡扯。
              • 记的你说过你是RED NECK,那意思就是说你是保守派,是右右....可你知道吗,女权或维护弱势群体的组织是左左们,右右们是要CUT 对这些组织的FUNDING的....感觉你对西方社会了解的肤浅而又比较的自以为事.....你说话可以我行我素,我也可以吧......
                • WHAT?我说我是RED NECK?come on!!在什么情况下说的?你找出原帖?
                  • 你的发言很多,不好找....但我记的很清楚你说你是RED NECK,可能你也不太理解RED NECK 是什么意思吧.....
                    • 从来没说过。我说过的话不会忘的,而且是这样的话
            • 闫连山10万年薪付7百刀抚养费就要逃到中国去,也是女权主义逼的?切!!!
              • 不了解这个CASE,拿极端的例子来说明整体的情况是有问题的....别人完全可以拿一个相反的极端例子把你的理论给推反...
                • 这个爹要真是兔子,真是在乎孩子,为什么连孩子的抚养费也不给?他不是没有钱,他有很多现金。他是愿意支付任何费用么?他不是口口声声说他同意子女抚养费么?他为什么不给呢?他不同意配偶抚养费可以不给呀,反正也逃了。为什么他同意的子女抚养费也不给呢?
                  • 他就是每个月给100,我都相信他在尽力了。
                • 难道你不是那极端的例子说整体的情况?整体加拿大离婚需要付SUPPORT的男人都逃走了?
                  • 文章很长,我只看了一大半....不过我越来越不喜欢你了....个人觉的把中国大陆文革风气带到民主加拿大的人都应该去别的地方害人去..不管男和女..有木有..听取不同的意见,改进我们的法律系统,让更多民众受益,为什么你就是这样的霸道听不进不同的意见?你哪里有民主的意识?

                    I maintain that "gender bias" is indeed a reality in Canada's courts (as well as in the other common law jurisdictions). Tonight I will attempt to provide some small degree of perspective to this most pressing injustice. There is so much to say and unfortunately, we cannot spend hours upon hours. Let my talk this evening serve as a preliminary introduction.

                    • 你喜欢不喜欢我不重要。我没有民主意识,但是至少你的意见跟我不同的时候,我没有这么说——我越来越不喜欢你了。这就是你的民主意识?我们到底谁是文革风?这一次是你START PERSONAL ATTACK。我没有。
                    • 我一直在就事论事。没有任何超出就事论事范围的贴子。你觉得我哪个贴子缺乏就事论事的精神,请指出。
                      • 那是兔子自己的选择,跟女权主义有什么关系?还女权原教旨主义,简直是胡扯。 -handaimigua(汉代蜜瓜); -------胡扯了些什么?就事论事的态度你就指出来哪说错了,来一句胡扯....很彪悍呀......
                        • 原来是这句啊。这句不是引用的?俺说“女权原教旨主义”是胡扯。如果这词儿是你发明的,俺向你道歉。不过说这个案子跟“女权原教旨主义”有关系就是胡扯。麻烦你解释一下,什么叫“女权原教旨主义”?

                          • 认真回答两个问题:
                            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.第一个问题Fundamental Feminism这个词不是我发明的,是我翻译成“女权原教旨主义",这是一本书,介绍Fundamental Feminism的.

                            In Fundamental Feminism, Judith Grant explores the evolution of feminist theory as well as the state of today's feminist thought. Pointing to the main problems within feminism, Grant calls for a substantial revision of the core concepts responsible for shaping today's feminist theory. Grant identifies and critiques three core concepts in feminist theory--"woman," "experience," and "personal politics"--from their origins in pamphlets and writings in the early women's liberation movement to their current construction in feminist thought. She connects a number of key debates in feminism today to the longstanding influence of these core assumptions. These debates include the hegemony of the white female perspective, the tension between anti-pornography and pro-sex feminists, and the challenges presented by postmodernism. Fundamental Feminism is provocative reading for anyone interested in the future of feminist theory and the power of feminist politics.

                            2.关于RED NECK: 我向你道谦,记错了....我以为你说你是professional trained Red neck ,但其实你是说农民知识分子....

                            要不改个名,叫啥呢。Educated Red Neck? -cancubs(洋葱公主); 2011.12.2 19:03 (#1342500@9) reply more
                            确切地说是,professional trained Red neck -straightforward(直来直去); 2011.12.2 19:04 (#1342502@9) reply more
                            Or professionally trained Red Neck Hick... -thornthorn($oOHoly MolyOo$); 2011.12.2 20:32 (#1342512@9) reply more更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                            • 俺觉得你这个翻译至少是不确切的。”原教旨主义“,在文字上看,应该是跟宗教挂钩的。不觉得女权主义是跟什么宗教挂钩。另外,女权主义与其说是“女”权,不如说是“平”权更确切一些


        • good to know... personally, I'd applaud the advent of mediation legislation as one of the means to deal with the misery and hardship of divorces involving children.
    • 女方太贪婪,不值得同情,她反悔协议就是要报复前夫。
      • 眼神不好。反悔协议的不是她,是她前夫
        • 然后趁机要求赡养费是她吧。他们两个deserve each other。我猜那个逃走的是后来看到房市还可以,后悔给多了,然后那个留下的来个“你不仁别怪我不义”。她完全可以坚持原来的协议不变,不增加赡养费一条。只是可怜了孩子们。
          • 很多时候不是她要坚持就能坚持的。
            • 她自己提出的要“used this as an opportunity to ask a court to grant her spousal support.”没人逼她向法庭提出这个要求。
              • 原来你也明白她只是used this as an opportunity ,而不是她主动SUE前夫。进步很大,再接着领会,说不定能领会更多以前没领会的精神
      • 女方贪婪,男方爱孩子,即使口口声声爱孩子,同意支付子女抚养费,现在一走了之,连子女抚养费也不给了。我才不相信他嘴上说的呢。他就是什么都不想付。怪谁呀?谁也怪不了,怪他自己没人心。
        • 你不能说女方贪婪就等于男方就真的爱孩子。他要是真的爱孩子,就应该设法给那2千多的子女抚养费。即使选择逃走,在菲律宾收入少,也尽量给。他是连子女抚养费和配偶抚养费一起拒付。他们两个人中间,不是如果一个错,另一个就对。
          • He is human,and he is fed up.....
            • 怪了啊,他再FED UP。也可以那么细心的把在加拿大的所有财产都给清理好,自己都带跑了。生怕孩子得一分啊。他是够FED UP的了。他这HUMAN当的够差劲的了。