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Four pillars to resurrect a broken system Subtitle: Legal Report: Family

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When newly appointed Attorney General Chris Bentley set off on his travels around Ontario, hoping to speak to members of the legal community about criminal and civil matters, he found that everyone really wanted to talk about family law. “For many years we hadn’t done much to family law — just little tweaks in the legislation and the process — but everywhere I went the lawyers and judges and people in the community all agreed that something needed to be done.” According to Bentley, the call for reform has been hard sell; loud and persistent. “I heard that the existing approach was ‘very frustrating.’ That’s the nicest way of putting it. Everyone wanted decisions to be made faster with less anger and confrontation and for the system to be one heck of a lot cheaper and less complex.”

A new reform package has now been launched with those goals in mind. Initially kicking off in the Toronto-area Milton and Brampton courts in June, it is hoped the new regime will spread provincewide if found to be successful. The reforms are framed in “four pillars”: information programs and services, triage, alternatives to court, and streamlined court process.

“I’d like to say I came down from the wilderness with the package but really I just listened to what people had to say, then packaged it up into four pillars,” explains Bentley. “We’re essentially doing what we’ve been advised to do by people in the front lines for years. That’s the magic in the approach.” Bentley says you can design anything you like in the boardroom, but if the judges, lawyers, court staff, and community support workers don’t buy in, it won’t work. “You’re really trying to change a culture, and you get them to buy in by listening to people’s good advice.”

In this case, the advice came in the form of a report that was born out of the Home Court Advantage program put together by members of the Ontario Association for Family Mediation, the ADR Institute of Ontario, the Ontario Bar Association, and collaborative practice lawyers. It culminated in a two-day conference last November co-chaired by lawyer Tom Dart, past chairman of the family law section of the OBA. “We had been gathering consensus and making presentations on the need to change our approach to family law,” says Dart. “Then we put together the two-day program, and we had professionals from every area of family law there, from psychologists to Ministry of Attorney General staff.”

Joyce Young, a family mediator and president of the ADR Institute of Ontario, says: “There is consensus in the family law community on the need for change and a consensus on the practical changes that need to be made. We’re attacking the problem where it starts.” There were several meetings with the attorney general during the process. “We are very pleased that the attorney general was willing to entertain us. We wish he had more dollars to put towards the problem but with the resources he has, he is working very hard to put the reforms in place.”

The first pillar focuses on arming participants with information. The cornerstone of the new approach is a mandatory information program for anyone accessing the court — a three-hour program delivered by volunteer lawyers and mental-health workers who are to be paid an honorarium. “Information is power,” says Bentley. “People want information presented in a way they can understand. For too long we have pretended to give information that is framed in shorter sentences but full of the same incomprehensible language, thereby showing how smart we are, and how smart we aren’t.” There will also be a voluntary six-session course, as well as information and lectures available by DVD, video, print, and Internet.

Apart from the straight dissemination of information, Bentley agrees people need to be aware of the potential outcomes of their case. “There needs to be access to legal advice early on. When you first come to court, you should be able to spend a little time with a lawyer. Whether it’s through a legal aid duty counsel, a family law information session, or a dispute resolution officer — a new position in the Superior Court in Milton and Brampton.” Dispute resolution officers have been operating in the superior courts in Toronto for some time. They deal with applications to change existing orders, trying to head off or narrow the issues before those matters come to court.

Bentley laments the lack of access to duty counsel. “When half of the applicants are unrepresented, that’s not a great formula for success.” He is pleased some of the money recently added to Legal Aid Ontario’s coffers is being directed to address that problem.

The other avenue for legal advice is through the second pillar, which Bentley labelled “triage.” Justice participants are “driven to distraction” by the new term and want to change it to “the new approach to first appearances and issue identification.” Bentley explains his medical analogy: “If you walked into a hospital and said, ‘There’s a heart surgeon here, and a brain surgeon here, and an emergency room worker. Good, I’d like to speak to them,’ you would be told politely, ‘You won’t decide who you get to speak to. Someone else will decide who it’s appropriate for you to see.’ The legal system has a lot less restricted access. Cases that don’t need full courtroom time can still get it with virtually no barriers or encouragement to go elsewhere. We need to spend our resources resolving disputes that can be resolved quickly, and those disputes that need the full resources of the court should be able to get it.”

The Milton provincial court has had the triage system in place for a few months. A team of duty counsel and other legal personnel is responsible for the initial intake and identifying issues the parties need help resolving. It is already developing in a different way in Brampton. Bentley is happy for it to be an evolution. “It may play out slightly differently in each jurisdiction.”

From there people will then be referred to services that come under pillar three, such as alternative dispute resolution, mediation, family counselling, and collaborative law. Bentley believes more can be done with these options. “The biggest challenge is that alternative methods are not as readily available as lawyers would like. We are going to make more [government-subsidized] mediation available.”

Young is pleased about the emphasis on ADR. “I believe it serves families in Ontario much better than the court system does. They and their children are much better off and they are better able to co-operate in the future if they have worked co-operatively to work it out.” Young expects her mediation clients who have been through the information and issue identification process to be much better informed about how to resolve disputes from the get-go. “Once parents who are separating understand the legal process better, many families will choose mediation and will come to mediation in a more like-minded way.” Dart hopes this approach will take the pressure off the court system so its services can be reserved for cases that really need a judge. “Most of the issues in family breakdown are socio-economic,” he points out. “The legal issues can be resolved in a much less adversarial way. The vast majority of people are looking for a peaceful way to resolve their disputes.”

The fourth pillar is the streamlining of the court process. “It’s a complex, paper-intensive process at the moment,” notes Bentley. “We’ve started a web-based court forms assistant. It’s an interactive tool where you can fill in family law forms.”

There are now five committees working on the implementation. “The Family [Law] Rules as they stand are a really good model but people who end up in court are often not represented and we can see they’re having a great deal of difficulty knowing when to file and what to file. Our objective is to reduce the amount of paper and streamline the whole process,” says Dart.

Bentley knows Ontario reforms will be watched with interest across the country. “It is absolutely a common theme when it comes to family law. There are the same problems and the same complaints everywhere. We watch what they’re doing and people are watching what we’re doing. ”
更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 大多数人包括老猫,都不懂家庭法。其实家庭法并没有判男方给那么多钱。都是那些WSN在撒慌。这些人即使只给一分钱也会哭穷。家庭法在对待有孩子的家庭的原则是"equalization of living standard".不会让任何一方日子没法过。
    • 如果不想给抚养费,就不要生孩子。那男人自己要生4个,怎么能怪法律呢?12万逃抚养费的男人,只能说明WSN太多。找对象时一定要擦亮眼,免得受骗。
    • 他们理解不了的,都在拿国内的法律考量这边的社会。那个前夫三次起诉前妻,很可能是被后妻鼓动的。我一般不愿意把一个男人的错误推到女人身上,但是生活中不断看到这种事情发生。比如闫连山一开始也是付抚养费的,从后妻过来后,就不断地跟他说“哥哥,



    • 嗯, 有道理。跑到菲律宾的那个男人,付的赡养费,并没有一些人想象的多。据我所知,付给妻子的部分,由妻子交税,他不用交税。也就是说,付给妻子的不是税后的收入,但付给小孩的是。 这里的一些同胞,专门对人不对事,真是领教了。
      • 这次她要不卷进来,我不会说她....不过这也是常识啊,吆喝着去你那玩的人,有CREDIBILITY吗?聪明的就别卷入....公私要分明,国内的人是不是喜欢公私不分? 你带个头,煞煞这股歪风,好不好? -hotmoon(梵高的耳朵)
        • 这就是自扇耳光了,又被我当场抓住.你也要有点耐心,等大家都淡忘了你说的话好不好? 版权所有,未经许可,不许摘抄.你被我抓好几个现场了.....
          • 抓住什么啊?这叫证据,证据有啥版权?好好学习学习吧哈,别一瓶子水不满,半瓶在这里拼命晃荡。我又没引用你的东西去堵别人的嘴。
          • 你自打耳光的事要不要再曝曝光?自说自话搞出个“移民大法官”,居然还用“移民大法官”去嘲笑别人“狂妄”。这都是你这半瓶子醋晃荡出来滴。
            • 在这个问题上,我没有前后矛盾,对不对?到底有没有"IMMIGRATION JUDGE"? 有没有? 你看你,...你是看不到别人谦虚谨慎的良好品德的..因为你就不是这样的人.....你还不让人质疑FAMILY LAW呢...你又懂什么法,又懂什么民主,又懂什么叫尊重?

              • 确实哈,我们人品学识确实不在一个LEVEL 上。你还谦虚?哈哈哈。你要是不跟我对话,我真谢天谢地了。知道一句话不?那就叫——尔曹身与名俱灭,不废江河万古流。
                • 同意你说的。你俩的人品与学识的确不在同一水平。瓜瓜你的水平(如果有的话,人品基本没有)实在太低了。你不说话没有人以为你是哑巴。你苟活与否,地球也都会照常运转。
                  • 太对了,你不说话真没人当你哑巴,你说了话基本上也没人知道你是谁。你的水平?你连低水平都算不上,你根本就没水平~~~
                    • 你说了话也没有人知道你是谁,所谓憨呆迷寡也不过是个高级马甲而已。有何水平!
        • 你和耳朵算是半实名ID,我作为一个蒙面人,希望不要针对个人,应该有事说事。这里大家的一个分歧是,家庭法真的有问题吗?如果有问题,那问题到了什么样的程度?这种讨论才是有价值的。
          • Voices from a Broken Family Justice System: Sharing Consultations Results Press Release - September 2010
            • 谢谢耳朵。看来,你也学了不少。 ttyl.
          • 至少俺目前没看出啥问题。如果说有啥问题,就是执行的话需要跟更多国家达成司法协议
            • 看了耳朵给的链接资料,总结一下,如果有遗漏,请大家补充:

              1, 家庭法系统问题之一,慢,耗时
              2, 家庭法系统问题之二,吸金,有些律师故意操纵,拖延以获利。
              3, 家庭法系统问题之三,共同抚养权(shared parenting)判定对男方不公平。



          • Family court broken, report says
          • Demand changes in family law
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛This week, Sarnia was one of about a dozen cities across the province to celebrate Family Day by holding a green candle light vigil simultaneously with supporters in those other cities, a list that included such places as Chatham, London, Kitchener, Hamilton, Brantford, Ottawa, Windsor, Oshawa, and Niagara.

            The organizers of the vigil said that it was taking place in memory of all the lost, broken and destroyed families across the province that have suffered as a result of a dysfunctional family law system.

            Jim Canie, a founding member of the group Canadians For Family Law Reform (CFFLR) said, “Basically what this is, it's a candle light vigil to bring awareness to the injustices brought on by CAS and the family law system."

            Canie said that the candle light vigil and protest for family law reform came about through their organization’s social media network.

            “Chatham was first to start organizing the event, then Niagara jumped on board, and Sarnia quickly followed suit and did the same,” said Canie.


            Green was chosen as the color for the vigil because, according to folklore, it traditionally represents life and fertility.

            The vigil appeared to have as many as 60 people participating in the event at its peak, but additional support seemed to come from people walking by and asking questions, and from countless drivers honking their horns in support as they passed through the Murphy and London Road intersection.

            Joe Edwards, who was there with his wife and three-year-old daughter, said, “Today is like Remembrance Day for all the families that have suffered and been destroyed because of the broken family law system.”

            He added, “It’s for all the kids who have had their futures robbed, and for relationships between child and parents that have been destroyed.”

            Canie said, when asked about his organization’s success at raising awareness about what he calls a broken family law system, “The news is out and people are talking about us all over the place.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 建议你把你research的整理成个集,比如就叫,all about the changes related to 。。。。 水手老大应该考虑加精。
              • 哈哈...没使命感,没组织,没收益,就是在这看到有人去法庭旁听了几次,就摆出一副拿着鸡毛当翎箭的门房威风的狐假虎威,临时补下课.从来不关心这些的人就两天功夫进步很快吧,比那专职,兼职的好象起点更高....哦,太骄傲了...实在是不好...不好意思.
                • 哈哈,那也比拿着“移民大法官”挂羊头卖狗肉强呀。旁听了几次,毕竟还旁听了,啥也没有的在这里不是叫得更娱乐地拿着网络上的几个跟贴当“民意”吗?
                  • 哦,你究竟还是忍不住.可你连IMMIGRATION JUDGE都不知道呀,我记错了,但我还知道呢. 有一点,你为什么要花这么大的精力和网友在网上磨嘴皮子?你不觉的是我的一个小套套在引诱你吗? 好了,死打烂缠是不好的,尤其是对你这么一个加V的人物.
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我是加拿大人呀,这里的ID们都是加拿大人啊,星报上读者也是加拿大人啊,你有意见吗?你不会狂妄到旁听了几个CASES 就觉的比加拿大的移民大法官还懂法? -hotmoon(梵高的耳朵); 17:11 (202 bytes. #7642448@0) more
                    木有啊,所以俺遵纪守法,你这号称大法官如何让如何的在用民意挑战法律呀。你好矛盾好纠结耶~~ -handaimigua(汉代蜜瓜); 17:16 (140 bytes. #7642456@0) more
                    不好意思,我是旁听过的,可是并没有质疑法官,要求修改法律的,也没有很大方的放弃加拿大国籍抗争的,我们是保皇护法派,绝对听从法律的.不知道你怎么形容那些质疑法律,支持同法律做对的人,这才是比大法官还懂法的人啊. -3662930(aveeno); 17:16 (#7642457@0) reply more
                    移民大法官,难道阁下的法律常识是在国人的移民公司学来的?难怪啊. -3662930(aveeno); 17:18 (#7642460@0) reply more
                    嘿嘿,移民大法官,俺也是第一次听说:DDD -handaimigua(汉代蜜瓜); 17:19 (#7642462@0) reply more
                    我觉的没有什么难堪的,我又不是学法律的,肯定有不准确的地方,可从你们这样的嘲讽中看的出,你们绝不是善良之辈..... -hotmoon(梵高的耳朵); 17:57 (#7642541@0) reply more
                    是啊,你没学法律都敢嘲笑别人”狂妄“,你好善良啊。搞得我还以为你学法律涅。。。 -handaimigua(汉代蜜瓜); 18:11 (#7642581@0) reply more
                    OMG,你是学法律的...?当然有IMMIGRATION JUDGE,不过公民宣誓是的是citizenship judge ,我没记对,特意更正.你们懂法的也没更正我呀,你们也不知道呀. -hotmoon(梵高的耳朵); 19:29 (#7642709@0) reply more更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                    • 忍不住什么呀?是你说的不要交流的,又不是我呀。我为什么花时间,那你呢?我不花点时间你不是太失望了吗?昨天前天我倒是蛮客气的呀,你好像觉得我怕你一样,一个贴接着一个贴,都没人回,多寂寞呀。我学雷锋做好事嘛,谁让我好人涅?


                      • 倒打一耙是你的拿手好戏.同情你,非常同情你,你玩吧,和你说多了,都怕沾了一层国内居委会女大妈的基层习气.....带着你的女将们去战斗吧,将把国女面貌给彻底毁灭的战斗给进行到底.........
                        • 哈哈,你这段STATEMENT,是跟家庭法大法官有关系,还是跟移民大法官有关系?你也很娱乐了~~~~你跟我这居委会大妈都斗了三天了哈,才怕沾染上习气啊?记得你昨天就说我是居委会大妈了呀~~~~您千万保重啊,知道移民大法官的“女精英”。。。
                      • 你也算是好人?我家的狗都笑了
                        • 你家的狗跟你一起笑?很像嘛!!!恭喜你~~~
                          • 理解憨呆迷寡,你从来没有见过狗笑,因为你总是和狗对着吠。
                            • suggestion:不要让仇恨蒙蔽了自己善良的心灵 -e1596080(e1596080)
                              • 憨,呆,迷,寡!
          • Four pillars to resurrect a broken system Subtitle: Legal Report: Family
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When newly appointed Attorney General Chris Bentley set off on his travels around Ontario, hoping to speak to members of the legal community about criminal and civil matters, he found that everyone really wanted to talk about family law. “For many years we hadn’t done much to family law — just little tweaks in the legislation and the process — but everywhere I went the lawyers and judges and people in the community all agreed that something needed to be done.” According to Bentley, the call for reform has been hard sell; loud and persistent. “I heard that the existing approach was ‘very frustrating.’ That’s the nicest way of putting it. Everyone wanted decisions to be made faster with less anger and confrontation and for the system to be one heck of a lot cheaper and less complex.”

            A new reform package has now been launched with those goals in mind. Initially kicking off in the Toronto-area Milton and Brampton courts in June, it is hoped the new regime will spread provincewide if found to be successful. The reforms are framed in “four pillars”: information programs and services, triage, alternatives to court, and streamlined court process.

            “I’d like to say I came down from the wilderness with the package but really I just listened to what people had to say, then packaged it up into four pillars,” explains Bentley. “We’re essentially doing what we’ve been advised to do by people in the front lines for years. That’s the magic in the approach.” Bentley says you can design anything you like in the boardroom, but if the judges, lawyers, court staff, and community support workers don’t buy in, it won’t work. “You’re really trying to change a culture, and you get them to buy in by listening to people’s good advice.”

            In this case, the advice came in the form of a report that was born out of the Home Court Advantage program put together by members of the Ontario Association for Family Mediation, the ADR Institute of Ontario, the Ontario Bar Association, and collaborative practice lawyers. It culminated in a two-day conference last November co-chaired by lawyer Tom Dart, past chairman of the family law section of the OBA. “We had been gathering consensus and making presentations on the need to change our approach to family law,” says Dart. “Then we put together the two-day program, and we had professionals from every area of family law there, from psychologists to Ministry of Attorney General staff.”

            Joyce Young, a family mediator and president of the ADR Institute of Ontario, says: “There is consensus in the family law community on the need for change and a consensus on the practical changes that need to be made. We’re attacking the problem where it starts.” There were several meetings with the attorney general during the process. “We are very pleased that the attorney general was willing to entertain us. We wish he had more dollars to put towards the problem but with the resources he has, he is working very hard to put the reforms in place.”

            The first pillar focuses on arming participants with information. The cornerstone of the new approach is a mandatory information program for anyone accessing the court — a three-hour program delivered by volunteer lawyers and mental-health workers who are to be paid an honorarium. “Information is power,” says Bentley. “People want information presented in a way they can understand. For too long we have pretended to give information that is framed in shorter sentences but full of the same incomprehensible language, thereby showing how smart we are, and how smart we aren’t.” There will also be a voluntary six-session course, as well as information and lectures available by DVD, video, print, and Internet.

            Apart from the straight dissemination of information, Bentley agrees people need to be aware of the potential outcomes of their case. “There needs to be access to legal advice early on. When you first come to court, you should be able to spend a little time with a lawyer. Whether it’s through a legal aid duty counsel, a family law information session, or a dispute resolution officer — a new position in the Superior Court in Milton and Brampton.” Dispute resolution officers have been operating in the superior courts in Toronto for some time. They deal with applications to change existing orders, trying to head off or narrow the issues before those matters come to court.

            Bentley laments the lack of access to duty counsel. “When half of the applicants are unrepresented, that’s not a great formula for success.” He is pleased some of the money recently added to Legal Aid Ontario’s coffers is being directed to address that problem.

            The other avenue for legal advice is through the second pillar, which Bentley labelled “triage.” Justice participants are “driven to distraction” by the new term and want to change it to “the new approach to first appearances and issue identification.” Bentley explains his medical analogy: “If you walked into a hospital and said, ‘There’s a heart surgeon here, and a brain surgeon here, and an emergency room worker. Good, I’d like to speak to them,’ you would be told politely, ‘You won’t decide who you get to speak to. Someone else will decide who it’s appropriate for you to see.’ The legal system has a lot less restricted access. Cases that don’t need full courtroom time can still get it with virtually no barriers or encouragement to go elsewhere. We need to spend our resources resolving disputes that can be resolved quickly, and those disputes that need the full resources of the court should be able to get it.”

            The Milton provincial court has had the triage system in place for a few months. A team of duty counsel and other legal personnel is responsible for the initial intake and identifying issues the parties need help resolving. It is already developing in a different way in Brampton. Bentley is happy for it to be an evolution. “It may play out slightly differently in each jurisdiction.”

            From there people will then be referred to services that come under pillar three, such as alternative dispute resolution, mediation, family counselling, and collaborative law. Bentley believes more can be done with these options. “The biggest challenge is that alternative methods are not as readily available as lawyers would like. We are going to make more [government-subsidized] mediation available.”

            Young is pleased about the emphasis on ADR. “I believe it serves families in Ontario much better than the court system does. They and their children are much better off and they are better able to co-operate in the future if they have worked co-operatively to work it out.” Young expects her mediation clients who have been through the information and issue identification process to be much better informed about how to resolve disputes from the get-go. “Once parents who are separating understand the legal process better, many families will choose mediation and will come to mediation in a more like-minded way.” Dart hopes this approach will take the pressure off the court system so its services can be reserved for cases that really need a judge. “Most of the issues in family breakdown are socio-economic,” he points out. “The legal issues can be resolved in a much less adversarial way. The vast majority of people are looking for a peaceful way to resolve their disputes.”

            The fourth pillar is the streamlining of the court process. “It’s a complex, paper-intensive process at the moment,” notes Bentley. “We’ve started a web-based court forms assistant. It’s an interactive tool where you can fill in family law forms.”

            There are now five committees working on the implementation. “The Family [Law] Rules as they stand are a really good model but people who end up in court are often not represented and we can see they’re having a great deal of difficulty knowing when to file and what to file. Our objective is to reduce the amount of paper and streamline the whole process,” says Dart.

            Bentley knows Ontario reforms will be watched with interest across the country. “It is absolutely a common theme when it comes to family law. There are the same problems and the same complaints everywhere. We watch what they’re doing and people are watching what we’re doing. ”
            更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 声音应该是多元化的,角度也应该是。system是需要change.
    • 这里的有些帖子,宣传加拿大法律对妇女儿童保护这方面知识的时候,有些措辞过于激烈,会让许多人产生你所说的错觉。比如:和LAW挑战会死的很惨,类似这样的话。还有把男人离婚后描述的很悲惨的帖子。
      • 逃到菲律宾去算惨的还是不惨的?
        • 算惨
          • OK。这贴子是老猫转的,不是这里任何人“描述”的。是错觉吗?那么找老猫算账吧!!!
            • 宁波一家公司高管和小三签下天价分手费法院判决协议无效·都市快报