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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛婚姻的专著,令人深思的书也不错。因为国外的读者都是很理性。他们普遍逻辑,现实,有过深厚的CRITICAL THINKING训练。比如,欧美崇拜的偶像里很难出现“小沈阳”那样的人,也不会有“赵本山”那样的粗俗文化。

在流行乐坛,欧美的BRANA,SWIFT都是非常有实力的歌手,即使如此,欧美的听众仍然很挑剔,这些歌手被认为是昙花一现。BEYONCE是个例外,她的实力很强悍,在50年歌坛内可以排名进入前10名。当然,前5名仍然是老牌的WHITENEY HOUSTON,MARIA CARY,ANGILENA,CILIDION等




比如,我最近听一个COBE,KEEPING BLEEDING等歌曲,这些二流,三流的欧美女星的唱歌水平非常高,发音,节奏都是顶尖水平。。即使如此,残酷的竞争和挑剔的审美环境让这些歌手没什么机会出名,生存都是问题。因为欧美是自由竞争环境,高手太多了,






类似中国人看 费正清的晚清历史,,,反驳:费正清说的对吗?他在妖魔化慈禧太后。



中国这种特有的心态,基本上不可能有理性,客观,逻辑的看法。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 这个作者是个老外。她分析了很多女士无法得到婚姻的问题。感觉很精辟啊,女士的心理问题是全球化。不仅仅属于中国女士。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Successful, intelligent women are known to choose bad relationships. Halle Berry is the most popular of the mystic women who can’t seem to keep a good man. Laura Govan, Gilbert Arenas baby mama times four is the latest in doing this. She has a masters degree in psychology. She got pregnant by Gilbert four times without being married. Gilbert left her while pregnant with the fourth child and cut off all of her finances. He is now suing her to keep her off of the VH! show Basketball Wives. Why would a man do something like this to the mother of his kids? A better question is how could such a beautiful, intelligent woman make such a bad choice over and over again with the same bad man?

    Bright, intelligent women share some of the same traits that lead to them making bad choices in men. Here are a list of reasons:

    Naivety- Most intelligent successful women lack all the traits of a gold digger. Unlike the gold digger, her drive for independence makes her not look for the qualities in a man that deem him stable. She does not care if a man makes lots of money or if he is a provider. All she cares about is potential and if she can love him. It’s all about love.

    Supply and demand – Lack of men who are interested in her. Truth be told a lot of men simply do not want to deal with a woman that does not need them. Nor do they want to deal with a woman who is more than likely going to put pressure upon them to become a better man.

    Picky – She is usually picky when it comes to the physical attributes of her mate. She wants a man that she is highly attracted to. Sure the lesser attractive men are interested in her but she desires to not only be adored and lusted but to also adore and lust her mate.

    Assertion – These women tend to be aggressive and assertive (alpha females) They don’t have the passive traits that most men seek. She seeks a man who is more dominant and assertive than she is (alpha male). She is searching for someone to make her feel more like a lady and tame her aggressive nature. This trait attracts men (thugs) who take her assertive nature as a challenge. He will make game of it and attempt to conquer her and make her passive and then afterwards move on.

    Confidence – She is usually highly confident and believes that she can change a man and things will get better. In her eyes, why wouldn’t a man want to be with her? She will voice her dislike of the situation but she continues to attempt to “fix” it, hoping he will come around and change. You see, she is a winner, she can accomplish anything. She will not give up too easily.

    Unselfishness – She likes going nice places and doing things, so she doesn’t mind paying for them. She does not want a man to feel pressured or stressed by attempting to pay for these outings, so she gladly pays for the majority of them. She actually feels bad if a man is spending his last or attempting to do things out of his budget for her.

    She may not truly know what a “real man” is or how it feels to be treated like a lady. Men have not treated her as such. She has not been truly feminized. Dealing with all that she is prone to pick a mate off of good looks, emotions and potential. Potential isn’t a guarantee, good looks are just that, emotions can stray you wrong…. She may do this several times in her life until she meets one that is so horrible that he causes her emotional strain and financial hardship. Not until then will she step back and assess her dating decisions. That is when she will start to think more like a gold digger and look for stability and longevity.

    Now she logically wants a good man and has a new set of high requirements. She will usually find a good man without settling for less than what she wants. She will also prove to be a wonderful mate that truly appreciates her man.

    BUT if she is a black woman seeking a black man – still seeking love, along with this new list of high requirements, she more than likely won’t find what she is looking for due to scarcity. Some form of desperation may set in after a while. This causes her to knowingly settle for the attractive, questionable guy who can’t do much for her as her man. He appears dependable and offers the chance at a long lasting relationship. He is most iikely not a good mate on paper. He is attracted to her because of her position and finances. As long as she keeps her position he will stick around.

    If she does not find a desired mate or chooses not to settle she is now placed in the WHY CAN’T SUCCESSFUL BLACK WOMEN FIND A HUSBAND category.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 为了避免歧视,加一句。男士的问题也是全球化。


    • 挺有道理的。谢谢分享。
      • 其实很多老外看问题很理性。那些点击率超过百万的文章都很让人入迷。哈佛的公开课在YOUTUBE点击率,回帖率非常高。。。但是,理性的文章经常无意中伤害了很多人,呵呵

    • A good analysis with lots of good points, in my view. Just that, I don't understand why the article talks about "a black woman seeking a black man" at the end? Is the author a black?
      • Because she mentioned Halle Berry and Laura Govan at the beginning.
    • 能分享一下作者和文章名字吗?谢谢
      • Kissy Denise, a black lady. "Why do intelligent successful women make bad choices in men"
    • I only can agree portion of comments in this article. Myself and my close girl friends are considered as type A personality ,which is the alpha lady in the article. All of us are married and having a very loving husband
      They are lots of men are attractive to assertive personality. I bet Michelle obama is a typical alpha lady, she has a very happy life.
      • 偶怎么觉得讲师把文章读反了,文章的中心思想是黑人女性太优秀,优秀的黑人男性太少,配不上她们。
        • 讲师一贯的中心思想就是女人要放低身段将就男人,对男人要求不能有,否则就等着过苦日子吧。他当这不知道什么时代的中国农村哪一个旮旯地呢。
          • 婚姻问题:“为什么优秀女士无法得到婚姻”。还有一个类似话题“为什么很多IQ高的人不成功”,也是很精辟的文章。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛婚姻的专著,令人深思的书也不错。因为国外的读者都是很理性。他们普遍逻辑,现实,有过深厚的CRITICAL THINKING训练。比如,欧美崇拜的偶像里很难出现“小沈阳”那样的人,也不会有“赵本山”那样的粗俗文化。

            在流行乐坛,欧美的BRANA,SWIFT都是非常有实力的歌手,即使如此,欧美的听众仍然很挑剔,这些歌手被认为是昙花一现。BEYONCE是个例外,她的实力很强悍,在50年歌坛内可以排名进入前10名。当然,前5名仍然是老牌的WHITENEY HOUSTON,MARIA CARY,ANGILENA,CILIDION等




            比如,我最近听一个COBE,KEEPING BLEEDING等歌曲,这些二流,三流的欧美女星的唱歌水平非常高,发音,节奏都是顶尖水平。。即使如此,残酷的竞争和挑剔的审美环境让这些歌手没什么机会出名,生存都是问题。因为欧美是自由竞争环境,高手太多了,






            类似中国人看 费正清的晚清历史,,,反驳:费正清说的对吗?他在妖魔化慈禧太后。



            中国这种特有的心态,基本上不可能有理性,客观,逻辑的看法。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Lady Gaga如何?贾斯汀又如何?能做到不东拉西扯吗?逻辑
          • 一个人,人穷可以,志短不行。 偶就不明白,若是一个两个女性对某个男性不能欣赏,可能是她们的问题。若是全多伦多的女性,全中国的女性,外加加拿大各种不同族裔都不能认同的男性。男性本身就不该检讨一下吗?整天骂骂咧咧埋怨别人的不是,有意思吗?
      • 我无语。。。。。根本没看懂作者想说什么,,呵呵