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Windows XP --- Where has the disk space gone?

I installed Window XP on a separate partition, say, drive C, with a space size of almost 3 GB. I have tried to install all the programs or save files on the other drives. However, I found that I quickly ran out of free disk space on Drive C. When I was installing some program ( on a drive other than C, of course), what usually happen was that the C drive would have some 1/3 or even half of the program size of disk space taken off. Even if no program was installed, the free space of Drive C still kept coming down. I also found that the "documents and settings" folder is growing especially fast. I often got the "low disk space" alert. How can I solve this?

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  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / Windows XP --- Where has the disk space gone?
    I installed Window XP on a separate partition, say, drive C, with a space size of almost 3 GB. I have tried to install all the programs or save files on the other drives. However, I found that I quickly ran out of free disk space on Drive C. When I was installing some program ( on a drive other than C, of course), what usually happen was that the C drive would have some 1/3 or even half of the program size of disk space taken off. Even if no program was installed, the free space of Drive C still kept coming down. I also found that the "documents and settings" folder is growing especially fast. I often got the "low disk space" alert. How can I solve this?
    • XP安装完了就将近2GB,加上虚拟内存500MB以上。它的系统自动备份也非常占地方,取消方法:My computer 右键,属性,system restore,选中Turn of System Restore on all drives。
      另外IE的cache文件都在"documents and settings" 里面,调整cache的大小。
      • Thank you very much! By doing this, more than 400 MB of space was realeased. For me, the System Restore function is hardly useful.
        • 同样在我的电脑,属性,Advanced->Performance->Settings->Advanced->Virtual memory->Change你可以把虚拟内存的交换文件放在其他分区,这样还可以获得多的空间。
          • I set it as 'system managed size'. How is it?
            • 如果你不熟悉就用系统设定的吧,这样比较省事。
              • OK. Thanks a lot! You've been very helpful.
                • 不谢不谢