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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Can be used year round or seasoned?
2. Can be accessed from main road? Public or private,who maintains it. Many cottage roads are owned privately by local road associations. Find out who maintains it, when, and what the annual cost will be.Will the lane be maintained year-round? Your mortgage lender and insurer will charge you more if not. Check HOA fees and amenities
3. Is Hydro available?
4. Land Ownership?
5. Water source? Municipal supply, lake, or well; drilled, bored, or dug well; communal or private well. For waterlines from the lake, what about the treatment system. Also, check the condition of the pump and intake lines. Replacing a broken pump might set you back about $500, but having to drill a new well costs about $10,000.
6. What is municipal zoning laws and if there are other local issues such as First Nations land claims, mining issues, wind turbines plans? Are there any current or possible First Nations land claims issues? Will you own the mineral rights (not just the surface rights) to the land? Who owns the surrounding treed areas? (It could be Crown land or leased to a forestry company.) Get your lawyer to investigate these issues and decide how much potential for disruption you’re willing to live with.
7. What is the sun exposure?
8. Is there written instructions - explaining how all the building's systems (septic, water pump, heating, and electricity) work.
9. Water quality? Mortgage provider will likely require a potability test (which checks for bacteria like E. coli), available free from the local health unit. Once you decide it’s the cottage for you, get a thorough chemical analysis done ($100 and up at a private lab) to test for contaminants such as nitrates from farm runoff, metals such as lead, and sulphate. If it’s drinkable, what about the water’s smell, taste, and colour?
10. Water levels? Ask how the water levels change from year to year, and seasonally. Will fluctuations affect boating, swimming, and even building (e.g., a new dock)? Is it a feeding lake
11. Shoreline? Who owns it (there may be a 66′ shoreline allowance owned by the municipality), and who has access (check if there are deeded rights of way)? Can you alter it? (If it’s considered fish habitat, you’ll have difficulty getting a permit to make changes.)
12. Waste disposal? Cottage sewage systems can include outhouses, composting toilets, septic systems, or holding tanks that must be pumped. Is there room to upgrade the system? Check the age (more than 20 years is likely in the danger zone) and condition (e.g., is the lawn over the system wet or unusually lush? Both are bad signs).
13. Roads? Cottage culture Is there a cottage association, and is it active, cranky, or dormant? Is the lake one big booze cruise or so quiet your kids will boycott it? The association (or your realtor) should be able to inform you about the community and whether powerboats, ATVs, PWCs, and snowmobiles are welcome or not.
14. Emergency services? Is 911 service available? What’s the response time? Can emergency services even reach your property? What medical facilities are available and how far from the cottage?
15. Building approvals? Planning to build a new deck, dock, boathouse or, heck, a whole new cottage? You’ll need a permit. Depending on the project and which level of government jurisdiction it falls under, your plans may not be allowed. Also, ask how long approval takes.
16. Privacy? have to decide how much privacy you would like to have at your cottage. How close do you want your neighbours to be? Do you want to be on a crowded, busy lake, or a quiet one with only a few cottages?
17. Lake? The size of the lake often dictates the kinds of activities that can take place there. A small lake means there will be less boating and fewer motorized boats. Medium lakes tend to be fishing lakes. And a large lake will mean you could do almost any activity.
18. Surroundings? Be mindful of what is around any prospective cottage. For instance, it may not be desirable to have a hydro tower nearby if you are concerned about the electromagnetic field, but if you plan to rent the cottage out and the towers are not spoiling the view, your renters may not mind the tower for the short period of time they are there. A cottage surrounded by Crown land will have more privacy and fewer neighbours.
19. View? An elevated setting will afford a better view, but will mean stairs down to the water (kids don’t mind the climbing; older cottagers will). Also, most people want to see sunsets, so a cottage should be situated to allow that更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 买cottage自住有什么注意事项?
    • 不能让小三知道
      • 说反了吧?
        • 对,好像是反了。应该是赶快和小三说,咱们有好地方可去了。
      • 对,瞒着小三,让小四知道就行了
    • 要注意的事情太多了。先确定是year round还是season use cottage,其次是Accessibility,要看有没有ROAD access,路是Public还是private,谁来维护。LAND有没有easement和right of way,有无河流,有无hiking trail穿过,trail是关闭的,还是open的。
      Survey+ zoning(你的land和周围的land),
      房屋及其他建筑物(如boat house,guest house)有无building permit,有无occupancy permit,
      水井water quality and quantity是否符合标准(local health department)。化粪池的condition,permit。
      Garbage and snow plowing - 谁来管?township or owners?
      如果是waterfront cottage - shoreline road allowance。
      可不可以使用motorized boat,可否fishing?

    • 找个agent,看上一圈,确定价位和大致情况,告诉agent帮你盯着。我家总共用了两年(夏天的周末基本上都泡进去了)找到了理想的cottage。过程frustrating,结果很满意。不过新一轮的辛苦才刚开始,不够handy又不愿请人维护的买cottage一定要慎重。
      • 每个周末泡有意思吗?
    • 买的时候高兴,卖的时候高兴。
      • 这说明开始和结局都很好.
    • 千万别买leased land. 一定要free hold. 常年去一个地方多boring?
    • 享受买的过程,.....自住,更多时候太寂寞...大部分国人喜欢热闹....
      • 辟出一间麻雀馆就热闹了
        • 你出油钱? 时间上也耽误不起....几个老经纪都有这类物业,现在都是"鸡肋"...挂出去看的人都没有...
          • 国移的生活方式不同而已。有假期肯定想到处走走,不愿蹲一个地方拍蚊子。退休更是想国内,南边住半年。这种cottage一两年顶多租住一两周,又不贵。买来升值希望更不大,花钱买来不用实在没必要。
    • 老猫,你让白住,政府工,郭姐之流情以何堪
    • 没啥意思,每年租上一个星期足够,还可以换不同地方。除非想买了出租。
    • 景观最重要,保值, 如果买到岛上一定买船.
    • 要买就买能四处活动的,B-class RV 和 boat.
      • 老到处跑,也会累的。对可以WORK FROM HOME的人来说还是有点意思的。整个夏天都可以在水边,每天都有无敌风景,一边干点活挣钱,一边看着孩子们嘻戏,多惬意啊。。。我挺向往的:),也曾有过这念头
        • 你去买,我来租
          • 好,说定了:)老乡。。。居然和我同一年来的加拿大
    • 无污水管,需要自挖化粪池
    • 我的老板说他买了cottage 后发现突然多了很多朋友
    • 一定要买有特色的。否则自己都不爱去。
    • 别太远吧,5月到10月底每月得过去两次打理,远了油钱受不了。另外最好能避免hwy400的交通,每周都堵死比较难过,比如走东北方向。
    • 买cottage的一般有几种,有大量休假时间的,比如教师,整个夏天就住cottage, 退休的,家里很多亲戚朋友share的。投资的有,比较少。看看你是不是属于这些人。。。否则,买个cottage一年去两周,完全是个浪费。
    • 今天忙,才看到这么多有用的建议,太感谢了!花了几分钟总结了一下:
      • 你想的太多了,就跟娶媳妇儿一样,第一眼看上去,喜欢的不得了就行了,那时候就顾不上啥麻脸龅牙啥的小毛病了。 这度假屋也是一定要过去一看特别喜欢那个环境,那个景色,别的都能改进的。
    • 借贴问一下,有没有亲戚朋友一起合买cottage的?这种地方不是每星期都要去的,利用率不大,所以只有家里人多的一起share,买才有意义。但是和朋友合买,可能会有不少矛盾吧?那有和朋友买在一块地方的么?请有经验的share一下经验。
    • 还有一个问题,买了cottage了以后再卖掉,其增值部分和亏本的部分,在报税时如何计算?增值部分要交的税和投资房一样么?
    • 我也研究过,发现少齐同志说得很正确,造船不如买船,买船不如租船。不过太正确了就没有改进余地了,没有改进余地那就只能打倒。。。