LZ can only get half of the primary house. Other investment house are not covered by family law. By the way, divorce is not the resolution to this kind of issues. LZ can do a better job to help resolve or improve.
read it carefully "以爱的名义伤害,我不想把任何一个给他。他要孩子english,french 和 chinese 都要好。他妈要孩子上名牌大学。我女儿只是一个普通淘气的孩子。该他们地给压迫成生麽样". and
"不能容忍他在孩子面前和我吵架。用简单粗暴的方式对待孩子". I can not see she "为了贪图几栋房子要闹离婚"
are you silly? LZ wants to divorce to protect her self and her two children, that is her motivation. if she succeed, she has right to split the property with her "husband'. this is her right.
she is stupid to give up the right which the Constitution gives her.
ok, so LZ should announce that she gives up any joint property with her "husband" to get divorced. is that all right?