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如果用别的Router, 我以前在这看到一篇文章,转贴如下:

How do I configure the router to work with MSN Messenger?
Here is all the info we have on MSN Messenger:
MSN Messenger

NOTE: Shut off any personal firewall programs such as BlackIce, ZoneAlarm, etc.

Ports 6891-6900 enable File send,
Port 6901 is for voice communications

Allows Voice, PC to Phone, Messages, and Full File transfer capabilities.

IN TCP 6891 - 6900
IN TCP 1863
IN UDP 1863
IN UDP 5190
IN UDP 6901
IN TCP 6901

Try setting 6891,6900, and 6901 as triggers. Then set the public ports to 1863,5190-6901. If that does not work, set the incoming ports to 1-64535 (note: this opens a WIDE range of ports) and add in 5190 and 1863 as triggers. You can also try putting your machine in the DMZ (go into Misc. Items). Make sure that you have upgraded the firmware as well.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 我在ROUTER后上网,不能用MSN,请问该如何调试才能用MSN。
    • 我也遇到类似的问题,无法语音通讯,可能是因为router用的是动态的IP吧。 哪位高人可以给指点一下吧,多谢了!!
    • answer

      如果用别的Router, 我以前在这看到一篇文章,转贴如下:

      How do I configure the router to work with MSN Messenger?
      Here is all the info we have on MSN Messenger:
      MSN Messenger

      NOTE: Shut off any personal firewall programs such as BlackIce, ZoneAlarm, etc.

      Ports 6891-6900 enable File send,
      Port 6901 is for voice communications

      Allows Voice, PC to Phone, Messages, and Full File transfer capabilities.

      IN TCP 6891 - 6900
      IN TCP 1863
      IN UDP 1863
      IN UDP 5190
      IN UDP 6901
      IN TCP 6901

      Try setting 6891,6900, and 6901 as triggers. Then set the public ports to 1863,5190-6901. If that does not work, set the incoming ports to 1-64535 (note: this opens a WIDE range of ports) and add in 5190 and 1863 as triggers. You can also try putting your machine in the DMZ (go into Misc. Items). Make sure that you have upgraded the firmware as well.
      • 可是不知您老的这些IN TCP 6891 - 6900 IN TCP 1863 IN UDP 1863 IN UDP 5190 IN UDP 6901 IN TCP 6901 命令在哪里敲啊?
        • 在Router上设置,各种Router设置的方法都不一样,只好看说明书了.
      • 什么东东可PC-PHONE到中国啊
        • 现在没看到免费的,付费的又不如直接用电话方便了.