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911 and Mr.Wang: my opion

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I don't think anything wrong when Mr.Wang calling 911.

Because if Esso can call 911 for "Non emergency" issue, why Mr.Wang can't call them second time.

Mr.Wang have enough reason calling police to handle a unfinished police related case, and this is what happened, I don't think we should argue about this issue.

It is just because Esso is big company?, and Mr.Wang is individual.

Don't forget we are the biggest contributor to police's salary, we pay tax, including Mr.Wang. Your dollar is inside that police's paystub every month, it might be only 2 cents, but our dollar is there,

Police should work people, because we are paying them to protect us.
including 911. So please don't argue with 911 issue.

Brothers and sisters, we all know it is not easy living canada as new immigrat from our homeland, we know nobody here, our family is far away.

Say even Mr.Wang maybe should not call 911, what he can do if you were him at that time that situation?
is this the focus of this case?, NO, not at all.

The focus on this case is : one of our homeland brother discriminated badly by a big company - Esso and mistreated by police. he is double damaged and exhausted.

It is time for us to help him!,

Please go to : http://www.rolia.net/forum/forum_listSingleThread.php?tno=98434

and sign your name follow the "email signature" thread.

Thank you very much.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 听在加油站有不幸遭遇的那位朋友说911的态度很差,电话里往往及其不耐烦,如果是这样的话,可真让人气愤,跟911打过交道的朋友共享一下你的经历好不好?
    • 我打过两次感觉态度不错,第一次是我车晚上停在plaza里过夜被拖走,早上我找不到车就打了911,那个女士非常耐心的给我解释车拖到哪里去了,我都有点儿嫌她罗索了。另一次是别人发生车祸我打911叫警车和救护车。
    • 911是为紧急情况服务的,他打911本来就是错的,911没有不理他就已经很不错了。
      • 那该打什么电话?
        • 110
        • 如果你是问在多伦多非紧急情况报警应打什么电话,看这个 URL
          • gotcha...thx
      • 911 and Mr.Wang: my opion
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I don't think anything wrong when Mr.Wang calling 911.

        Because if Esso can call 911 for "Non emergency" issue, why Mr.Wang can't call them second time.

        Mr.Wang have enough reason calling police to handle a unfinished police related case, and this is what happened, I don't think we should argue about this issue.

        It is just because Esso is big company?, and Mr.Wang is individual.

        Don't forget we are the biggest contributor to police's salary, we pay tax, including Mr.Wang. Your dollar is inside that police's paystub every month, it might be only 2 cents, but our dollar is there,

        Police should work people, because we are paying them to protect us.
        including 911. So please don't argue with 911 issue.

        Brothers and sisters, we all know it is not easy living canada as new immigrat from our homeland, we know nobody here, our family is far away.

        Say even Mr.Wang maybe should not call 911, what he can do if you were him at that time that situation?
        is this the focus of this case?, NO, not at all.

        The focus on this case is : one of our homeland brother discriminated badly by a big company - Esso and mistreated by police. he is double damaged and exhausted.

        It is time for us to help him!,

        Please go to : http://www.rolia.net/forum/forum_listSingleThread.php?tno=98434

        and sign your name follow the "email signature" thread.

        Thank you very much.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Last time I called 911 to report the robery, the reaction is quite fast. Less than ten minutes. Several police cars arrived. Maybe it depends on how serious the case is.
      • what is the robery?
    • 这种情况应该查yellow page 上的号码,不应打911