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we had similar experiences with a white guy. here is what i think you should do:

1. write to the inspector, demand compensation and state clearly the reason/proof. make it clear to him that if there is no resolution within two weeks, you will sue.
2. complain to the oahi - ontario association of home inspectors - if he is a member. this will take 1 or 2 months and it may not work.
3. sue at the small claims court - choose the court where the inspector runs his business. you need to present all evidences to support your claim. remember to put everything in writing and take photos. you can list the agents as witnesses. as long as both/any of the agent testify that the process took only 20 minutes, you will win.
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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 我所遇到的骗子验屋师
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛来加拿大几年,千辛万苦,总算攒足了头笔款,想买一个梦寐以求的属于自己的房子,房子千挑万挑,总算选中一幢,布局,位置还算满意,价格虽贵了点,还是咬着后槽牙牵了约,剩下的就是请验屋师了,我留了个心眼儿,回绝了买房代理人给我推荐的验屋师,在网上找到一位经常发表文章的大陆籍验屋师,满心希望他能代表我好好地用专业知识检查一下我买的房。讲好价是200加元,那天一早,他和我及买卖双方的代理人,准时来到了房屋,他随身带了一个小梯子和其他一些工具,开始验房,另我不快的事开始了,卖方代理是个老外,就坐在门外,让我们随便,可买方代理是个中国人,他却不同,极为热情地和验房师打照呼,又递名片又猛聊,还说要给他多介绍些客户,那验房师也很兴奋的样子,跟代理人称兄道弟的,大有相见恨晚的样子,20分钟后,他说验完了,房屋完好,除一些微小的问题外没什么大问题,总体评价属于中等偏上,于是我就在有关买房文件上签了字。
    现在才明白,找验屋师很重要,我找的验屋师我相信业务水平上没问题,他在中文网上常发表有关验屋的文章,很有条理和水平,但关健在于人的品德,他急于与卖房代理人拉上关系,好让代理人多介绍客户给他,他毫不犹豫地出卖了我的利益,使我付出惨重代价,如果我下次买房,我绝对不找中国大陆来的验房师,我并不是有歧见,我也是大陆人,但这些大陆的验房师大都刚干不久,经济基础较弱,把挣钱看得太重了,欲望太重,不择手段,已经顾不上良心了,我会宁肯多花钱找一个外国验房师。买房必竞对每个人来说都太重要了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • thanks. it is very usful. In my view, white has more responsbility.
    • 你是什么时候请他验楼的?你重新翻查一下他给你的验房纪录,特别是现在出了问题的地方,他当初的评定是什么,如果你确认他没有检查出问题,或者故意隐瞒以促成交易,一年之内你可以告他,我不太肯定是否一年,但是肯定有上告的说法。
    • 同情ing,公布你的验屋师的名字、电话、网名等资料,以防再有人上当受骗。
    • 公布他的名字,让大家都不找他,如何?
    • 公布他的名字,电话,少让后来人再上当
    • My inspector gave me a heavy file which covers every area of the house, from foundation to roof, from electrical to plumbing. It took him 3hours to finish the inspection. It cost us $330+tax, by the way.
      • 看来,我真的是幸运。
        • 你的房价.参考ING
    • 这个验房师太过分了. "看房时,房东把总开关关上了",那他是怎么验的上水和下水?楼上流氓兔说得对,你仔细看一下验房报告,如果他有地方漏验或故意隐瞒实情,你应该可以告他.具体步骤你可以问一下你的AGENT或买房时的律师
    • 我的验屋师带着我楼上楼下转,不断用手电筒向我指点他检验的重点部位,告诉我现在检查什么,买房后如何保养。我把整个验屋过程录了像,留做以后的学习材料。
      • good, you are smart
    • 叫你公布电话,姓名, 你又不肯. 这不是一竿子把大陆的验屋师全打死了吗?
      • 好象是这么回事. 以前有人发个贴子说汗龙保险是骗子, 不好. 结果这个网上有大量它的客户. 所以大家都很关心. 但真的问他出了啥问题时,他就不想了. 最后这帖子好象也诽谤被删了. 因为他只将人家不好, 有不说为啥不好.
    • I regret that you are victimized by your inspector. But I have to say that you are responsible for this mistake too. Did you do YOUR home work before the inspection? This is the biggest expendisure you intended to make!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Any old house may have some kind of problems. You should have done your own research on how to find out those hidden problems by yourself. There are tons of books in public libraries that will help you to gain first hand, basic knowledge on home inspection. You will learn how to check structrual problems, roof, water systems, electrical system, basement insulation, doors, windows, floor, appliances, etc. Did you yourself open a water tap or flush a toilet at the inspection?

      As an inspector, he should assume the home buyer has no knowledge about home inspection, and be responsible for his client and his own professional conduct. In your case, he is totally wrong. Not only should he point out all potential problems, but also give you a fair estimate of repairment costs so that you can further bargain down the price if you decide that you still want it.

      Was that a rental housing before? It is typical in rental housing.

      Just my opinion. Nothing insulting. And thanks for sharing with us. Please make this inspector famous by releasing his name.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 同意这种中立和客观的论点,
    • 建议有根有椐公布你利益被侵害的过程,也有的放矢的只针对你的验屋师,不然所有的大陆验屋师都跟着背恶名,这样不公平。
    • 知道医生有个医生协会管着,验方师有没有什么协会可以投诉啊?不过20分钟时太快了点,我以前的验房师验了差不多3个小时,他好像把每个电插座都验了一遍。
    • thanks for sharing
    • 很同情你的遭遇, 不知道这个验屋师是不是在安省注册的, 如果是, 你可以到当地的SMALL CLAIM COURT 提出诉讼, 保留好所有的维修单据和事情记录, 要求延屋师承担这些费用, 因为是他的失职导致, 我相信你是可以打赢的. 试试看吧.
      • we had similar experiences with a white guy. here is what i think you should do:
        1. write to the inspector, demand compensation and state clearly the reason/proof. make it clear to him that if there is no resolution within two weeks, you will sue.
        2. complain to the oahi - ontario association of home inspectors - if he is a member. this will take 1 or 2 months and it may not work.
        3. sue at the small claims court - choose the court where the inspector runs his business. you need to present all evidences to support your claim. remember to put everything in writing and take photos. you can list the agents as witnesses. as long as both/any of the agent testify that the process took only 20 minutes, you will win.
    • 太恐怖了!试试这里?
      • 怎么联系你?
    • 有次W5说了一个发生在的VANCOUVER的真实的故事
      有个老外(中学老师)买了一个房子. 住进去后发现地下室漏水漏电. 电线已经腐烂不堪.花了一万元搞定. (不搞定,没法住) 然后那老外就说,他没有这笔预算,付不起这个装修的钱,要宣布破产, 同时将验屋师告了.

      验屋师同意自己的工作有疏漏,但是只愿意退回验屋费. 那顾客坚决不同意.最后的判决是验屋师赔偿所有的装修费用.


      • support
    • 这都是小菜。还记得BC前几年发现很多房子漏水的事吗?我认识一个土生土长洋人他最后自己花了3.5万加币改造房子。验屋师,开发商法人代表,政府部门都没事。(开发商公司倒闭)
      • BC还发生过有人用已经卖掉的房子骗银行贷款的事(和中国的一样)。怀疑加拿大是发达国家.
        • WHY
          • 我CAO,到处发贴子,也不公布那家伙的名字。
            • unfair to all ! 相信如果换了white, 你不会把所有的white一棍子打死
    • 很同情你,但中立地说,我觉得你说得有些夸张了,
    • Sounds like an unbelievable story,
      Sounds like an unbelievable story, I do not think home inspector come from mainland will act as you describe, on the contrary, they will try their best to do a good job since they want to establish their business. I do not think they will behave as bad as you said, simple, business dignity is the most important thing for them. If you can not speak out his name, it proves either two of following point: you made up this story; or your house had some hidden problem unable to be inspected by apperance. Or your inspector told you your furnace was too old , you simply ignored him.