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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


新款Nexus7 16G,原价249,用以下方法最低到124

1. 注册shop.ca http://t.cn/8k4GLxZ,满100抵25;

2. 注册ebates.ca http://t.cn/8k4GLxw,新注册得10块,购买后获20%rebate;

3. 登录ebates.ca后找shop.ca,或直接 http://t.cn/8k4GWGm,找nexus7并加入购物车;

4. 申请使用25块 (1里面提到的满100抵25);

5. 使用折扣码shopebates,立减10块;

6. 用paypal付款,确认checkout时有"SpecialofferwillapplyanddisplayonPayPalreceipt",就可再立减25.(没有找客服要)注意,这个paypal要求是11/03以前注册的用户。而且现在paypal有节日-5%活动,要先signup,之后随便买点啥,第二笔开始才-5%。

7. shop.ca里标了买nexus7有bonus20,但有ends 11/26,再但是,可以试试厚脸皮电话邮件去申请,几率很高的说;

总价:249-25-10-25-5%=179-10(ebates新客户)-20%(ebates rebate)-20(shop.ca的bonus)=114.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

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    • up
      • 没有。
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                  • yes.
            • just bought one iPad Air 16G on line @Staples
              • I ordered one $499 at future shop and reserve for 24 hrs at store. Tomorrow will be $10 less, will ask match up at pick up.
                • target,算上gift card,ipad air税后省160刀。
                  • 七点钟已经all gone 了
                    • 根本买不到的. 8点钟过去逛了下, 只剩64G了, 还要排队.
                      • 你8点去当然晚了。
                  • how is $160 saving? it's $100 giftcard.
                    • 今天标价500 : save 20+tax, 用target的red debit/credit card, save 5%.flier第一页满75送15 gift card.ipad 再送100刀gift card.规矩太复杂,cashier算晕了,最后charge我是522刀,给我115刀gift card. 其实省了180。 算对的话应该是差不多save 160:)
                      • good deal.
                      • 几点钟去排的队?
                • I received exclusive coupon code of $40 off for any online or in store purchase over $400 from Staples, So I bot from staples and cancel the future shop one. Now the price of 16G is $460 + tax. good deal.
                  • apple.ca $75 giftcard
                    • 楼上target那个要拼体力的, Apple这个75的真不觉得怎么样, 519 加税, 587 刀付出去, 拿回75刀卡, 还不如staples直接付520刀.
    • 借帖请教一下,Nexus 10 如何?
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        • 这些店
          新款Nexus7 16G,原价249,用以下方法最低到124

          1. 注册shop.ca http://t.cn/8k4GLxZ,满100抵25;

          2. 注册ebates.ca http://t.cn/8k4GLxw,新注册得10块,购买后获20%rebate;

          3. 登录ebates.ca后找shop.ca,或直接 http://t.cn/8k4GWGm,找nexus7并加入购物车;

          4. 申请使用25块 (1里面提到的满100抵25);

          5. 使用折扣码shopebates,立减10块;

          6. 用paypal付款,确认checkout时有"SpecialofferwillapplyanddisplayonPayPalreceipt",就可再立减25.(没有找客服要)注意,这个paypal要求是11/03以前注册的用户。而且现在paypal有节日-5%活动,要先signup,之后随便买点啥,第二笔开始才-5%。

          7. shop.ca里标了买nexus7有bonus20,但有ends 11/26,再但是,可以试试厚脸皮电话邮件去申请,几率很高的说;

          总价:249-25-10-25-5%=179-10(ebates新客户)-20%(ebates rebate)-20(shop.ca的bonus)=114.

      • Not working that way! You have pay more and get some reward for late use.
        • and if you use the link provided above he will get $25! If more people join in, he will get free stuff.
    • 败了这个 ASUS MeMO Pad FHD 10