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RBC Wonderland 票大家自己可以买!详情:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Frequently Asked Questions
RBC Family & Friends Day at Canada's Wonderland

Saturday May 3rd, 2014

Please visit www.canadaswonderland.com/rbc2014 to purchase your Canada's Wonderland Tickets. Click here to view flyer.

1. Is RBC Family & Friends Day on Saturday, May 3rd only for RBC employees and their families/friends?

Yes. RBC employees may invite families and friends to attend Wonderland on this day. It is a closed Park Day and only individuals invited by RBC employees may attend. The Park officially opens to the public on May 4th.

2. What are the Park operating hours on May 3rd?

The Park front gate is open at 9:30 a.m.; Park operating hours is from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. on this day.

3. Are tickets sold at Canada’s Wonderland on Saturday, May 3rd?

Yes. Tickets may be purchased at the door for a price of $40.99 plus applicable taxes.

4. How do I purchase tickets?

Tickets are only available online, visit www.canadaswonderland.com/rbc2014 . Have your credit card handy and a printer available to download and print your tickets right away.

Please note: Children who are the age of 2 and under are free. Children 3 and over must have a valid ticket. There is also a $5.99 processing fee per order for all online transactions.

5. Can I upgrade my RBC Family & Friends Day ticket to a Season Pass?

Season Passes are not valid on RBC Day, however, with the purchase of an RBC Day Ticket, you will receive an exclusive upgrade price of $41.99 to a 2014 Season Pass on RBC Day. See website for updates.

6. What are the “All You Can Eat” Meal Tickets and must these be purchased in advance too?

Meal Tickets are $11.99 plus tax per person (all ages) and consist of vegetarian/regular hotdogs & hamburgers, fried chicken, macaroni & cheese, coleslaw, tossed salad and cold pasta salad, hot & cold beverages. at one sitting (12:30 - 1:30 p.m.) in a designated area. Refer to map on Canada’s Wonderland site for exact location and time limitations of BBQ. Note: Meal tickets are only available online and valid on May 3rd.

7. What happens if it rains on May 3rd? Do we get a refund?

If the temperature, as reported by Environment Canada in Vaughan, does not reach 10 degrees Celsius before 4:00 pm with two hours of continuous precipitation, each park guest (three years of age and older) at 4:00 pm, will receive one complimentary admission which can be used on any one operating day in 2014 on or before June 30th.

8. Are arrangements being made to accommodate employees who work on Saturday, May 3rd?

For employees who cannot attend on May 3rd due to their work schedule, an “alternate date” has been arranged on May 4th. If you should require tickets for this day, kindly contact Lindsay Zikovitz 905-832-7498. Please note Wonderland is open to the public on this day.

9. Can I use my Season Pass on RBC Family and Friends Day?

Season Passes are not valid on RBC Day, however, with the purchase of an RBC Day Ticket, you will receive an exclusive upgrade price of $41.99 to a 2014 Season Pass on RBC Day. See website for updates.

10. Where can I find additional information?

Additional information can be found at www.canadaswonderland.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / RBC Wonderland 票大家自己可以买!详情:
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Frequently Asked Questions
    RBC Family & Friends Day at Canada's Wonderland

    Saturday May 3rd, 2014

    Please visit www.canadaswonderland.com/rbc2014 to purchase your Canada's Wonderland Tickets. Click here to view flyer.

    1. Is RBC Family & Friends Day on Saturday, May 3rd only for RBC employees and their families/friends?

    Yes. RBC employees may invite families and friends to attend Wonderland on this day. It is a closed Park Day and only individuals invited by RBC employees may attend. The Park officially opens to the public on May 4th.

    2. What are the Park operating hours on May 3rd?

    The Park front gate is open at 9:30 a.m.; Park operating hours is from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. on this day.

    3. Are tickets sold at Canada’s Wonderland on Saturday, May 3rd?

    Yes. Tickets may be purchased at the door for a price of $40.99 plus applicable taxes.

    4. How do I purchase tickets?

    Tickets are only available online, visit www.canadaswonderland.com/rbc2014 . Have your credit card handy and a printer available to download and print your tickets right away.

    Please note: Children who are the age of 2 and under are free. Children 3 and over must have a valid ticket. There is also a $5.99 processing fee per order for all online transactions.

    5. Can I upgrade my RBC Family & Friends Day ticket to a Season Pass?

    Season Passes are not valid on RBC Day, however, with the purchase of an RBC Day Ticket, you will receive an exclusive upgrade price of $41.99 to a 2014 Season Pass on RBC Day. See website for updates.

    6. What are the “All You Can Eat” Meal Tickets and must these be purchased in advance too?

    Meal Tickets are $11.99 plus tax per person (all ages) and consist of vegetarian/regular hotdogs & hamburgers, fried chicken, macaroni & cheese, coleslaw, tossed salad and cold pasta salad, hot & cold beverages. at one sitting (12:30 - 1:30 p.m.) in a designated area. Refer to map on Canada’s Wonderland site for exact location and time limitations of BBQ. Note: Meal tickets are only available online and valid on May 3rd.

    7. What happens if it rains on May 3rd? Do we get a refund?

    If the temperature, as reported by Environment Canada in Vaughan, does not reach 10 degrees Celsius before 4:00 pm with two hours of continuous precipitation, each park guest (three years of age and older) at 4:00 pm, will receive one complimentary admission which can be used on any one operating day in 2014 on or before June 30th.

    8. Are arrangements being made to accommodate employees who work on Saturday, May 3rd?

    For employees who cannot attend on May 3rd due to their work schedule, an “alternate date” has been arranged on May 4th. If you should require tickets for this day, kindly contact Lindsay Zikovitz 905-832-7498. Please note Wonderland is open to the public on this day.

    9. Can I use my Season Pass on RBC Family and Friends Day?

    Season Passes are not valid on RBC Day, however, with the purchase of an RBC Day Ticket, you will receive an exclusive upgrade price of $41.99 to a 2014 Season Pass on RBC Day. See website for updates.

    10. Where can I find additional information?

    Additional information can be found at www.canadaswonderland.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 还没想到买不买,不过海豚妈无私的为网友服务的精神一定要赞一下,大谢!
    • 谢谢分享阿,今年不知道RBC还有没有marinland的票阿
      • BMO的价钱每年都比RBC的好,还是跟bmo 买比较划算。
        • 请问这个票必须网上买吗?能不能去门口买?还有这个deal有截止日期吗?最晚什么时候还可以买呢?
    • 小声提醒一下,把 Link 里的 rbc 换成 bmo 也可以哈 ^_^ 注意日期不一样,价钱少两刀,嘻嘻
      • what date of BMO? thanks.
        • 4.26
      • 谢谢海豚妈的分享。还有个问题是关于parking的,我想当天升级成season pass,并且还想买40元的停车pass, 不知该如何操作?是先买一张当天的停车票,到时候升级停车pass时可以只付差价么,还是要40元?网上先买了停车的pass 那天也不能用,是吧?有谁知道么,多谢了。
        • 你确定有这个parking pass 么?我好像没有找到啊。是不是跟动物园的弄混了。
          • 没搞错,点buy season pass 就可以看到这个parking pass 了。
            • ok, i got it!
        • 升级的时候付差价
          • parking 也可以补差价就太好了。多谢。
      • 太有才了!!!牛人啊。虽然bmo更早了一个礼拜,但是如果想升级到season pass, 就无所谓了。那个恐龙的park 要另外买票,请问好玩儿不?
        • 不知道呀,这次打算也一起买了,去看看。
        • 我觉得不好玩,不过第一次好奇可以去看看,一次足矣
    • 太好了。谢谢海豚妈妈!只是我这个菜鸟还有个问题:成人的season pass是实名制带相片的吗?我想有时候是我带儿子去,有时候换他爸爸带去,不知买一个season pass行不行?
      • season pass上没有实名制带相片,但进门扫描卡时,电脑上会出现大幅相片。2张卡,必须的。
        • 说的很对. 不过你可以把parking pass的holder 记到宝宝的名下, 这样谁带宝宝去,parking pass 都可以用的.
    • 问了 Wonderland,无论RBC还是BMO,当天升级Season Pass,只要加 $41.99 + 税,Single day parking ticket那天是可以用的,也可以升级成Parking Pass,补差价就行,$40 -13.27 = $26.73,再加税。欧耶!
    • 及时,正准备去看看,谢谢了。
    • 问一下妈妈们,这个RBC的票买了后当天升级成季票, 那我 parking 直接在网上买 40 刀的 season pass 就行呗 ?
      • Up
    • 请问最后升级成SEASON PASS是多少钱啊?谁再贴贴那个LINK?贴子里面的没用呢。谢谢!
      • 24+42=66
    • 多谢分享!请问这个适合2岁以下的孩子去吗?
      • 不适合。里边只有几个项目是给小小孩玩的,性价比不高。
        • 多谢!
    • 适合5岁孩子玩的多吗?谢谢!!
      • 不适合。应该至少要7/8岁的才好。
      • 我们每年都买年卡,3岁就开始了,很开心,不确定的话不如先带孩子去一次,再考虑要不要买年卡
    • 感谢海豚妈妈SHARE INFORMATION, 票买了, 但周六真的有SHOWER。怎么办?
      • shower怕啥,上周六我们还去了呢
        • 大部分是在外面的, 冒着雨玩吗?