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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

每天都要学习进步哦, 看看Jack Dorsey的 "Do" List

1. Stay present: don’t focus on the past or the future
2. Be vulnerable: show people your mistakes and fears so that they can relate
3. Drink only lemon water and red wine
4. Six sets of 20 squats and push-ups every day, run for 3 miles, meditate on this list, stand up straight, spend 10 minutes with a heavy bag
做120个蹲起和俯卧撑, 跑步3英里, 冥思, 直立, 背重包10分钟
5. Say hello to everyone
6. Get 7 hours of sleep
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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 每天都要学习进步哦, 看看Jack Dorsey的 "Do" List
    1. Stay present: don’t focus on the past or the future
    2. Be vulnerable: show people your mistakes and fears so that they can relate
    3. Drink only lemon water and red wine
    4. Six sets of 20 squats and push-ups every day, run for 3 miles, meditate on this list, stand up straight, spend 10 minutes with a heavy bag
    做120个蹲起和俯卧撑, 跑步3英里, 冥思, 直立, 背重包10分钟
    5. Say hello to everyone
    6. Get 7 hours of sleep
    • 这应该算原地踏步吧。。。
      • 也许对你是原地踏步, 可对俺就是飞跃啦! 就那每天跑步3英里就够俺一呛, 更别说还要俯卧撑和蹲起了, 简直要俺命呀!
        • 这些上手不难。坚持是难事。不过有时间就做,还是可以做到的。我也好多天没跑了。昨天带 BIKES 和娃去公园。好么,我的车带没气了。娃骑车,我就跑步,半个多小时很快就过去了。
          • 每年春天俺就定计划怎样加强身体锻炼, 可一到冬天俺就懒了, 所有计划全部歇菜了, 春天俺就又开始计划, 所以看到那些身材很Fit 的人俺就知道他/她一定是个有毅力的人!
            • 那天坐在走廊的长凳上,来来回回过去很多 PROFESSIONALS,有一个女的,50,60 了吧?那小身板儿,叫一个精神。所以啊,女 ID 门,要有精神头,还得锻炼啊。
        • 所以我说是原地踏步啊。人到中年以后能原地踏步就很好了。
    • D4 不错。
    • Here's his "don'ts":
      •Don't avoid eye contact

      •Don't be late

      •Don't set expectations and not meet them

      •Don't eat sugar

      Create a Daily "Do and Don't" List for Better Behavior. (FW)
      • 不吃糖, 这个说得很对! 糖是健康杀手, 中年以后切忌吃糖!
    • 我每天谁9个小时
    • #4 mission impossible for me ~~