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You may self diagnose....

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛

At 4 Months:
•Follow and react to bright colors, movement, and objects?
•Turn toward sounds?
•Show interest in watching people’s faces?
•Smile back when you smile?

At 6 Months:
•Relate to you with real joy?
•Smile often while playing with you?
•Coo or babble when happy?
•Cry when unhappy?

At 9 Months:
•Smile and laugh while looking at you?
•Exchange back-and-forth smiles, loving faces, and other expressions with you?
•Exchange back-and-forth sounds with you?
•Exchange back-and-forth gestures with you, such as giving, taking, and reaching?

At 12 Months:
•Use a few gestures, one after another, to get needs met, like giving, showing, reaching, waving, and pointing?
•Play peek-a-boo, patty cake, or other social games?
•Make sounds, like “ma,” “ba,” “na,” “da,” and “ga?”
•Turn to the person speaking when his/her name is called?

At 15 Months:
•Exchange with you many back-and-forth smiles, sounds, and gestures in a row?
•Use pointing or other “showing” gestures to draw attention to something of interest?
•Use different sounds to get needs met and draw attention to something of interest?
•Use and understand at least three words, such as “mama,” “dada,” “bottle,” or bye-bye?

At 18 Months:
•Use lots of gestures with words to get needs met, like pointing or taking you by the hand and saying, “want juice”?
•Use at least four different consonants in babbling or words, such as m, n, p, b, t, and d?
•Use and understand at least 10 words?
•Show that he or she knows the names of familiar people or body parts by pointing to or looking at them when they are named?
•Do simple pretend play, like feeding a doll or stuffed animal, and attracting your attention by looking up at you?

At 24 Months:
•Do pretend play with you with more than one action, like feeding the doll and then putting the doll to sleep?
•Use and understand at least 50 words?
•Use at least two words together (without imitating or repeating) and in a way that makes sense, like “want juice”?
•Enjoy being next to children of the same age and show interest in playing with them, perhaps giving a toy to another child?
•Look for familiar objects out of sight when asked?

At 36 Months:
•Enjoy pretending to play different characters with you or talking for dolls or action figures?
•Enjoy playing with children of the same age, perhaps showing and telling another child about a favorite toy?
•Use thoughts and actions together in speech and in play in a way that makes sense, like “sleepy, go take nap” and “baby hungry, feed bottle”?
•Answer “what,” “where,” and “who” questions easily?
•Talk about interests and feelings about the past and the future?

ZT更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 我要是成长在今天一定被诊断为autism

    • You weren't even born in 1964.
    • autism spectrum :DDDDD
    • You are 'artistic'? LOL
    • what happen after 64?
      • 就习惯了。
    • You may self diagnose....
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛

      At 4 Months:
      •Follow and react to bright colors, movement, and objects?
      •Turn toward sounds?
      •Show interest in watching people’s faces?
      •Smile back when you smile?

      At 6 Months:
      •Relate to you with real joy?
      •Smile often while playing with you?
      •Coo or babble when happy?
      •Cry when unhappy?

      At 9 Months:
      •Smile and laugh while looking at you?
      •Exchange back-and-forth smiles, loving faces, and other expressions with you?
      •Exchange back-and-forth sounds with you?
      •Exchange back-and-forth gestures with you, such as giving, taking, and reaching?

      At 12 Months:
      •Use a few gestures, one after another, to get needs met, like giving, showing, reaching, waving, and pointing?
      •Play peek-a-boo, patty cake, or other social games?
      •Make sounds, like “ma,” “ba,” “na,” “da,” and “ga?”
      •Turn to the person speaking when his/her name is called?

      At 15 Months:
      •Exchange with you many back-and-forth smiles, sounds, and gestures in a row?
      •Use pointing or other “showing” gestures to draw attention to something of interest?
      •Use different sounds to get needs met and draw attention to something of interest?
      •Use and understand at least three words, such as “mama,” “dada,” “bottle,” or bye-bye?

      At 18 Months:
      •Use lots of gestures with words to get needs met, like pointing or taking you by the hand and saying, “want juice”?
      •Use at least four different consonants in babbling or words, such as m, n, p, b, t, and d?
      •Use and understand at least 10 words?
      •Show that he or she knows the names of familiar people or body parts by pointing to or looking at them when they are named?
      •Do simple pretend play, like feeding a doll or stuffed animal, and attracting your attention by looking up at you?

      At 24 Months:
      •Do pretend play with you with more than one action, like feeding the doll and then putting the doll to sleep?
      •Use and understand at least 50 words?
      •Use at least two words together (without imitating or repeating) and in a way that makes sense, like “want juice”?
      •Enjoy being next to children of the same age and show interest in playing with them, perhaps giving a toy to another child?
      •Look for familiar objects out of sight when asked?

      At 36 Months:
      •Enjoy pretending to play different characters with you or talking for dolls or action figures?
      •Enjoy playing with children of the same age, perhaps showing and telling another child about a favorite toy?
      •Use thoughts and actions together in speech and in play in a way that makes sense, like “sleepy, go take nap” and “baby hungry, feed bottle”?
      •Answer “what,” “where,” and “who” questions easily?
      •Talk about interests and feelings about the past and the future?

      ZT更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 显然,你对AUTISM的定义并不清楚。自闭症最大的一个特点就是:在公开场合,对自己的行为不能控制,比如在公开场合,突然走向陌生人,摸人家的脸,或者拥抱人家;或者对陌生人发出不太有体统的问话。你只是内向,和自闭症没有半毛钱关系。
      • V8
      • 我想冒充自闭症,不知道会被发现吗?
        • 可以,到公众场合,对着女青年,摸人家的脸。然后警察叔叔出现,然后法庭要精神病医生出证明,让你原形毕露。哈哈。
          • 这都被你猜中。。。真失败啊。。。
            • 去你的。LOL。
    • 比我还过分那。。。不过这些性格都是天生的。。。不管你的表象如何变化,那些永远埋藏在你的内心最深处。。。
    • 64的药效很大呀~~~
      • 哈哈。
    • 这是孤独症吧?不过老婆也追到了,工作也不错,老板逢人就夸你,啥也没耽误。
      • 这啥症都不是。一定要给自己定义一个症,才正宗?
    • 家有autism孩子的话是痛苦的事情,应避免拿这说事
      • 非常痛苦,是父母一生的痛。我在自闭症机构做过义工。
      • You are right...
        • that's ok and you are welcome ~~~~
          • 毫无原则~!!!
      • 见过那些孩子,对于家长来说,世上没有比之更痛苦的,而且是一辈子。一直在想能够做些什么。
    • 阿斯伯格综合症,跟我儿子一样(没有占便宜的意思)。学习不错,爱独处,说话不看人的眼睛,一个人下棋可以下一天。5岁就确诊了,家长花了很多功夫帮他交朋友,提高社交能力。
      • 有没有难以自拔的偏好,兴趣,习惯,饮食。。。?
    • 你这是青春期玩深沉,人人都得过这样的毛病,病程长短轻重不一。
      后来外面的世界太精彩,就顾不上装1 3 了 。
    • 关于家长是不是该痛苦:接受现实,转负为正,是不是自己不用纠结,孩子因此享有更积极的家庭环境?