我认为呢:儿子在场的情况下,儿媳帮一把手是可以的。比如 Set up 好洗澡间, 准备好水、毛巾、拖鞋、香皂等。。但关键的步骤一定要回避:儿媳无论如何不能看到公公naked。即使以孝顺的名义,也万万不行。。家里没别人,但亲戚朋友同学同事总有吧?叫一个男的来帮忙啊。
You are very lucky. Not all parents-in-law are nice. Some of them never gave out anything even 1 cent to their daughter-in-law or even for their son's wedding, but they
always consider their son and daughter-in-law as a bank machine, and never stop withdrawal of money even when their son's small family was in difficult time.